"Buy murder to kill the emperor!"

"Is this true or false?"

Li Xiuning said in disbelief.

Until now, she still didn't believe it was real.

Li Shimin said: "The Chai family is rich and rival the country, and the silver taels that pay tribute to the imperial court every year occupy one-fifth of the national treasury, which can be described as the cash cow of the imperial court." "

"As the emperor, His Majesty must know the importance of the Chai family."

"And now His Majesty has beheaded the Chai family, presumably confirming the heinous crime committed by Chai Shao."

"So I think that Chai Shaomai's murder of the emperor must be true."

"What more serious crime than assassinating the emperor?"

"What's more, Emperor Na Xiuning, you entering the palace as a concubine is equivalent to destroying Chai Shao's marriage, Chai Shao must not be angry about this, so he hired assassins to assassinate the emperor."

Li Yuan let out a long sigh and said, "I really didn't expect that Chai Shao would act so recklessly, recklessly, and commit such a heinous crime. "

"Now think about it, Xin Hao's marriage between Xiuning and Chai Shao did not succeed, otherwise Xiuning following Chai Shao in the future may be killed by his reckless behavior."

"Okay, dad is tired, go down and rest."

"The matter has come to this, Xiuning enter the palace as a concubine with peace of mind."

"Also, the two of you should discuss and discuss many matters about entering the palace in three days, and there must be no mistakes."

After speaking, Li Yuan got up and left.

Li Xiuning said, "The matter of Chai Shao can also be regarded as because of me. "

Li Shimin said, "Xiuning don't think too much, this kind of thing is not something you can control." "

"It can also be seen from here that Chai Shao is not a person worthy of trust."

"Okay, let's discuss and discuss your entry into the palace to face the saint."

"It's only three days."


Luoyang City, on the Golden Luan Hall.

Yang Hao is in the early dynasty.

In the Golden Hall, Yuan Zuozong was reporting what the Duke of Julu County had obtained this time.

Eight and a half million taels of silver!

Gold 4.58 million taels!

Five thousand horses!

300,000 Ayara satin!

When the ministers heard the figures reported by Yuan Zuozong, they were all stunned and bustling with discussion.

"This Chai family can really be regarded as a rich and rival country."

"With such a huge amount of wealth, it is no wonder that he was able to pay tribute to the imperial court with so much money in a year, and now it seems that the amount of tribute paid by the Chai family is only a drop in the bucket."

"This time, our treasury is really full."

Listening to the data reported by Yuan Zuozong, Yang Hao, as the emperor, was also stunned.

The heart said that it was no wonder that this Chai Shao dared to hire assassins to assassinate the emperor and such a shocking thing, it turned out that he had such a large wealth as a support.

Huge bounties can be offered casually.

The bounty of 100,000 taels of gold, the entire Great Sui, it is estimated that only his Chai family can get it.

However, no matter how rich you are, you are no match for power.

The corners of Yang Hao's mouth rose and a satisfied smile appeared.

This time, the treasury was full, just enough to recruit troops and expand the strength of the Great Sui.

However, before that, Yang Hao still needs to practice some benevolent government.

For example, the people are exempted from taxes, and it is estimated that the people actively cultivate farmland and grow food.

Food is the foundation of a country's prosperity.

Without food guarantees, the army, economy, etc. will not be able to rise.

After Yuan Zuozong's order, all the ministers quieted down, staring at Yang Hao sitting on the dragon chair with their eyes brushed.

I'm looking forward to what His Majesty will decide next!

Yang Hao said: "Now that the national treasury is full, Xu has decided to inform the people of the world that from today onwards, the people of Dasui will be exempted from tax for three years, and anyone who cultivates more than ten acres of land can receive subsidies from the imperial court. "

Hearing these words, all the ministers were amazed, looked at Yang Hao in surprise, and praised one after another.

"Your Majesty Shengming!"

"This is a blessing for the people."

Yang Hao continued: "Also, Xu has decided to issue a conscription order from now on, calling on young men to enlist in the army and protect the Great Sui River. "

"This matter is under the responsibility of General Xu Xiao's command of the military department."

Xu Xiao and Shangshu of the military department stood up together and took the order.

"Okay, retreat!"

Soon, Yang Hao's tax exemption decree and conscription order were immediately spread, and it quickly spread all over the world centered on the imperial capital Luoyang.

For a time, the people of the world set off a wave of praises praising Emperor Yang Hao.

At this time, the official road station a hundred miles outside Luoyang City was on the station.

Song Que and Song Yuzhi were taking a dozen retinues to rest in the post station while waiting for Li Xiuning.

Sitting in the post station, Song Yu was hungry, holding chopsticks to support his chin and staring in the direction of the kitchen.

He said: "The cooking speed of the cooks at this station is too slow, and my stomach is almost hungry." "

Song Que patted Song Yuzhi's hand supporting his chin with his hand, and said: "The girl's family, how to do such an action, like a boy, how can you marry in the future." "

Song Yuzhi said, "Hmph, you say I can't marry again!" "

"It makes me angry, I won't come out after I enter the palace with Sister Xiuning, and I will also be a concubine in the palace, cheap that emperor, see what you do."

As soon as these words came out, the other guests sitting in the post station looked at Song Yuzhi in unison.

"Girl, you are so daring, you dare to speak ill of our Holy Majesty."

"Treasurer, please invite this girl out."

Several men sitting on the left of Song Yuzhi said in a hurry.

Later, the rest of the guests followed suit and said, "Yes, please go out." "

This sudden situation surprised Song but Song Yuzhi.

At this time, the owner of the post station came to Song Que and Song Yuzhi, and said in a low voice: "Two guest officers, don't mention our Majesty indiscriminately." "

"Otherwise, you will get into unnecessary trouble."

Song Que asked curiously: "Treasurer, why is this!" "

The treasurer replied: "You don't know something, our majesty has issued a holy decree to announce to the world, from now on the people will be exempt from tax for three years, and will also give the people a subsidy for farming." "

"Such a holy act is deeply loved by the people."

"Your Majesty now is the Holy Lord Ming Monarch among the people of the world, and whoever dares to say that he is not will provoke the wrath of the people."

"Okay, you can sit here at ease, I'll go and explain it to the other guests."

"It's just that you must not comment indiscriminately on our Majesty."

After speaking, the treasurer left and went to do the explanation work.

Song Yuzhi was about to speak, but was calmed by Song Que's eyes.

"If you are in charge, you can remember it."

"Let's eat obediently."

After speaking, Song Yuzhi did not say a word, and ate honestly.

Song Que muttered in his heart: "Tax exemption for three years, giving subsidies to the people for cultivation, deeply loved by the people, it seems that the opportunity for the Great Sui Dynasty to regain its prosperity has come." "

"Take advantage of this opportunity to thoroughly understand and understand, if it is really Yang Hao's generation of Ming Jun, my Song Dynasty will return to the imperial court and serve Yang Hao."

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