Hearing these words, the Red King immediately stood up vigilantly and looked directly at Qingfeng.

Qi Tianchen was also full of vigilance.

Because he sensed a very powerful aura on the white-haired assassin dressed in black in front of him, full of threat.


With the Red King's order, the surrounding Janissaries rushed out, holding spears, and stopped Qingfeng.

"Take this man down for me."

All the Praetorian Guard soldiers stepped forward one after another, aiming their spears at Qingfeng and stabbing out.

The corners of Qingfeng's mouth rose, and he said coldly: "You are targeting me, but have you ever thought about your Majesty lying on the bed!" "

These words, like a thunderbolt on a sunny day, directly slashed heavily on the heads of the Red King and the national master Qi Tianchen, making their backs cold, and then quickly looked at the emperor's residence.

Qi Tianchen shouted, "It's not good, Your Majesty is in danger. "

Saying that, the two pulled out their legs and ran to the emperor's residence.

When they came to the emperor's bedside, a woman in a purple robe with red hair was tinkering with a dark weapon in her hand.

Smiled: "You guys have taken another step, your majesty, it's gone." "

Seeing this, the Red King was angry and depraved, and shouted hysterically: "You damn fellows, rest in a hurry. "


At this time, the Red King clenched his fists and slammed into the direction of Manju Shahua.

Just when the Red King burst out a few meters away and was about to kill Manzhu Shahua, a bloody claw suddenly stretched out from the darkness, and in the blink of an eye, Kung Fu appeared in front of the Red King, tightly grasping the Red King's fist.

"I don't know how the blood of the prince of Beili tastes."

After speaking, the blood demon behind Chiya opened his blood basin and bit down towards the Chi King.

"Not good!"

"National teacher help me."

The Red King wanted to break free from Chiya's claws, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't break free, and the opponent's skill was too strong.

Qi Tianchen, his finger pointed out a blow, turning into sword qi and rushing straight towards Chiya.

But who would have thought that the red tooth, who had summoned the Blood Demon, was full of willfulness and was not afraid of such an attack at all, and did not even flash a flash.

Just care about devouring the Red King.


A scream came.

In front of everyone's eyes, the blood demon's blood basin mouthed and directly bit the neck of the Red King, and then grunted and drank the blood.

That scene frightened the palace maids and eunuchs around them, as well as the Janissaries soldiers who were rushing in to escort them.

"Oh my God, what kind of monster is that."

"Don't say anything about biting the Red King, but also suck the blood of the Red King dry."

Qi Tianchen shouted angrily, "You monster, stop me." "

He used all his strength to kill towards Chiya, and his true qi ran rampant, blowing a gust of wind.


At the moment when Qi Tianchen attacked, Qingfeng outside the door slashed the hundreds of soldiers who surrounded him with a sword, and his body turned into an afterimage and passed by Qi Tianchen's side.

Qi Tianchen, his pupils constricted, turned his head slightly to stare at Qingfeng, and then covered his neck with his hands, and said in surprise: "You... You.! "

Then, a sword mark appeared on the neck, and blood gushed out, spilling the ground, staining the floor of the dormitory with a large red.

Along with the fall of the Red King Xiao Yu, the national master Qi Tianchen and the two, the soldiers around them completely collapsed, trembling and retreating.

At this moment, all the duties to protect the emperor were forgotten.

Protecting your little life matters.

They didn't want to be sucked dry by this terrible monster in front of them.

Chiya said, "There is nothing special about the blood of the royal family in the north. "


Saying that, Chiya let go of his hand, slammed Chi King's body on the ground, and then wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.


This move frightened the soldiers in front.

After one of the people in the crowd shouted, he threw away his armor and rushed out of the temple, and left with a roll.

While running, he shouted: "Your Majesty is dead, Your Majesty is dead!" "

This voice suddenly caused chaos in the entire palace.

The guards on all sides were all restless and rushed to the emperor's residence.

The White King Xiao Chong, who was entering the palace to face the saint, and the imperial master Dong Zhu, after hearing the news, immediately ran and rushed to the emperor's residence.

After arriving, the emperor's dormitory was in shambles, the national master Qi Tianchen and the red king were lying on the ground, and the emperor was also lying quietly on the bed, but his face was blackened, and he had obviously died of poisoning.

This scene scared the white king to the point that his legs were soft.

Hysterically shouted, "Seal off the entire Apocalypse City for me and hunt down the assassins." "

In the darkness not far from the emperor's residence, the three of Qingfeng were staring at the palace.

Manju Shahua said: "The north is dead from now on. "

Chiya said, "It's a pity that I didn't suck the blood of the emperor." "

Qingfeng said calmly: "Okay, we have to go back and tell Your Majesty that the emperor is dead." "

Subsequently, the three disappeared into the darkness.

After the death of the emperor of Beili spread throughout the Beili Imperial Dynasty, everyone was panicked.

And it happened that at this time, Mu Liangcheng was captured by the Great Sui army again and fell under the rule of the Great Sui. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

A mighty army of 300,000 people approached the Apocalypse City.

Losing the emperor, the north left the imperial court leaderless, and the people's hearts were scattered.

Facing the 300,000-strong army of the Great Sui, Apocalypse City was helpless, and it lasted less than a day before it was conquered.

As a result, the great banner of the Northern Dynasty fell, and the majestic Great Sui Banner was erected.

