Hajime gently patted Hoshino's back until he couldn't hear the sobs in his arms and stopped moving.

"I'm really sorry Lord God, I haven't seen love for five years, I missed you too much, and I accidentally gaffed."

Hoshino let go of the hands holding Habe, she wiped away the remaining tears from the corners of her eyes, and slowly revealed her sweet smile to Habe.

"It's okay, although love has grown into a big girl now, she is still a child in my eyes as before, so love can coquette with me as much as she wants."

Habe handed Hoshino Ai a clean piece of facial paper, and then reached out and put his hand on Hoshino's head like yesterday, and gently rubbed his hair.

"Eh~ Is it really okay to Lord God?"

Hoshino Ai wiped her face with a tissue, she raised her head slightly, and her shining six-pointed star-shaped eyes were full of expectation.

"Of course."

Hagen nodded with a gentle smile.

Hearing this, Hoshino's smile couldn't help but be a little better.

"Hehe, then thank you, Lord God!"

"You're welcome."

Seeing Hoshino Ai, who is more energetic and dramatic than in the anime fan in her previous life, Hagen is sincerely happy for her.

"Speaking of which, love is the outfit of an idol when performing, right?" Hagen suddenly noticed the black and red dress on Hoshino's body.

"Yes, yes! Lord God really deserves to be Lord God, and he really knows everything. "

Hoshino specially circled in place, and the short skirt fluttered in the wind:

"This is the dress I am going to perform today, what do you think, Lord God?" Does it look good? "

Yu Yuan commented with a slight smile: "... Good looks are good looks, but such a short skirt loves to wear safety pants, otherwise it will be seen 270. "

Just now, when Hoshino Ai was spinning in circles, a white and pink bow came into view.

"I'll definitely wear safety pants before I go out!"

Hoshino Ai pressed her hands against the hem of her skirt from the middle, and a slight blush appeared on her fair cheeks.

"God-sama, H!"

Hachi smiled dumbly.

Obviously, yesterday's love was still in a vacuum in pajamas, but today it is because of seeing the fat times shy, and it is quite interesting to change such a big gap.

Due to the need to perform, Hoshino Ai only stayed at the shrine for less than an hour before going back.

During this period, Hagen also listened to Hoshino Ai tell about what happened in five years.

It turned out that after Hoshino's mother passed away, the door to the shrine could not be opened.

Therefore, she could only rely on the two gold coins given by Yuyuan to complete her elementary school and junior high school, as well as support her usual food, clothing, housing and transportation.

In short, because he has money, and he usually works part-time after junior high school, Hoshino Ai's life is not very difficult.

Last month, he was accidentally spotted by talent scouts while doing odd jobs, with some idol groups of the same age.

Today is their first performance, and before the performance, Hoshino Ai went to open the doorknob as usual, but I didn't expect that this time it was successfully opened.

Then came to the shrine...

Although the experience in the past five years does not sound perfect, compared to the development of the original plot, Hoshino Ai's ordinary experience is good enough.

Hagen could see that Hoshino Ai was very satisfied with his current life, so he didn't plan to add to it and go back in time to the acceleration effect of five years yesterday.

The conditions are met

I push the child world to unlock

(CCEI) countdown to ten days

12:35 p.m.

In time for dinner, Thor came over.

The guests from another world who came over today, in addition to Hoshino Ai in the morning, are also the current Thor.

Coming to the different space with a familiar car, Thor did not see the imaginary meat on the tea table, and she couldn't help but look a little lost and couldn't help asking:

"Yuyuan, have you already eaten?"

"Nope." Hachi shook his head.

Thor's eyes lit up, and he was pleasantly surprised in his heart, and his tail unconsciously slapped the ground happily: "... When are you going to eat? "

"Don't eat."

Yuyuan smiled slightly, "Usually I don't have the habit of eating lunch, yesterday it was Saitama... It was the bald man who came over to specially entertain him. "

Hearing Yuyuan's words about not eating, Thor's expression immediately darkened, but after hearing the second half of Yuyuan's words, she raised her head and said seriously to Yuyuan:

"If he has hospitality, then I will entertain too."

"Yes." Yu Yuan didn't mind, he asked strangely, "The jerky that Thor took away yesterday has already been eaten?"

Thor replied with a happy smile on his face, "... Well, because I was free to come over today, I swallowed it all in one gulp before I came over. "

"Thor is smart." Yuyuan couldn't help but smile.

Thor snorted twice and said proudly: "As a proud and great dragon, it is natural to have a smart brain."

