Chapter 0096 Yue Nu Sword A-Qing is on the list, two hundred years of immortality, the secret of the second floor of the academy!!

Seventh on the Sword Immortal List, Jun Mo!

As Su Chen's words fell, the hall exploded instantly.

The first thing that surprised everyone was Jun Mo's age.

He is the third young sword immortal so far after Lang Chuyun and Deng Tai'a, and he is still the same as Deng Tai'a, and his attainments in the Finger Realm have reached the peak.

It's even strong enough to have the strength to fight beyond the ranks.

Although he only has the cultivation of a half-step land celestial, he can be compared to a real terrestrial celestial realm powerhouse.

This made everyone deeply aware of the subtleties of the cultivation methods of Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism.

At the same time, the Datang Academy, which has always been low-key, has also entered everyone's field of vision.

For a while, everyone was discussing: "What? I heard you right, right? There is also a powerful sword immortal in the Tang Academy?

"Although Datang Academy has always been low-key, it has a very long history and has always been one of the holy places of Confucianism. "

"Haha, I knew that I was a swordsman who was the best in the world. "

"Terrifying! I know Jun Mo of the Tang Academy, this person is only in his thirties at most this year, and he has already cultivated in the half-step land heaven and human realm?"

"It's really better for people to die than people, I only reached the first rank of martial arts in my thirties, and everyone has already reached the half-step heaven and human realm. "

"Oh my God, with Jun Mo's terrifying strength, he can only rank seventh on the Sword Immortal List, could it be that the cultivation of the top six Sword Immortals has reached the realm of land heaven and man?"

"Although Jun Mo's cultivation is only half a step in the Land Heaven and Man Realm, his combat power is already comparable to that of ordinary Land Heaven and Man Realm powerhouses, and the only one who can stabilize him should be the real Land Heaven and Man Realm Sword Immortal. "

"I know how shallow my knowledge is today, and there are far more powerful people in this world than I imagined. "

The first private room on the west side of the fifteenth floor.

Shangguan Wan'er showed a look of shock, and said in a trembling voice: "Half-step Land Heaven and Man Realm, that second gentleman Jun Mo of the academy actually has such strength?"

Founded for thousands of years, Datang Academy has a profound heritage and has an extremely important position in the hearts of students all over the world.

There are even many students who call the Tang Academy, the Great Qin Small Sage Village, and the Liyang Shangyin School Palace as the three ancestral courts of Confucianism.

But because the disciples of the academy rarely enter the rivers and lakes.

Therefore, most people in the rivers and lakes do not know much about Datang Academy.

But Shangguan Wan'er is different, as a close confidant of Wu Zetian, she often participates in court politics and knows the horror of Datang Academy.

Almost half of the people who participate in the examination every year in the Tang Dynasty are from the academy, and more than half of them are inextricably linked with the academy.

Therefore, the influence of the academy in the Tang Dynasty and the opposition was very huge.

Jun Mo, as the second gentleman of the academy, is a famous founder gentleman, and Shangguan Wan'er has naturally heard a lot.

It's just that she never imagined that Jun Mo's cultivation would reach such a terrifying level.

The half-step land heaven and human realm is comparable in strength to ordinary land heaven and man realm powerhouses.

Such strength is already strong enough to confront a dynasty head-on.

On the main throne, Wu Zetian was still calm, and said coldly: "You still know too little about the academy. It's much more than just a place to teach. "

Shangguan Wan'er was even more surprised when she heard this, and asked tentatively, "Could it be that Jun Mo is not the only one who is the top master in the academy?"

Wu Zetian said: "In the previous Huangchao Rebellion, the rebels and thieves killed all the way to Suzaku Street, do you know who finally stopped them?"

Shangguan Wan'er said: "According to historical records, after the Huangchao rebels entered Chang'an City, the rebel leader Huangchao suddenly died of a vicious disease, and the generals under his command were scattered, and the orders of the soldiers of each department were chaotic and could not be defeated."


Wu Zetian shook his head and said flatly: "That's just the official statement." In fact, after the rebels entered Chang'an City, all the generals of the army were nailed and killed overnight, including the leader Huang Chao, which led to the leaderless dragons. "


Shangguan Wan'er looked shocked, and quickly thought of something, "Could it be that the master who killed those rebel generals came from the academy?"

