It was Lin Fan's turn to speak again.

Lin Fan directly pushed out 2 million and said.

"I'll raise 2 million."

"I'll follow you with 2 million."

Gundam also pushed out 2 million chips.

At the same time, he calmly replaced the A in his hand with a hook.

It was just his little move, how could it be hidden from Lin Fan, a powerful man.

Lin Fan saw all his moves.

However, Lin Fan did not expose him immediately, or Lin Fan did not want to expose him at all.

The reason is very simple, because the loser is destined to be Gundam.

He took out a Huazi and lit it, and then threw out 3 million chips.

Then it was Gundam's turn to speak.

Gundam thought that he had three hooks to eat Lin Fan, so he also threw out 3 million like Lin Fan, and then pushed out 2 million.

"Sir, I advise you to stop when you are satisfied. I might as well tell you that my cards are very big."

Gundam said provocatively.

"Oh, my cards seem to be pretty good, but I don't know if they can beat yours. But who knows until the end!?"

"I'll give you 5 million."

Lin Fan glanced at Gaoda and said lightly.

At the same time, he threw out 5 million chips again.

"This gentleman is really courageous, but your chips seem to be running out."

Gaoda said while pushing out 5 million chips again.

"You don't need to worry about this. I lack everything except money."

"I'll continue to give you 5 million."

Since then, there were only 1.9 million chips left in front of Lin Fan.

Gaoda saw Lin Fan so arrogant, and he changed his mind immediately when he saw that Lin Fan had no money and was about to open his cards.

He said while pushing out 5 million chips again.

"Sir, your chips seem to be not enough."


Lin Fan took a puff of cigarette and smiled and asked back.

The next moment, as Lin Fan's voice fell.

Two Jinyiwei pushed a cart over, and on it were 100 million chips.

These chips were exactly what Lin Fan exchanged with the copied green coins.

Jinyiwei put a cart of 100 million chips on the table in front of Lin Fan.

Seeing this scene, Gaoda narrowed his eyes.

He thought that since someone was willing to give him money, why not do it.

Lin Fan pushed 1/10 of the 100 million chips to the middle of the table and said.

"10 million."

"10 million with you."

"20 million."

"20 million with you."

"Wow, these two people are so rich, and they are both very handsome. Yazi, do you think I have a chance?"

Dabolang asked excitedly.

But Yazi ignored him, and looked at Lin Fan with curious eyes, not knowing why Lin Fan was here, even though he had told him that there might be international mercenaries here.

"Yazi, Yazi, what's wrong with you? Did you hear me?"

Dabolai saw that Yazi didn't respond, so he gently pushed Yazi and asked.

"It's okay."

After coming to his senses, Yazi replied.

"Do you think I have a chance? They are both so handsome, especially the one who came later, but he seems to have a female companion."

Dabolai said.

"Don't even think about it. The one in the jacket is a professional con man named Gundam. Wherever he goes, there will be trouble."

"What about the other one?"

Dabolai asked.

"His name is Lin Fan. He is the top brother of our police force. He may appear here for the international mercenaries."

Yazi said softly.

"Really? How can he be the top brother of the police force at such a young age? And how can he be so rich as a policeman? That's more than 100 million."

Dabolai said in disbelief.

"I don't know about this!"

Yazi didn't know much about Lin Fan's situation, so he shook his head and said.

After one round, Lin Fan only had 50 million chips left out of the 100 million chips in front of him.

And Gundam only had 30 million chips left.

Lin Fan also noticed this situation.

The next moment, Lin Fan smiled and said.

"It seems that your chips are not enough now. Do you want to open the cards?"

"Hmph, don't worry about it."

Gundam said.

At the same time, he thought to himself, "Is my three hooks afraid of you?" .

"Then let's continue."

Lin Fan said.

The next moment, Lin Fan pushed out all the 50 million chips in front of him at once.

Seeing that Lin Fan pushed out more than 50 million chips at once, and his chips were only more than 30 million, which was not enough at all.

Gundam frowned.

After hesitating for a while, Gundam called the waiter."Sir, what can I do for you?"

The waiter asked respectfully.

"Here is a check for 200 million. Please help me exchange it for chips."

Golden took out a check for 200 million and said.