Then her voice changed: "But Yuyuan, how long do you have to wait to eat meat?"

Looking at Thor's drooling look, Yuyuan couldn't help but feel very cute and smiled: "It's about thirty minutes, Thor is a little patient."




Kanagawa, Yokohama.

The bunny girl who returned home from Tokyo changed into her home pajamas and sat down on a chair in front of the desk in her room.

She flipped open the books on the table that recorded neon myths and began to look for traces of the man who claimed to be a god today.

Time passed quietly, and it was already dark outside. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Mai Sakurajima turned over the entire history of neon mythology, and did not find the god corresponding to the transcendent appearance.

She had wondered if it would be a god of beauty, but the god of beauty was obviously not a woman.

Mai Sakurajima rubbed her temples a little tiredly and closed the books: "Let's go to the various shrines in Tokyo tomorrow."

Her lost presence had to be addressed, and now she couldn't be noticed anywhere but in school.

Especially when shopping for things, others can't see her, which has caused great trouble to life.

6:50 p.m.

At Thor's strong request, Yalbed was forced to prepare another dinner.

And not long after the dinner was ready.

Hoshino fell in love.

When Thor and Hoshino Ai met in another space, a hint of surprise flashed in her vertical eyes:

“...... Strange, aren't you the little girl from yesterday? How come a day suddenly grows so big. "

"Yesterday?" Hoshino Ai tilted his head, a little unable to understand Thor's meaning: "Sister Thor, did you remember wrong?" We haven't seen each other in five years. "

"Five years?"

Thor looked at Yuyuan a little confused.

I saw Hagen smile softly at her, and the transmission informed Hoshino Ai World that time was accelerated.

Although I was a little surprised, I was relieved to think that Hagen was a god who could control time, so I didn't think much about waiting for the appearance of the dishes.

After dinner, Hoshino Ai wanted to stay for more time, but tomorrow there was a performance that required early to go to bed and get up early, and finally left after resting for the meeting.

And today Thor rarely left without finishing eating, but instead sat across from Yuyuan and asked for a cup of tea.

Thor took a sip of tea like Yuyuan, and suddenly spoke:

"I plan to gather all the dragon clans of all factions from tomorrow and let them join me in fighting against the gods and ending the battle between the dragons and the gods."

"In that case, the Chaos Dragon Clan will not need to live for fighting all their lives and get their own freedom."

Speaking of this, she put down the teacup and opened her eyes to look at Yuyuan: "Do you think it is possible for me to succeed?"

"Sometimes the idea is good, but the reality is often cruel."

Instead of answering Thor's question head-on, Hachi hooked his hand and filled the tea for Thor again.

"Yuyuan thinks I won't succeed?" Thor asked.

Yu Yuan smiled lightly, "Since you already have the answer in your heart, Thor, then why do you need to ask me again."

Thor sighed, even if she had expected it in her heart, she would still feel lonely when Yuyuan, the all-knowing god, said it herself.

"Is there any way you can end the war then?" Thor had hope in his eyes.

"Has absolutely overwhelming power." Hachi said directly.

Thor's eyes became resentful.

Yu Yuan's words are equivalent to not saying, if she has such great power, she will not have the idea of summoning other factions of the dragon clan.

"How about you join me in fighting against God?"

Yu Yuan raised his eyebrows a little amused: "... Thor, do you think it would be appropriate to let me be a god and help you fight God? And what good is it for me to help you. "

Oh, yes......

Why should I let Yuyuan, who has only known me for two days, help me.

Thor had already looked away and did not blame Hajime for his refusal.

She decided to try to gather people first, and if there really was no dragon who would promise her, she would go to the Divine Realm alone to fight.

Yuyuan saw Thor's thoughts, and also knew that Thor would inevitably be seriously injured if he went according to the plot development this time.

He took out a strand of his own hair, this one was not specially cut off, but directly took out the entire hair almost the length of an arm.

"Thor, this hair with some of my strength will reduce the damage you take, while also increasing your attack by fifty percent."

"As for the next, it's up to you."

Realizing that Thor is also fate, he will not be particularly partial to the guests who come here.

Since Hagen has a small help to Hoshino's ability, it must be indispensable when Thor needs it.

"Thank you."

Thor thanked from the bottom of his heart.

Obviously, in the absence of any benefits, Yuyuan can still give her some help, which is good enough, she is not an insatiable dragon.

"Yuyuan, when I return victoriously, I will bring you many of those gods' treasures."

"But what if Thor fails?" Yuyuan asked with a smile.

"Hmm... Then I will follow the example of Jalbed as a maid for you. "


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