Snow Moon City.

Baili Dongjun and Sikong Changfeng were standing on the Ascending Pavilion, looking at the Snow Moon City below.

Sikong Changfeng said, "Senior brother, the North Departure no longer exists. "

Baili Dongjun took a deep sip of wine and said, "I'm not surprised that Beili has come this far. "

"The Manchu dynasty was civilized and martial, did not want to forge ahead, and all he thought about all day was how to support their respective masters to seize the throne, and there were internal strife and strife and deceit."

"I find it strange that such a court is not extinguished."

Sikong Changfeng smiled and said, "Since the moment the Great Sui Emperor fought for my Snow Moon City, my Snow Moon City has no longer been part of the Northern Departure. "

"Now that I have returned to the Great Sui, the emperor still ordered me to wait for peace of mind to guard Xueyue City, which can be regarded as the best reward for our loyalty and obedience."

"As far as I know, since the Great Sui army stepped into the north, it has never carried out any burning and looting of the people in the north, on the contrary, it has also eradicated many bandits and bandits for the people."

"It can be seen from this that the Great Sui Emperor is benevolent and loves the people, and it is not necessarily a bad thing for him to rule the northern leave."

Baili Dongjun nodded in agreement again and again.

The news of the Great Sui Dynasty's capture of the Northern Dynasty soon spread throughout Kyushu.

This move made the other four major imperial dynasties completely unable to sit still.

Daming Dynasty, on the Golden Luang Hall.

Emperor Zhu Houzhao, from his disdain for the Great Sui last time, became his current vigilance.

Therefore, he summoned all the forces under his command to discuss the matter of the Great Sui.

He wanted to listen to the opinions of these henchmen first, and then raise this issue with the Manchu Dynasty Wen Wu in the morning of tomorrow.

The commanders of Zhu Yanwei of the Dragon Guarding Villa, Cao Zhengchun of the East Factory, Yuhuatian of the West Factory, Jinyi Wei Qinglong and other institutions all arrived.

Zhu Houzhao looked at the four commanders below and asked solemnly: "Several Ai Qing, what do you think about the Great Sui's capture of the Northern Departure." "

Zhu ignored his hand and said: "'Your Majesty, the last time Wei Chen said that the ambitions of this Great Sui Emperor definitely did not stop at Goryeo, but I didn't expect that it had only been a short month, which confirmed my conjecture. "

"I don't know, how does Grandfather Cao feel now?"

At first, Cao Zhengchun was not optimistic about the Great Sui Imperial Dynasty, and he even felt that the Great Sui Imperial Dynasty was stormy, and there would be civil strife in the near future, and there would be a collapse of the imperial dynasty.

But who would have thought that in just one month, his face would be so swollen.

At this moment, Cao Zhengchun also knew that he had a loss.

So he put down his body and flattered: "Shenhou is right, it was indeed I who underestimated this Great Sui Dynasty, and now it seems that this Great Sui Emperor Yang Hao intends to be in Kyushu." "

Zhu Houzhao said: "What Er and others said, how can you not know. "

"What I want to know is how to deal with it, Daming."

"Goryeo and Beili have already been taken by the Great Sui, if we don't take action again, the Great Sui may make a move against the Eastern and Western Turks, and by then the neighboring countries around Daming will all be taken by the Great Sui, and the truth of the lips and teeth must be very clear to all Aiqing."

Zhu ignored and said, "What Your Majesty said is that the minister thinks that he must come out to help the remaining neighboring countries, otherwise there will be a situation of death and cold teeth as His Majesty said. "

Yuhuatian said: "Your Majesty, since the Great Sui can expand its territory and our Daming Kingdom is prosperous, we can also follow the example of the Great Sui and attack other countries. "

Speaking of this, hesitation flashed in Zhu Houzhao's eyes.

He doesn't actually have that kind of boldness.

Because he knows very well that once a war is launched, it will be a matter of labor and wealth and mobilization of the people.

If he can win the war, everything will be fine, and if he returns with a crushing defeat, he will be a historical sinner of the Daming Dynasty.

At this time, Zhu Houzhao said: "Opening up the territory and expanding the territory, working the people and losing money, and when the time comes, the war will be raging, it is not a good thing for the people, how can we create hardship for the people because of their own selfish desires." "

After Yuhuatian heard this, he immediately handed over his hand and said: "Your Majesty loves the people like a son, what Weichen said just now is just a hypothesis, and I ask Your Majesty to forgive you." "

Zhu Houzhao said: "Xu decided to strengthen the defense of the border passes, always pay attention to the changes in the Great Sui, and if it uses troops against Daming's neighbors again, Xu will help." "

"Therefore, in the future, you Ai Qing will do a good job of intelligence collection for Xu in the border pass, Dasui and surrounding countries, and report to Xu whenever there is a wind."

"In particular, the Imperial Uncle's Dragon Guard Villa is the first intelligence network of Daming, and at this time, I hope that the Imperial Uncle will contribute more to the imperial court and share worries for Xuan."

Zhu ignored and replied, "Obey Your Majesty's will." "

"After Wei Chen returns, he will definitely arrange everything and carry out His Majesty's will."

Cao Zhengchun, Yuhuatian, and Qinglong also answered one after another.

After a few people returned, they focused all the attention of the intelligence network on the body of the Great Sui, always keeping an eye on the every move of the Great Sui Dynasty.

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