A few days later, at an altitude of 20,000 meters above Xiangyang City, Lin Fan's luxury cruise ship and his 120 flying boats were floating invisibly.

At this time, Lin Fan was lying on a lounge chair by the swimming pool, playing with his mobile phone, with a lot of drinks and snacks next to him. Not far away, Lu Bu was leading people to make barbecue, and the aroma was overflowing. The little girl Guo Fu was lying on another lounge chair next to Lin Fan, with a comfortable look on her face.

That's right, the little girl Guo Fu finally ran away with Lin Fan. At first, Guo Jing disagreed, but Huang Rong stood up and expressed his concerns, and Guo Jing agreed.

After all, it is much safer for the little girl Guo Fu to stay with Lin Fan than to stay in Xiangyang City. Xiangyang City will be attacked by the zombie army again at any time.

When Xiao Wu and Xiao Wu learned that Guo Fu was going to leave with Lin Fan, they immediately expressed their desire to follow, but they were directly rejected by Lin Fan. Lin Fan didn't want to take those two fools with him. It's okay if they are useless, but they can still cause trouble from time to time.

It is also worth mentioning that Guo Jing was not driven away from Xiangyang in the end. As for the reason, just as Lin Fan said, without Guo Jing coordinating with the people in the martial arts world to help defend the city, the Song army alone could not defend it.

After that, the martial arts conference was successfully held on the second day. However, this time there was no disruption by King Jinlun and Huodu. The martial arts conference was held very successfully. With the strong support of Huang Yaoshi and Hong Qigong, Guo Jing was once again elected as the leader of the martial arts world of the Song Dynasty.

As for Huang Shang and the Sweeping Monk, two powerful land immortals, they did not have the idea of ​​becoming the leader of the martial arts world. Otherwise, with the strength of these two people, the position of the leader of the martial arts world would not have been Guo Jing's turn.

"Your Majesty, I am incompetent and failed to find Yi Xiaochuan in Xiangyang City."

Gao Yao knelt on one knee and reported in front of Lin Fan.

"Well, it shouldn't be. With the ability of the Jinyiwei, as long as Yi Xiaochuan is still in Xiangyang City, it is impossible not to find him."

Lin Fan said puzzledly.

Subconsciously using his spiritual sense, Lin Fan scanned Xiangyang City again, and indeed he did not find Yi Xiaochuan.

"Haha, my luck is really good! No wonder Gao Yao could not find Yi Xiaochuan, it turns out that Yi Xiaochuan had left Xiangyang City a long time ago."

Lin Fan thought with a smile.

"Okay, Gao Yao, get up. This matter cannot be blamed on you. Yi Xiaochuan is no longer in Xiangyang City. It is not your fault that we failed to catch him."

Lin Fan said.

"Damn it, Yi Xiaochuan actually ran away. Your Majesty, what should we do next!?"

Gao Yao stood up and asked.

"What to do? Of course, we should go find him."

Lin Fan said.

"But your majesty, we don't know where Yi Xiaochuan went? This world is so huge, how can we find him!?"

Gao Yao said distressedly.

"Haha, this is not simple. Gao Yao, do you still remember the purpose of Yi Xiaochuan leaving Xiang Yu in the memory I transmitted to you?"

Lin Fan asked.

"Of course I remember, Your Majesty, you mean, Yi Xiaochuan went to Tangwu Mountain?" Gao Yao, who had reacted, replied. "Yes, and it is very likely. Besides, even if we don't find Yi Xiaochuan in Tangwu Mountain, this trip will not be in vain. We can train him to go to the Qin Palace to help you get Xiaoyue back. Anyway, we have to go sooner or later." Lin Fan said. "Brother, are we going to Daqin? Fu'er hasn't been to Daqin yet, and Fu'er wants to go too." The little girl Guo Fu said. "Okay, okay, let's go together, and I didn't say I wouldn't take you, why are you so excited!?" Lin Fan replied. "Hehe, Fu'er is afraid that Brother Lin Fan will abandon Fu'er!?" Guo Fu said coquettishly. "Okay, okay, let's not talk about this. Brother Lin Fan, when are we leaving?" Guo Fu asked coquettishly again. Guo Fu was already impatient. She had heard about the female knights in the Qin Dynasty. The clothes they wore were different from those in the Song Dynasty. They were very beautiful. She also heard that they had high heels and stockings. The curious little girl Guo Fu had long wanted to see them.

"Don't worry. Wait for me to make some arrangements and then set off immediately."

Lin Fan said.

The next moment, he called Xiang Yu.

"What do you want, lord?"

Xiang Yu answered the phone and asked.

"It's nothing serious. I just need to leave Xiangyang City for a few days."

Lin Fan said.

"Your Majesty, do you need me to accompany you for protection?"

Xiang Yu heard that Lin Fan was going to leave Xiangyang City, so he asked.

"Not for the time being. It's nothing serious. I have Lu Bu by my side. Xiang Yu, you stay and help me monitor every move in Xiangyang City. By the way, help me protect the safety of a few people."

Lin Fan said.

"I don't know if your majesty wants me to protect you.Who are they, please tell me clearly, Your Majesty? . ”

Xiang Yu asked.

“Well, there is Miss Zhou from the Emei Sect, and…………………….”

Lin Fan said.

In fact, they are those female heroes. Those female heroes are all Lin Fan’s targets, but he hasn’t had time to contact them yet. How can Lin Fan not arrange people to protect them well! .

“Yes, Your Majesty, I understand.”

After hanging up the phone, Lin Fan ordered.

“Fengxian notify the cockpit, we are going to Daqin.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

Soon after, the luxury cruise ship broke away from the fleet and headed towards Daqin.

Lin Fan left the Song Dynasty just like this. Time passed quickly. It was noon of the next day. After a day and a night of flying, the luxury cruise ship had already arrived at the border of Daqin.

In the restaurant of the luxury cruise ship, Lin Fan was enjoying lunch with the little girl Guo Fu, and Lu Bu suddenly walked in.

“What’s the matter so hurriedly? . "

Lin Fan asked.

"Your Majesty, there is a city below us, and thousands of zombies are attacking them, including a second-generation zombie. Several third-generation zombies, and the rest are fifth-generation zombies. It seems that they can't hold on any longer."

Lv Bu said.

"Is it a city of the Qin Dynasty?"

"It shouldn't be. Whether it's their architectural style or their clothing, they don't look like the Qin Dynasty style. Instead, they look a bit like the style of the Western Regions."

Lv Bu said.

"Oh, it's a bit strange that there is such a city on the border of the Qin Dynasty. "

Lin Fan asked curiously.

However, Lin Fan had a guess. Could the city below be a city in Tuan Kingdom, or even the King City of Tuan?

As for why Lin Fan had such a guess, the reason was very simple. Because the architectural style of Tuan Kingdom in the original work was very similar to that in the Western Regions, and this city appeared on the border of Daqin, Lin Fan had to make such a guess.

Without hesitation, Lin Fan put down the chopsticks in his hand and walked out. He wanted to see if his guess was right.

Coming to the deck, Lin Fan looked at the zombies besieging the city below, and then he used his spiritual sense to scan the entire city below.

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