Shrines, alien spaces.

Saitama and Ainz were surprised to hear Erica introduce their world.

By the way.

The two came not long after Akuya left, when Hagen had just opened his mouth to invite Erica to come in and sit.

Asuna Yuki went to her bedroom to do her homework, so she didn't participate in the topic this time.

"As long as you successfully kill the gods, you can immediately obtain a power in the mythology recorded by the gods, Miss Erica, your world is too outrageous."

Saitama couldn't help but complain.

On the side, Ainz couldn't help nodding his head and agreed: "In this way, it has become quite normal for me to travel into the game world."

Although Erica had a shallow smile on her face, she rolled her eyes speechlessly at the two at this time.

One is to directly become the strongest by traveling to the game world.

The other is a simple exercise that she can easily do, and becomes extremely powerful.

In this way, the two are still embarrassed to say that her world is outrageous...? 17

"Is Miss Erica the god killer?"

Saitama asked curiously.

"There are only six godkillers in the world now."

Erica shook her head: "I'm just a little witch, and the gods are not so easy to defeat, even if those gods who don't get from the gods are just doppelgangers from mythology."

Saitama nodded as if he understood something, and his eyes lit up to Hachi and asked:

"Hagen-sama, do you say I can become a god killer?"

"In theory, naturally, it is possible."

Yu Yuan replied, and then chuckled:

“...... How? Hearing Erica's introduction, Saitama was moved? But for you, it's a real opportunity to break your own apex. "

Hearing that the method was feasible, Saitama couldn't help but feel a little hungry:

"That Hagen-sama, or you can send me to Miss Erica's world now."

"Not now."

Hachi poured cold water on him at this time, and under Saitama's resentful gaze he explained:

"It's not that I don't want to send you over, it's just that for the time being, I don't have access to Erica's world."

"It turns out that if you want to go to someone else's world, you still need permission."

Saitama scratched his head.

"Saitama, it turns out that you haven't found out about this for so long." Ainz, who was sitting next to Saitama, was a little surprised.

"Huh? Ainz did you find out earlier? Saitama wondered.

"Yes, otherwise Saitama, why do you think Hagen-sama didn't come to your and my world, obviously because of some reason, Hagen-sama couldn't come."

At this moment, Ainz seems to be possessed by some detective elementary school student, and reasoning reasonably.

"Ah, I always thought that Hagen-sama was bored and didn't come." Saitama is like a Daigo empowerment.

Hachi smiled a little surprised and said:

"I really didn't expect that Ainz could detect it without mentioning it."

"But... The two of you actually passed the other day, and you didn't go there because you didn't find time. "

"Is it! Nahagen-sama remember to come to my world early, and I will serve you the best sake and meat over there. Ainz looked a little impatient.

Yu Yuan raised his eyebrows slightly: "I think the hospitality is fake, Ainz wants to show that the kingdom he built is real, right?"

"Ahahaha, have you been seen through?"

Ainz laughed, and there was no embarrassment to be poked.

Erica listened quietly to their conversation, calm on the surface, but already terrified in her heart.

From the outside, she could see the omniscient power of Yuyuan, and in this alien space she saw the signs of omnipotence.

An all-knowing and all-powerful god, and not yet a mythical god with only a partial escape.

If you go to her world, it will definitely cause an uproar.

Fortunately, Yuyuan does not seem to have the pride of the gods towards humans, otherwise she would really be worried about this.

"Hagen-sama, when will you have permission?" Saitama's entire attention was on this matter, and he didn't care about anything else.

Yu Yuan felt a little helpless: "I can't be sure of this yet, when I have the authority, I will take Saitama with you as soon as possible."

"Thank you, Lord Hagen." Saitama thanked sincerely.

Ainz said seriously, "Verbal thanks are useless, Saitama, I think you should give Yuen-sama something practical."

"But I don't have any money..." Saitama looked distressed.

Although I have a job in the Hero Guild, I make the ranking too low. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Coupled with too much strength when doing tasks, he accidentally sabotaged official duties, so he received salary and remuneration, and could only barely make ends meet.

"Anything else..."

At this time, Yalbed walked in from outside.

She came to deliver snacks.

Placing the things on the tea table, Yalbed turned and left.

And Ainz stretched out his slender bone finger and pointed at Saitama's back.

Saitama looked over blankly.

Remembering that Yalbed was sent by Ainz to Yuyuan.

"Then I'll grab a woman for Hagen-sama next time?"

"Uh-huh, son..."

Before Ainz could nod in satisfaction, Yuyuan's face turned dark, and the corners of his mouth twitched a few times: "This kind of thing is not necessary."

When did Ainz's mind become so bad, he is not a villain concentration camp here.

"Erica, don't get me wrong."

"I know, Hagen-sama."

Erica blinked her beautiful eyes and smiled amusedly, now she was not as nervous as she had at the beginning.

He is really an approachable deity.

The current Erica favor is sixty-five



Six o'clock in the evening.

Everyone is gone, and the lively shrine becomes deserted again.

Yuyuan slowly stretched out and stood up, hooked his finger to the dinner plate left on the table, and automatically flew to the automatic dishwasher next to the sink.

When it was cleaned, the plate disappeared with snapping fingers, and instead of storing it, it was transferred to Yalbedna.

In the bedroom, Asuna Yuki, who was holding another brigade, came out:

"Lord Shangjin, there seems to be a fireworks festival near the evening today, I want to go and see it."

"Asuna, wouldn't it be better to see the fireworks if you were watching the fireworks?"

Yuyuan couldn't help but smile.

He is the highest mountain in the vicinity, and he can see the fireworks a little clearer.

Yuki Asuna puffed out his mouth:

"Mo~ Lord Shangjin, you don't understand, the most important thing besides fireworks is the atmosphere, my kimono is ready."

"Okay, good, Asuna wants to go down the mountain, I'll accompany you."

Hagen patted Asuna's head dotingly: "Also call Ya'er Beide together, she has not seen such a party in such a long time."


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