Chapter 0082 Commenting on the second king of the world, Immortal Branch, Li Chungang pretended to be forced on the spot!!

In the Heavenly Pavilion, there was silence.

Everyone's eyes widened in disbelief.

Dugu seeks defeat and the waves turn over the clouds, these two people have become world-famous land sword immortals.

Anyone who listens to their stories will be impressed by their talent and kendo.

But at this time, Su Chen told them.

Dugu seeks defeat and waves turn the clouds, but they are only the weakest of the more than a dozen land sword immortals in the world.

Such a truth directly shook their souls.

After listening to Su Chen's words, everyone couldn't help but be taken aback.

Eat the sword ancestor Sui Xiangu!

A group of high-rollers in Liyang looked at each other, and no one had heard of it.

But after hearing the names of Sui Xiegu's two apprentices, everyone instantly showed a clear look.

Xishu Sword Emperor Su Sheng!

This is a name that everyone knows about a swordsman who has spread throughout the land of Kyushu.

His fame is not because of his kendo, but because of his unyielding temperament and resting with the country.

In the Spring and Autumn War of that year, Beiliang Tie rode on horseback and stepped on the world, and one dynasty after another was destroyed and destroyed.

Xishu, a small and weak country, was no exception, and was wiped out by the Beiliang Iron Cavalry with 100,000 elite troops in just one battle.

In the imperial city, all kinds of nobles and masters fled one after another.

The rest of those who couldn't escape closed their eyes and waited for death, and no one thought of resisting anymore.

Only Su Sheng, the sword emperor of Xishu, with one person and one sword, blocked the gate of the imperial city.

In the past, there was a sword god Li Chungang, who asked Xishu with a sword, and the sword qi rolled on the dragon wall, saying that there were no swordsmen in Xishu, and laughed away.

Today, he Su Sheng is going to tell the world that there are swordsmen in Xishu, and his name Su Sheng's battle, although it is not magnificent, has been recorded in the history of the Spring and Autumn National War.

Su Sheng alone entered the Beiliang Iron Cavalry, and fought for half an hour, and the sword qi shattered three thousand iron armors.

It was that battle that made the people of the world see the righteousness of the people in the rivers and lakes, the integrity of the people in the rivers and lakes, and the fierceness of the people in the rivers and lakes who are not afraid of death.

And the Sword Nine Emperors after that shined like meteors in Liyang rivers and lakes.

If it is said that after the great world of kendo opened by Li Chungang, Wu Su is the most amazing.

Compared with Wu Su's name of the Wu family's sword crown when he was born, the Nine Emperors of the Sword and Deng Tai'a are very mysterious.

No one knows who they are learning from, as if they were born out of thin air, and then their swordsmanship is all over the sky.

Now they know that one of them, 443, the Nine Emperors of the Sword is under the guidance of the sword-eating ancestor Sui Xiegu!

For a while, everyone in the hall was discussing: "Dugu Seeking Defeat and Waves Turning the Clouds are actually the weakest land sword immortals?

"No wonder even Li Changsheng can only be ranked tenth in the world Sword Immortal, and every simple character who can break through to the Land Sword Immortal Realm. "

"If it weren't for the exposure of the Heavenly Machine Immortals, I really wouldn't have imagined that there would be so many land sword immortals in the world, a full sixteen of them!"

"This is the master of the Land Immortal Realm, there are sixteen swordsmen alone, it seems that this world is far more terrifying than I imagined. "

"Today I know what it means to have a heaven outside the sky and a person outside the world. "

"The hundred-year-old sword immortal Sui Xiangu can swallow the sword weapon alive and refine the sword qi in the sword weapon, which is really unheard of. "

"The Western Chu Dynasty back then was really full of talents, not only the first military god in the world, but also land sword immortals such as Sui Xiegu. "

"Su Sheng, the Sword Emperor of Xishu, this person can be said to have carried the backbone of the people in the rivers and lakes, although the Xishu Kingdom was destroyed, but his integrity can be passed down forever. "

"It turns out that the Nine Emperors of the Sword are the apprentices of Sui Xiegu, so I'll just say why such a powerful swordsman suddenly appeared in the rivers and lakes. "

The second private room on the south side of the 14th floor.

Xu Fengnian put a glass of rice wine into his stomach, squinted at the Sword Nine Emperors and said, "Old Huang, it turns out that you still have such a powerful master, why didn't I tell you how many times I asked?"

The Nine Emperors of the Sword said with a smile: "My swordsmanship has not yet reached the one percent essence of my master, how can I dare to call his old man's name?"

After speaking, his expression couldn't help but dim again, and he sighed: "I thought that with Master's swordsmanship, how could I be among the top ten sword immortals in the world, it seems that my vision is too narrow after all." "

Xu Fengnian was about to say something, but suddenly his expression moved, and he looked at the door.

I saw a group of three people walking in from outside.