In addition, there was a reason for Gundam's hesitation just now. The reason was very simple, because this was all his wealth.

The chips were delivered soon after.

Seeing this, Lin Fan waved to the Jinyiwei next to him.

Soon after, the Jinyiwei also pushed two carts of chips, exactly 200 million.

Seeing this, the other three people who were still waiting for the next round immediately stood up and walked aside.

Because they knew that this kind of gambling game was no longer something they could participate in.

"Boss, those two people are really rich. It seems that we can have a good harvest today."

One of the McDonalds who were also looking at this side said.

"What's that? All the people here today are big shots from Xiangjiang, and none of them don't have hundreds of millions of assets."

"McDonald said."

"Okay, it's almost time. We should enter the high seas in half an hour. The good show tonight should also start. You all go back and prepare."

McDonald said again.

"Yes, Boss."

The card game continues.

Gundam, who got the chips, saw that Lin Fan also had 200 million chips delivered, and said after thinking for a while.

"It's meaningless to go on like this. You have 200 million chips, and I have 200 million chips. Why don't we compare who has the bigger cards?"

"That won't work. You only have more than 230 million in front of you, and I add the more than 50 million just now, that's 250 million. This is unfair. More than 20 million is not a small amount."

Lin Fan took a sip of Huazi and said.

"Okay, you're right, I did get the advantage. So, I have a property in Xiangjiang Causeway Bay worth more than 20 million. What do you think about adding him?"


Lin Fan said, extinguishing his cigarette.

"Then let's open the cards."

Gundam said.

The next moment, the two stood up at the same time, and then showed their cards at the same time.

Gundam showed his three-grooved cards.

But before he could be happy, he saw Lin Fan's cards.

Lin Fan's cards were exactly three A's.

As for why Lin Fan had three A's.

The reason is very simple. Don't forget that Lin Fan has a space ring. Through the space ring, Lin Fan had successfully exchanged his pair of Q's for a pair of A's. With his previous A, his cards became three A's.

"Impossible, how could this be?"

"How could your cards be three A's? I don't believe it. I want to check the cards."

Gundam stared at Lin Fan and said.

You have to know that there are only four A's in a deck of cards, and one of them is in his hand, but he just replaced it with a hook.

That means there are only three A's left in the deck, and he doesn't believe it's so coincidental that the remaining three A's will all be dealt to Lin Fan.

There is no such coincidence in the world, so Gaoda doesn't believe it, and he wants to check the cards.

"As the brother of the gambling god Gao Jin, can't you afford to lose?"

Lin Fan asked.

"This has nothing to do with whether I am the brother of the gambling god. I suspect you are cheating, so I have to check the cards. You don't dare, do you?!"

Gangda said.

"Haha, it's not certain who is cheating! Did you forget the A you replaced?"

Lin Fan reminded with a smile.

The reminded Gaoda also reacted.

Yes, once the cards are checked, the fact that he is cheating will also be exposed.

But before he can regret it, he hears Lin Fan speak.

"Since someone suspected me of cheating, I agree to check the cards to prove my innocence."


"What do you mean by you?"

"How come you asked me to check the cards? Now you don't dare to do it anymore. Are you afraid that your cheating will be exposed?"

Lin Fan said sarcastically.

"What do I have to be afraid of? I'll check it. Anyway, I'm not the only one cheating. At worst, if we both cheat, this round won't count."

Gundam said stubbornly.

Soon, with the consent of the two, the dealer began to check the cards.

As the dealer moved, the cards were neatly arranged on the gambling table.

Seeing the result, Gundam was stunned! .

"How could this happen?"

He said in disbelief.

After the dealer checked, there was a missing spade ace in the deck of cards just used, and an extra heart hook was found. The heart hook happened to be in Gundam's bottom card. It was obvious that Gundam was cheating.

Patting Gundam on the shoulder, Lin Fan spoke.

"lookHave you arrived yet? It's obvious that you are the one who cheated, and I didn't cheat, so I won. Remember to transfer your property worth more than 20 million to my name. "

"Haha, I just need a place to live, thank you."

Lin Fan said with a smile in a tone that was so annoying that he couldn't bear it.

"Hmph, I'll accept the loss. Don't worry, I won't default on my debt."

Gundam's mouth was twisted with anger, and he left after leaving a word.

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