Everything was different from what he originally expected.

Although he felt that the punishment for failing the mission was irreversible, he felt that he still had to save a wave.

At that moment, the charm of Hinamori Tao really attracted him.

"This, this I am because..."

"No explanation needed."

Before the explanation that had been brewing for a while was finished, Zaemon trembled and closed his mouth, and Aizen's indifferent eyes with no warmth only felt as if his whole person was seen through.

In the next second, Aizen said with deep meaning: "It's what you should do now, working hard to become stronger. I don't want to see... some childish behavior."

The deep meaning in Aizen's words was heard in a daze.

Only Zaemon was a little disturbed, and replied with a reluctantly dry smile: "I understand."

"Okay, let the people who rule the fourth division come here."

In the blink of an eye, Aizen regained the appearance of a gentle uncle, waved his hand and retreated from Zaemon.

Zaemon, who was in a complicated mood, didn't feel the pressure in his heart until he entered Seoreitei.

It's just that this didn't make him much easier... On the contrary, he was a little worried about gains and losses.

"What does Aizen mean?"

"He saw through my purpose"

"Or, he saw that there was something wrong with my identity."

"He's warning me that I'm wrong. If he really finds out that there is something wrong with me, he should kill me directly."

"It's not right. He should just think that something is wrong with me. After all, I'm his younger brother, so I won't kill him because of some discord."

"But I didn't show anything wrong."

"So, I ruined his plan. Hitsugaya and Hinamori Tao have fallen into Aizen's sight in this era. This incident affected his plan."

Zaemon, who did not understand what Aizen was implying, had a gloomy expression, and kept his head down as he walked to the fourth division.

Just don't care....

No matter how he guessed, he couldn't think of what he had revealed.

If Aizen didn't kill him directly, it meant that things weren't that serious, so he suspected that he had destroyed Aizen's plan.

This made him vigilant.

whether in "memory"

No matter how nice Aizen is to his younger brother, it can't change that Aizen is an extremely dangerous object.

His own identity does not allow him to do whatever he wants under Aizen's eyelids, even if he is not suspected of his identity, if he makes Aizen unhappy, it will still be difficult for him to get away with it.

Aizen's eyes made him understand one thing clearly.

After all, Aizen is the one... Aizen is not an object that an otaku traveler can control with wisdom by relying on the advantages of the plot, and his identity will not make Aizen lose his wisdom in front of him.

"Huh, these days have been smooth sailing."

Zaemon, who gradually calmed down, began to straighten his attitude.

The traveler is... what is the protagonist, Nayuki Subaru, if he keeps a similar mentality, he will die sooner or later without a death reversal.

Fortunately, he has been practicing swords all these days, and despite his poor talent, he has also tempered his character, and even his low comprehension has allowed him to have the ordinary ability to look at himself with a correct attitude.

Ordinary is not scary, what is scary is the arrogant person who thinks he has a golden finger to be invincible.

Zaemon, who had returned to his senses, had some vague guesses about this side quest.

Perhaps this is inseparable from his system! Although it was a pity that he didn't get Hitsugaya's talent, and the lowering of Hinamori Tao's affection was even more heart-wrenching, he felt that this time it was a warning.

......The Aizen who appeared in time to save Hina Moritao was not Kiyohime, but the real Aizen.

After leaving the secret base, Kiyohime immediately contacted Aizen. If it was just a matter in the Seireitei, she naturally wouldn't bother Aizen. She would find a way to solve it herself...

However, there are two boys and girls on the side of Xi Liuhun Street who make Aizen very concerned, just in case Kiyohime still tells Aizen about the matter.

The younger brother of the transmigrator, the Street of Souls in the West, the breath of emptiness... When these elements are subtly connected together, Aizen, who knows this brother of the transmigrator better, realizes that he is going to do something. .

Kiyohime avoided fighting against him, and he also failed to get that... generous quest reward from Aizen.

In order to continue to make obvious progress, it is inevitable to complete the side quests, but when things involve Xu and Xiliu Street, Aizen has to make Aizen suspect the other party's motives.

When it comes to Hinamori Tao and Hitsugaya, no matter what the other party thinks, Aizen will never let him succeed.

If you want to ask the reason... Aizen had planned a long time ago, but he was interrupted and cut off before it even started. Does he want to lose face? Especially after finding out the other party's mission through the system, Aizen is even more in his heart. is disdain.

After killing Hitsugaya Toshiro, Hinamori Momo was about to awaken the Zanpakutō, okay?