Ning Emei, who was the leader, knelt down on one knee and said respectfully: "Ning Emei, the leader of the subordinate Fengzi battalion, is here to protect the prince on the order of the prince." "

Xu Fengnian nodded slightly and said, "There is General Lao Ning." "

After speaking, he winked at Jiang Ni, then looked at the one-armed little old man next to Jiang Ni, and frowned: "Who is this?"

Li Chungang plucked out his ears and said informally: "I have lived in your house for 20 years, and this time I was invited out by your father to ensure that you do not die during this time, which can be regarded as a clear relationship with your family." "

Xu Fengnian suddenly showed a look of surprise.

When Xu Xiaoma stepped on the rivers and lakes, he didn't know how many rivers and lakes he destroyed and how many masters of the rivers and lakes he offended.

One of the reasons why Bei Liang is still solid to this day is that Xu Xiao also has a large number of martial arts masters.

And all the top masters have a strange temper, and Xu Fengnian doesn't mind much about Li Chungang's performance.

He cared more about the strength of this one-armed monster old man.

"Earlier, I was attacked by the Fu general Red Armor, but thanks to Lao Huang's action, I was able to save the day."

"But the enemy will send more powerful killers in the future, and Lao Huang may not be able to stop it. "

"Father entrusted such a heavy task to you, I don't know where Your Excellency came from, and what level of cultivation has you reached?"

Xu Fengnian asked tentatively.

The Sword Nine Emperors on the side also looked at Li Chungang, only to feel that this person was unfathomable, and he couldn't see a flaw at all.

Li Chungang sat down by himself and said casually: "My cultivation, it's hard to say, but it's more than enough to keep you from dying, so you don't have to worry about it." "

Xu Fengnian frowned, and was about to test it again, but was stopped by the Nine Emperors of the Sword

"Young master, this old man is not easy to mess with, and his strength should be higher than mine. "

The Nine Emperors of the Sword said in a low voice.


Xu Fengnian raised his eyebrows, becoming more and more curious about Li Chunpiao's identity.

Throughout the entire Liyang rivers and lakes, I am afraid that there are not a few people whose strength is above the Sword Nine Emperors.

He never expected that his family would always have such a top master...

On the white jade platform.

Su Chen took a sip of tea, and when everyone was talking about it, he continued

"Fang Cai said that the Nine Emperors of the Sword and Sui Xiegu met for the first time. "

"You may think that Sui Xiegu admired the sword talent of the Nine Emperors of the Sword and accepted him as a disciple. "

Not really. "

"The Nine Emperors of the Sword really wanted to apprentice, but they were rejected by Sui Xiegu. "

"Because in Sui Xiegu's opinion, the Nine Emperors of the Sword have missed the best age to learn swords. "

"Although he has good talent, it will be difficult to reach the peak, so it is better not to learn. "

"But the Nine Emperors of the Sword are also stubborn, and they follow Sui Xiegu's side softly and hard, constantly begging. "

In the end, Sui Xiegu had no choice but to accept the Nine Emperors of the Sword as a registered disciple, and casually passed on his three-style sword moves. "

And the Nine Emperors of the Sword relied on these three sword moves to create a swordsmanship, known as a total of nine swords, so the people of the rivers and lakes are called the Nine Emperors of the Sword. "

"The rest of the matter, Liyang's high-rollers should be very clear. "

"The Nine Emperors of the Sword walked the rivers and lakes with their own swordsmanship, challenging all kinds of kendo masters, and fought without defeat. "

And he never fought with others, but only took the pair of swords after winning, and gradually became famous. "

"But no one knew what the purpose of the Nine Emperors of the Sword was in doing this. "

In fact, his idea is very simple, that is, to repay the teacher's kindness. "

"Sui Xiegu loves to eat swords, so he collects the world's famous swords to honor Sui Xiegu. "

Sui Xiangu disliked that he was too old to enter the pinnacle of swordsmanship, so he worked hard to break through to his reputation and not fall into the prestige of his master. "

"Judging from the results, the Nine Emperors of the Sword have indeed done a good job. "

"In the top ten of Liyang's famous swords, he collected six by himself. "

"Liyang is among the top 100 famous swordsmen, and he alone has overturned seventy-six people. "

"But there is a sky outside the sky, there are people outside the people, and the Nine Emperors of the Sword are invincible all the way, until he goes to Emperor Wu City. "

"At the head of the Martial Emperor City, the Nine Emperors of the Sword challenged Wang Xianzhi with high spirits, challenging this martial arts god who had dominated the rivers and lakes for sixty years. "

"If this is defeated, he can openly announce that his Sword Nine Emperors are the disciples of the Sword Eater Ancestor Sui Xiegu!"