"That's right. "

"Back then, Huang Chao was not just a rebel. "

"He is still the great protector of the Wasteland Demon Sect, and the masters under his command are like clouds, and his own cultivation has reached the peak of the land immortals. "

"Therefore, there are a large number of demon Dao masters accompanying the Huang Chao army, and there are also many other land immortal realm powerhouses except for Huang Chao. "

"That night, the academy attacked, in addition to killing all the generals and demon sect masters in the Huang Chao army, Huang Chao himself was also killed by a mysterious powerhouse from the academy. "

"I don't know the specific identity of that mysterious powerhouse, but it's definitely not Jun Mo. "

"Because when Huang Chao was killed, it was Jun Mo who came to Ganye Temple to invite me to go out of the mountain to preside over the overall situation. "

Wu Zetian said in a flat tone.

Shangguan Wan'er was completely stunned.

The secret that Wu Zetian said is missing a corner in the annals, and it is a truth that she has never heard of.

But Wu Zetian's words also made her solve many doubts.

That is why the rebel army led by Huang Chao was able to form such a huge momentum in a short period of time.

You must know that the Tang Dynasty at that time was not weak, and several Zhenguo generals could be regarded as famous generals even if they looked at the world.

Now she finally understands that in addition to being the leader of the rebel army, Huang Chao is also the Great Protector of the Demon Sect, a powerhouse at the peak of the Land Immortal Realm, and even the Demon Sect masters under his command have land immortals.

With a master of this level fighting with the army, it is natural to be invincible and invincible.

This also made her understand the reason why Wu Zetian wantonly suppressed the demon sect forces in the Tang Dynasty after he ascended the throne.

So much so that today's Datang rivers and lakes have almost no soil for the survival of the Demon Sect.

"The Wasteland Demon Sect, it is said that it is a very powerful demonic force. "

"Its history is comparable to that of a shoin, dating back at least a thousand years, and it is famous throughout Kyushu. "

"But twenty years ago, the Wasteland Demon Sect suddenly disappeared without a trace, and all the disciples were killed, could it be that the academy also took action?"

Shangguan Wan'er asked on a whim.

In the entire ancient history of the human race, there is only 7,000 years of the land of Kyushu, and a force that can survive for more than 1,000 years can definitely be called 'ancient'.

Not to mention that in the past thousand years, the Wasteland Demon Sect has been powerful, and the power of many masters has enveloped more than a dozen surrounding dynasties.

Just looking at the cultivation of the peak of the land immortals in Huangchao, a great protector of the Demon Sect, he knows how terrifying this force is.

But it was such a behemoth, but it was uprooted and wiped out twenty years ago.

To this day, no one knows which force and which powerful person made this shocking move.

Now that she suddenly learned about the horror of the academy, Shangguan Wan'er subconsciously thought that it might be the academy that made a move.

"In the Huangchao Rebellion back then, the academy did kill a lot of Demon Sect masters. "

"But for the Demon Sect that has existed for thousands of years, it is not a pain in the bones, let alone the destruction of the sect. "

"As for who destroyed the Wasteland Demon Sect, I don't know the truth. "

"After all, there are too many secrets in this world, which ordinary people can see, and even non-emperors can see. "

"If it weren't for the Yellow Nest Rebellion, I'm afraid it would be difficult for me to know that in addition to the study hall on the surface, the academy also has the terrifying place of the second floor. "

Wu Zetian said with great emotion.

"Second floor?"

Shangguan Wan'er looked puzzled again.

"The second floor is just a synonym. "

"According to Jun Mo, those forces that have existed for more than a thousand years have so-called unknowable places. "

"The second floor is the unknowable place of the academy. "

"There are many peerless masters hidden in the second floor, and anyone who comes out can step on the rivers and lakes. "

"And in the unknowable places in the world such as the two-story building, there are four of them that Jun Mo alone knows. "

Wu Zetian patiently explained to Shangguan Wan'er.

These words subverted Shangguan Wan'er's cognition.

The forces that have existed for more than a thousand years have unknowable places, and only Jun Mo knows four.

The second floor is just one of the four unknowables!

How many unknowable places are there that Jun Mo doesn't know?

How many supreme masters were hidden in the unknowable lands of the major ancient forces? Shangguan Wan'er didn't dare to imagine.

As Wu Zetian said, there are too many secrets in this world.

Even if it is the emperor of a powerful dynasty, what can be glimpsed is only the tip of the iceberg.

The sixth private room on the west side of the fifteenth floor.