Although I'm not sure if Hina Moritao can catch up at the last moment, but even if I don't catch up with that idiot, it's too late to save people.

Once the young Mori Tao died in front of that guy in Hitsugaya, how could that ice dragon, which is enough to freeze the whole world, be something he, a barely reaching level ant, could covet.

"Thank you, thank you."

In a rush to deal with Toushiro's injury urgently, and then turned around to stare at Aizen, Hina Moritao suddenly blushed and thanked in a low voice.

Looking at the other party's vaguely adoring gaze, Aizen's brows wrinkled unconsciously.

'The act of saving the other party happened ahead of time, and it turned out to be like this.

'For some reason, seeing this like, destined worship, Aizen's heart suddenly felt a little irritable.

"These are all things I should do."

After replying lightly, Aizen said softly: "The weak are always powerless when faced with a crisis. If you want to change such a fate, you can try to enter the True Central Spiritual Arts."

"Becoming a god of death?"

Hina Morita murmured in a low voice, the hesitation in her eyes became firmer for some time.

However, her original intention of becoming a god of death had inadvertently changed.

Now, why did she become a god of death and staring at Aizen's stalwart figure, Hinamori felt that she had found the answer.


Hitsugaya, who didn't notice anything unusual, murmured in a daze, the rejection in his words was already very weak.

For.. Death's faint rejection, after all, can't resist the powerlessness in the face of danger.

In particular, Hina Morita suffered a crisis in front of him, and he was helpless and weak, which changed the genius's mentality.

Not long after, the people from the [*]th Division came to Aizen and left.

During this period, apart from passively answering his identity and name, this time he did not have much communication with the two.

However, Hitsugaya Toshiro and Hinamori Momo firmly remembered his name and appearance in their hearts.


I have something to do today. Tomb-sweeping day is coming, grandma is going, and she will also go to visit the grave of my uncle and grandpa the day after tomorrow.

The family didn't support her, at least the day after tomorrow, she didn't want to let her go. As a result, the old man was in a bad mood, but his health became worse. After a busy day, he was sent to the hospital for examination and prescribed medicine. The family persuaded her for a day and finally we had to compromise.

【235】.Put on the new vest (9/39)

Aizen and Kiyohime, who was restored to her original state after leaving Seoreitei, meet up in a secluded flower garden.

"Aizen-sama, what are you thinking?"

Qing Ji, who was lying on Aizen's shoulder, tilted her head and said cutely.

Aizen, who was sitting on the grass, shook his head: "Nothing."


Suddenly, Kiyohime let go of her hand and ran to Aizen and shouted angrily.

Aizen was stunned for a moment, and then she said with tears in her eyes, "I forgot about your abilities, but... well, I'm really upset."


Kiyohime hummed in dissatisfaction and ignored Aizen.

Obviously, even if it was acceptable for Aizen to lie to others, it still made her very unhappy that Aizen lied to her, even if it was only unintentional.

In other words, to be able to avoid becoming: Sick Jiao is a very rare improvement for her.

"Ha ha."

Aizen, who was slightly relieved, smiled slightly, and the irritability in her heart faded a lot.

Just remembering the look in Hina Moritao's eyes, he still had a feeling of discomfort.

He doesn't reject the young forest peach, but he is the kind of...rejecting the young forest peach... worship.

Obviously, when other people face him with such a blind attitude, he will not have this kind of perseverance.

"What a troublesome girl."

With a sigh, Aizen, who couldn't figure it out, had to shake this feeling out of her mind.

It's just...he really can't figure it out, who knows.

"Qing Ji, I will ask you to stay in the Soul Society for a while, and then I will speed up the strategy of the virtual circle."

"Hum... well, I know."

Kiyohime, who was humming and wanted to refuse staunchly, softened her attitude instantly when she saw Aizen's gentle smile.

He didn't stay alone with Qingji for too long, but only ordered Qingji to convey some information to some people, and Aizen left the Soul Realm again.

... present life.

Once again, Aizen, who came to the world, had a few more people beside her.

They are Nezha, Okada Izo, and...no more.

Ahem, there are three people in total.

Aizen, who left the Soul Realm, went back to the virtual circle, and threw Stark and Ulquiorra, who had been trained almost the same, to Numaseka and the others, and he brought Okada Izo and Nezha to the world. .

Now this Stark without a return blade is actually stronger than the original Stark in the ten-blade stage, while Balegang is not as good as the broken five, after the face.

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