"But unfortunately he was defeated, and he was completely defeated. "

"Even if he used his sword moves, Wang Xianzhi still defeated him with only one hand"

Even the famous sword Huang Qi that he had worked so hard to collect was forcibly left at the head of Emperor Wu by Wang Xianzhi. "

"If you change to a swordsman on the side, you will definitely have a broken sword heart when you encounter such a big defeat, and you will never dare to set foot in Emperor Wu City for half a step in this life. "

But the Nine Emperors of the Sword felt that one day he would come again, challenge Wang Xianzhi, and retrieve his Huang Qi Sword openly. "

"Because of his name Nine Emperors!"

As Su Chen's words fell, there was another uproar in the hall.

Su Chen's comment greatly exceeded everyone's expectations.

Everyone thought that the Nine Emperors of the Sword had achieved the true inheritance of Sui Xiegu, which was so powerful.

Only now did he know that Sui Xiegu had only passed on the sword Nine Emperors three-style sword moves

This not only shows that the Nine Emperors of the Sword are amazingly talented, and they have realized the peerless swordsmanship only through the three sword moves, and they have been defeated all over the world.

But at the same time, it also shows that the ancient swordsmanship of Sui Xian is extraordinary, and he casually passed down the three sword moves in place and created a kendo talent in Liyang Jianghu.

Hearing the end again, the public recognized even more exclaimed.

The Nine Emperors of the Sword actually went to challenge Wang Xianzhi.

That is the god of martial arts in Liyang rivers and lakes, Liyang martial arts has ranked second in the world for sixty years, and no one dares to take the first.

is a peerless ruthless person who has made Liyang Wu's evaluation eleventh in the world.

Everyone finally understood why the Nine Emperors of Sword had just entered the rivers and lakes to challenge the famous masters everywhere and seize the world's famous swords.

All this is for Master Sui Xiegu.

For Sui Xiegu, he just accepted a named disciple and passed down the three-style sword moves

However, the Nine Emperors of the Sword put Sui Xiegu in an extremely important position, and even did not hesitate to challenge Wang Xianzhi for Sui Xiegu.

With such a sword Nine Emperors who value love and righteousness, who can not be moved?

For a while, everyone in the hall was discussing: "What a sword Nine Emperors, only the Sui Xiangu Three Swords, it will take a lifetime to repay too much love and righteousness." "

"Sui Xiegu has accepted two good apprentices, whether it is Su Sheng, the Sword Emperor of Xishu or the Nine Emperors of the Sword, they are all the world's first-class love and righteousness. "

"No wonder Sui Xiegu was able to overwhelm Dugu and the waves, this strength is too terrifying, and any three sword moves will become a sword Nine Emperors. "

"The Nine Emperors of the Sword only have such a powerful three-style sword move from Sui Xiangu, it is hard to imagine how strong Sui Xiangu himself should be. "

"The God of Martial Arts King Xianzhi, this person really lives up to his reputation, as strong as the Nine Emperors of the Sword, and he was defeated by him with one hand. "

"The Nine Emperors of the Sword even want to challenge Wang Xianzhi again? "

The second private room on the south side of the 14th floor.

Xu Fengnian exclaimed: "Lao Huang, you even had a battle with Wang Xianzhi?" By the way, I remember, you said when you cast the sword nine before, this sword was prepared for Wang Xianzhi."

The Nine Emperors of the Sword took a sip of rice wine and sighed: "I'm ashamed, I'm ashamed, the battle with Wang Xianzhi back then was completely crushed by him, I'm afraid that even his strength couldn't be forced out." "

"Wang Xianzhi is really that powerful?"

Xu Fengnian asked curiously.

After three years of traveling in the rivers and lakes, he has heard too many people praise Wang Xianzhi, but he never knows how powerful he is.

"Young Master, do you remember what I said to you earlier?"

"A true powerhouse can make the clouds of the nine heavens hang down and the waters of the four seas stand. "

"Actually, my master told me this, and my master said that even he couldn't do it. "

"But when I challenged Wang Xianzhi, I had a faint feeling that Wang Xianzhi had reached the realm that Master said. "

The Nine Emperors of the Sword rarely showed a solemn look.

"What? Wang Xianzhi can reach this realm? I thought it was just a legend. "

Xu Fengnian said with a glare.

It wasn't until this moment that he had a glimpse of Wang Xianzhi's terrifying strength.

Jiang Ni rolled her eyes, leaned next to Li Chungang and said curiously: "Is this realm very powerful?"

Li Chungang picked up his goatee and said with a smile: "Are you talking about 'the clouds of the nine heavens are all down, and the waters of the four seas are all answered'?"

"This sentence is what I told the old guy of Sui Xiegu back then, and it's not as difficult as you think. "

As soon as this sentence came out, Xu Fengnian and the Nine Emperors of the Sword were all dumbfounded.

The two looked at Li Chungang with extremely strange eyes.

Who is this man?

The realm of "the clouds of the nine heavens are all hanging, and the waters of the four seas are all standing" is what he told Sui Xiegu?

What shocked the two even more was that such a terrifying realm was described by this one-armed little old man as not worth mentioning.

For a while, Li Chungang's image in their hearts became more and more mysterious and terrifying...

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