Looking at the drunk Lin Fan, the woman slowly began to take off her clothes, and soon a white body appeared in the palace.

The next moment, the woman lay on the bed with Lin Fan, and the curtain fell. Soon the curtain shook, and some strange sounds came from the curtain.

The cock crowed at dawn, and the time came to the next morning. Lin Fan, who was refreshed, sat up from the bed and stretched subconsciously.

But soon he found something wrong, and turned his head mechanically to look over. The next moment, Lin Fan was startled.

"Miss Long, why are you here?"

Lin Fan asked.

"Who is Miss Long? Does she look like me?"

Princess Xixia, who had woken up long ago and looked at Lin Fan with a pair of big eyes, asked.

"You are not Miss Long, then who are you, are you Wang Yuyan?"

"Who is Wang Yuyan, I am not Wang Yuyan, does Wang Yuyan look like me?"

Princess Xixia asked again.

"Fuck, you're not Wang Yuyan either? Then who are you?"


Lin Fan's brain was working like crazy, and suddenly he seemed to remember something.

"Are you the Princess of Xixia?"

As for why Lin Fan had such a guess, this was a guess made by many netizens in his previous life when they were watching Tianlong Babu. Lin Fan still remembered that the author analyzed it this way at the time.

First of all, Li Qiushui was the Queen Mother of Xixia, so the Princess of Xixia was the granddaughter of Li Qiushui, Madam Wang was one of Li Qiushui's daughters, and Wang Yuyan was also Li Qiushui's granddaughter. The jade statue in the cave and the little sister of Li Qiushui painted by Wuyazi were only different from Li Qiushui by a mole and a dimple.

Duan Yu was shocked when he first saw Madam Wang. He felt that Madam Wang and the jade statue in the cave were exactly the same, except for the age difference, and Wang Yuyan looked exactly like the jade statue in the cave.

What does this mean? This means that Li Qiushui's genes are very strong. As long as she gives birth to daughters, they will look exactly the same. In this way, it is not surprising that the Princess of Xixia looks exactly like Wang Yuyan! .

"I guessed it right this time, but how did you know me, and even know my appearance, and it seems that there are two people who look exactly like me!?."

"Fuck, you are really the Princess of Xixia, why did you come to my bed?"

"My grandma asked me to come. My grandma said that only if I become your woman, our Xixia will have a future."

The Princess of Xixia said.

"Fuck, this old thing has no martial ethics. He actually took advantage of me being drunk and asleep to put a woman in his bed, and this woman is his granddaughter!"

Lin Fan complained.

"Forget it, the matter is done, the rice has been cooked, did your grandma say anything else?"

Lin Fan asked.

"Yes, he told me to follow you well. Xixia is my dowry. As long as I succeed in becoming your woman, Xixia will be a vassal state of Daxia in the future."

"Fuck, this old man Li Qiushui is really calculating!"

Lin Fan exclaimed.

"Don't say that about grandma. Grandma is very good to me. She is the best grandma in the world."

Princess Xixia said angrily.

"Humph, he dared to do it and didn't let me say it."

Lin Fan said angrily.

Yes, he got a beauty, but there is a price to pay for it! .

You must know that Xixia borders Dayuan and is in a very bad location. It may be attacked by the zombie army again at any time. Now he has only paid a granddaughter, and he will have to help him defend the city and block the attack of the zombie army in the future.

No matter how to calculate this account, it is still Lin Fan who suffers! .

No, the more Lin Fan thought about it, the more he felt that he had lost a lot. The next moment, he set his sights on Princess Xixia and laughed.

"What do you want to do? Don't come over here."

Princess Xixia was startled and quickly wrapped herself in the quilt and retreated.

"Where are you running? Come here."

Lin Fan grabbed Princess Xixia and pulled her into his arms.

"Humph, that old woman Li Qiushui plotted against me, so I'll get it back from his granddaughter."

Soon after, the curtain shook again, and this time the strange sound from the curtain was even louder.

An hour and a half later, Lin Fan was smoking a cigarette, and Princess Xixia lay powerlessly in Lin Fan's arms, looking at him with resentful eyes, as if she had suffered a great injustice.

"You're still wronged, do you know how much it cost to get you and me?"

Lin Fan asked with a resentful tone.

You have to know that Xixia can't stop the next round of zombie attacks. With this premise, Lin Fan is fully confident that Xixia will be incorporated into his own Daxia. Isn't it bullshit to call it a vassal state? .

But now it's notIt's the same. Not only did he sleep with someone's granddaughter, and his idea of ​​annexing Xixia was completely shattered, but Xixia was attacked by the zombie army again, and he had to send troops to help.

And it had to be voluntary, free, do you think Lin Fan would not be resentful! ? .

One sentence to describe Lin Fan's mood, Lin Fan was almost angry to death, the kind of anger that vomited blood.

"Humph, I don't know, I don't want to care, I only know that I am your woman now, you have to protect me and my family."

Princess Xixia snorted and said.

Then she found a comfortable position in Lin Fan's arms and fell asleep.

There was no way he was too tired, Lin Fan was just an animal, one and a half hours was not a concept, you know, one hour is equal to two hours, he was still alive because he had a martial arts foundation, God bless! .

Looking at the beauty in his arms, Lin Fan also smiled bitterly helplessly.

"Alas, it seems that I have to be the scapegoat even if I don't want to! Who made me drunk and unable to control my lower body!"

Sighing, Lin Fan said to himself.

"Hmph, Li Qiushui, you are very good, but if you want to plot against me, Lin Fan, it is not enough to sacrifice only one granddaughter. I will get all your granddaughters."

Lin Fan made up his mind, he was determined to get Wang Yuyan.

Looking at the beauty in his arms, thinking of Wang Yuyan, Lin Fan immediately thought of Xiao Longnu.

I don't know how Xiao Longnu is doing in her own little world? I have been too busy recently and have no time to take care of him! .

After exploring the little world with his spiritual consciousness, Lin Fan quickly found the location of Xiao Longnu.

I saw Xiao Longnu wearing a white dress and practicing a set of unknown swordsmanship.

It is a bit similar to the swordsmanship that Yang Guo used last time, it should be the Jade Girl Swordsmanship of the Ancient Tomb School.

Xiao Long Nu looks so much like the Princess of Xixia and Wang Yuyan, could she also be the granddaughter of Li Qiushui?

No, no, Xiao Long Nu is not necessarily the granddaughter of Li Qiushui, Xiao Long Nu could also be the granddaughter or daughter of Li Canghai.

Forget it, I will know when I ask Li Qiushui. Why think so much, Xiao Long Nu is destined to be in my hands anyway.

In addition, Lin Fan decided that after finishing the affairs in Xixia, he would go to Song Dynasty again. This time, he would not only bring Wang Yuyan back, but also Ah Zhu, Ah Bi, Ah Zi, Zhong Ling, and Mu Wanqing were all his targets.

Even if it was Huang Rong's daughter Guo Fu, Lin Fan could consider it.

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