Xiao Se said with emotion: "The Tang Dynasty is worthy of being a thousand-year-old dynasty, and the academy is worthy of being a thousand-year-old academy. "

Lei Wuji snapped his fingers and said in surprise: "This Jun Mo is only ranked seventh on the Sword Immortal List, doesn't that mean that there are six Sword Immortals who are stronger than him?"

"With Jun Mo's attainments in the Xuan Realm, he is almost invincible under the land heaven and man. "

"Therefore, the six sword immortals who are ranked above him should have reached above the land heaven and human realm in cultivation. "

Wuxin added in a brisk tone.

Tang Lian smiled bitterly: "I originally thought that Li Changsheng, Mo Yi, and Xie Zhize, who were out of the rivers and lakes in the north, thought they were the best in the world, but now I know that I underestimated the world." "

After a few people discussed, they couldn't help but turn their eyes to Bai Yutai, waiting for Su Chen's next comment.

The sword immortal of the land sword fairyland!

Back then, Li Chungang, the god of swordsmanship in Liyang, was only in this realm when he was at his peak.

On the white jade platform.

Su Chen felt the hot gaze from all directions, couldn't help but smile slightly, and said loudly:

"Next, let's talk about the next sword immortal on the list. "

"Sixth on the Sword Immortal List, Ah Qing. "

"From the name, you can also hear that this is a female sword fairy. "

"And she is also the only female sword immortal on the Kyushu Sword Immortal List, which can be called peerless, the real female sword immortal ceiling, and her cultivation has reached the land heaven and human realm!"

"According to the current imperial territory, she should be regarded as a person from the Great Qin Jianghu. "

In fact, she was born in the ancient Yue Kingdom, which had been extinct for two hundred years. "

"Even in the chaotic period of the hundred dynasties vying for hegemony two hundred years ago, the ancient Yue Kingdom was definitely not a big country. "

"In terms of national strength, Guyue is not even ranked in the top 30, and it is even less worth mentioning as a small country today. "

"There are so many dynasties of this magnitude in history that they will soon be forgotten by the world. "

However, the ancient Yue Kingdom has left footprints in the long river of time, and it is still talked about after two hundred years. "

"Especially those who learn swords, they must know about the ancient Yue Kingdom. "

"There are many sects in this world, countless dynasties, and hundreds of schools of thought have a long history. "

"Some powerful sects are even able to control a dynasty, making all the people of the dynasty believers. "

"For example, Xiling is the whole country to the Tao, the moon wheel, and Dali is the whole country to the Buddha. "

"But throughout the ages, there is only one country that practices swords, and that is the ancient Yue country. "

"At the peak of the ancient Yue Kingdom, there were only 10 million people, but it was claimed that there were 7 million swordsmen, which shows the wind of sword training in the whole country. "

"And Gu Yue"

Not only does everyone practice swordsmanship, but everyone has excellent swordsmanship, and the overall level of kendo is the best among all dynasties in the land of Kyushu.

"It is this strong kendo level that makes no one dare to commit in the weak Gu Yue Kingdom, and even has the reputation of 'Yue Country Swordsmanship'. "

"Legend has it that any old man or woman or child on the streets of Yue Kingdom is equipped with earth-shattering swordsmanship. "

"Legend has it that the butcher of Yue used a sword instead of a sword, and when a sword came out, the flesh and bone were separated, and the points were exactly the same. "

"Legend has it that the children of the Yue Kingdom have been sleeping with swords since they were born, and they are born to be peerless swordsmen. "


"And the source of all these legends comes from a famous saying, a famous quote that is still a household name today-"

"Lie down and taste the gall, three thousand Yuejia can swallow Wu mix!"

"For the origin of this famous saying, I believe that all of you know it very well"

"At that time, the ancient Yue Kingdom was too weak and was destroyed by the neighboring Wu State, and even Gou Jian, the king of Yue, was captured by the Wu State. "

But Gou Jian did not surrender, but gritted his teeth and endured it for ten years. "

"In the past ten years, Yue Guo has secretly trained 3,000 swordsmen, each of whom has the power to do a hundred. "

In the end, relying on these 3,000 Yue Jia, he defeated the 300,000 elite army of Wu State in a battle, caused a sensation in the world, and successfully restored the country. "

"But everyone in the world knows that the three thousand Yue Jia are strong, but they don't know the identity of the person who trained the three thousand Yue Jia. At this point, you should have guessed it. "

"The person who trained the three thousand Yue Jia and created the myth of 'Three Thousand Yue Jia can swallow Wu' is the Yue Nu Jian Aqing. "

Today, she has lived for more than 200 years. "

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