Noticing the gazes of the Three Pure Ones, Lin Fan spoke again.

"Three Masters, in the following time, the Heavenly Dao continued to take action."

"For example, in the Longhan Great Disaster, in order to wipe out the dragon race transformed by the Yang root of the great god Pangu, the Heavenly Dao did not hesitate to collude with the reincarnation of the Chaos Demon God, the Demon God Luo Hou, and the Immortal Demon God Hongjun, to launch the Longhan Great Disaster."

"The Phoenix Clan and the Qilin Clan were just cannon fodder cultivated by the Heavenly Dao to eliminate the Dragon Clan. In order to make the three clans go to war, Luo Hou and Hongjun made a lot of efforts. In the end, it was obvious that the Heavenly Dao succeeded, and the Dragon Clan was almost destroyed, and the rest The few dragons are also entangled in karma. If the ancestor dragon had not sworn to the Great Dao to forever guard the East Sea Eye, the dragons would not exist in the prehistoric world. "

"But even so, the dragons should not last long. When the Dharma Ending Age comes, those dragons entangled in karma will die collectively."

"I didn't expect Hongjun to be the reincarnation of the immortal demon god and to collude with the Heavenly Dao. What I didn't expect was that our Three Pure Ones actually worshipped Hongjun, the immortal demon god, as their master! . "

Yuanshi narrowed his eyes and spoke.

At the same time, he began to doubt the purpose of Hongjun accepting them as disciples!? .

The next moment, his suspicion was verified.

Lin Fan continued to speak.

"Three masters, Hongjun actually accepted you as disciples for a purpose."

"Tell me what the purpose is."

Tongtian asked.

"The first purpose is that Hongjun and Tiandao want to share the merits of the three masters and their luck by accepting them as disciples."

"After all, the three masters worship Hongjun as their master, and their luck is connected with Hongjun. When the three masters become saints through the Hongmeng purple qi, Tiandao will have a way to use the merits of Tiandao to replace the merits of the three masters, so that the three masters can become saints with the merits of Tiandao."

"The three masters can think about it. How could Tiandao give so many merits to simply establish a religion? Where did the extra merits come from? The extra merits are actually loans, and the way to repay them is the merits of the three masters."

"When the merits of the three masters are exhausted, , that is, when the Heavenly Dao attacks the three masters, the Heavenly Dao will let Hongjun find an excuse to give the three masters the Meteorite Pill. "

"The reason why the Meteorite Pill is called this name is because it can poison saints. The Meteorite Pill belongs to the Heavenly Dao's rare treasures. Even if a Heavenly Dao saint takes it, he will die."

"The saint who takes the Meteorite Pill will have his soul wiped out, leaving only a body. At that time, the bodies left by the three masters will be controlled by the Heavenly Dao, and the Three Pure Ones will no longer exist."

Hearing Lin Fan's words, the Three Pure Ones all sweated on their foreheads. You know, if Lin Fan didn't show up, the end of the disciple-taking ceremony would be the time for the Three Pure Ones to establish a religion and become saints. At that time, the Three Pure Ones would completely fall into the trap of the Heavenly Dao and Hongjun.

"It's a close call. Once we establish a religion and become saints, the Heavenly Dao's calculation will succeed!"

The old man, who usually governs by inaction, was scared and sweating.

"Yes, if Lin Fan hadn't appeared in time, we, the Three Pure Ones, would have fallen into the trap of Heavenly Dao, been used by Heavenly Dao, and turned against each other, and we didn't know how we died in the end!"

Yuanshi Tianzun was also frightened, and said while looking at Lin Fan with eyes full of gratitude.

"Damn Hongjun, damn Heavenly Dao, they actually dared to plot against us, the Three Pure Ones, this matter must not be let go like this."

Tongtian said angrily.

"Don't be impulsive, third brother, with our current strength, let alone Heavenly Dao, even Hongjun we are not opponents, this matter still needs to be considered in the long run!?"

"In fact, in fact, the three masters have already fallen into the trap of Heavenly Dao and Hongjun the moment they worshipped Hongjun as their master. Do the three masters still remember the Tai Chi diagram, Pangu Banner, Zhuxian Four Swords, and the three Hongmeng purple qi that Hongjun gave you?"

Lin Fan suddenly said.

"What's wrong? Are there any problems with these three treasures and the Hongmeng Purple Qi?" Yuanshi asked after hearing Lin Fan's words. "Yes, there are indeed problems, and they are very serious. Let's not talk about the Hongmeng Purple Qi for now." "Let's talk about the three treasures. Hongjun not only left a backup plan in the three magic weapons, but also could take them back at any time, and even turn it against the three masters. The most important thing is that Hongjun has obtained no less than 1/3 of the merits of the creation of the world from each of the three masters by giving them these three magic weapons. In other words, the merits of the creation of the world left by the three masters are only 2/3 each." "In addition, by giving magic weapons to the three masters, Hongjun also took away a lot of the luck of the three masters.. "

"And there is no doubt about this. When Hongjun preached for the first time, he had just become a saint, and his strength was only the first level of the saint. After the third lecture, he gained the strength of the ninth level of the saint. "

"Hongjun was able to reach the ninth level of the saint so quickly because he shared the merits and luck of the three thousand mortals and used them to practice quickly, especially the merits of the three masters. "

"You should know that the merits of the three masters can create three saints, and they are not ordinary saints. They start with the fifth level of the saint. "

Hearing this, the three pure ones were furious and wanted to chop Hongjun with a knife. But before they could suppress their anger, Lin Fan spoke again.

"In addition, the method of beheading the three corpses passed down by Hongjun also has problems. First of all, it is basically impossible to behead the self-corpse. The self is the obsession. When practicing the method of the three corpses, the more you want to behead your obsession, the deeper the obsession will be, resulting in a dead cycle, and ultimately the self-corpse cannot be beheaded. ”

“The second Hongjun did not pass down the method of uniting the three corpses. Even if someone with great perseverance happens to display his own corpse, without the method of uniting the three corpses, he still cannot unite the three corpses and become a saint.”

“And even if there is a method of uniting the three corpses, if you want to unite the three corpses, the spiritual treasures used to kill the three corpses must be of the same origin.”

“Such magic weapons are not unheard of in the prehistoric world, but they are extremely rare. For example, the Panlong flat crutch in the hands of the master chef, the Sanbao Yuruyi in the hands of the second chef, and the Qingping sword in the hands of the third chef are magic weapons of the same origin. Only by using such magic weapons of the same origin can the three corpses be united.”

“So the method of killing the three corpses is a pit. How can you become a saint if you are not complete? Especially after killing the third corpse, you will become desireless and the idea of ​​becoming a saint will become weaker and weaker until you give up completely! . ”

“No way, without obsession, there is no pursuit, without pursuit, there is no faith. People without faith will probably become salted fish directly, and eventually they will die from slacking off, let alone becoming a saint.”

“That is to say, people who practice the method of beheading the three corpses will eventually become a useless person with no desires, waiting for their lifespan to run out, without the ambition to make progress, waiting for death!!!”

“Of course, Tiandao and Hongjun have more than just these means. The next calamity is called the witch and demon calamity. The three masters may as well guess what Tiandao and Hongjun want to do⁉.”

Oh, it’s not easy. I’m stuck today. Usually, it takes about four hours to write more than 4,000 words. Today, it took me six or seven hours to finally think of the plot. My brain is about to explode!!!

Dear handsome and beautiful readers, considering that the little writer is so hard today, can you help the little writer to click on the urging point, and give free gifts to support the love, thank you, the little writer is very grateful!!!!!!

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