9:35 a.m.

Out of the torii gate came a young girl with long black hair, her eyes were extremely cold, and she exuded an aura that refused to be seen thousands of miles away.

I saw the girl standing at the door of the torii gate, with her indifferent eyes, casually glancing at the building of Hagen Shrine directly in front of her.

Even if she suddenly came to another place through the door, the girl was not surprised or puzzled.

Not even any emotions arise, just like a robot.

"Miss Shinomiya."

Yuyuan, who was located in front of the girl's right, naturally recognized this girl who was like an iceberg.

Now it seems to be the iceberg period of Shinomiya Kaguya? Yu Yuan thought secretly in his heart.

Hearing her last name, Shinomiya Kaguya raised her head to look at Hagen, but she did not speak, simply staring straight with that indifferent gaze.

At this time, the introduction of the shrine and Hagen poured out of Shinomiya Kaguya's mind.

Although it was unscientific to have additional memories in his head, Shinomiya Kaguya remained skeptical.

As the eldest lady of the top chaebol,

She is a materialist.

"Are you a god?"

Looking at the superior man in front of him whose appearance could not be described in words, Shinomiya Kaguya slowly asked out loud.

Her voice was the same as the indifferent expression on her face, in short, it was very, very cold.

As for -

The lack of honorifics is due to the lack of full belief in Hageni as a god.


Hachi smiled gently.

It is a strong contrast to the icy cold of Shinomiya Kaguya.

Seeing Yuyuan's warm smile hanging from it, Shinomiya Kaguya couldn't help but pause slightly, I don't know why she was inexplicably a little envious in her heart.

However, thinking of the regulations that belonged exclusively to the Shinomiya family, the envy in Shinomiya Kaguya's heart only existed for a moment and disappeared.

"How to prove it?" Shinomiya Kaguya's tone was cold.

Hagen had already expected that Shinomiya Kaguya still didn't believe it, and he chuckled and slowly opened his mouth to spit out his name.


The moment the words fell, a huge green dragon of 04 appeared in the clearing behind Yuyuan in the blink of an eye, covering the shadow of Shinomiya Kaguya.

Shinomiya Kaguya slowly looked up at the dragon with scales in mythology, which could be compared to the tall building, and she had the feeling of dreaming.

Until he pinched his thigh flesh, Shinomiya Kaguya understood that this was the real reality, so he subconsciously shrank his pupils and looked incredulous.

"What did you call me?"

Thor asked with his big head down.

Just now received the order from Yu Yuan to make her come as she was, and she came over immediately, and she didn't know the reason.

"It's okay, it's just calling you." Hachi smiled slightly.

Hearing this, Thor blinked his orange vertical pupils and couldn't help but be a little confused, and then her eyes became resentful, and the light of her whole body flickered and changed back to human form.

Thor couldn't help but pouted and said, "Since there is nothing to do, then I will go back, I am very busy!"

You're busy eating... Yu Yuan was amused in his heart, but he didn't break this matter.

After Thor walked back into the house, Hagen looked at Shinomiya Kaguya, who had not yet come to his senses, and said:

"Miss Shinomiya, you should believe it now, right?"

Shinomiya Kaguya exhaled deeply, digested the shocked emotions, and returned to his original cold appearance.

"Why did Lord God choose me?"

At this moment, Shinomiya Kaguya finally brought honorifics, after all, the mythical dragons have appeared, even if they don't want to believe it, they have to believe it.

From the memories of the introduction, she knew that Hagen Shrine was a place that combined guests from various different worlds.

What Shinomiya Kaguya couldn't understand was that she was just an ordinary person from a chaebol, how could He De come to such a strange place.

Shinomiya Kaguya does not think that this god named Hagen is coveting her to gain something from him.

Shaking his head, Hachi explained:

"It's not to pick you, but the gate of the other world is randomly placed, of course, Miss Shinomiya is not restrained, and they are all my guests when they come here."

Shinomiya Kaguya nodded, kind of understanding this matter.

Next, Hagen invited Shinomiya Kaguya into a different space, which is the hospitality that new guests need to experience.

After about thirty minutes, the sound of the torii gate sounded, and then Limulu jumped into the other space.

"Hagen-sama, I'm coming to disturb Limlu ~~~"


Although it is clear that the guests from the other world who have arrived are not all humans, Shinomiya Kaguya is still surprised to see Rimlu, who can talk like jelly.

After all, it is too unscientific for a creature like slime to exist only in games and has no vocal cord organs to be able to speak.

However, thinking of the dragon that appeared just now, and the existence of Hachi, the god-sama, Shinomiya Kaguya suddenly felt that slime seemed normal in comparison.

The depravity of materialists ...

"What about the seeds that Limuru brought back the other day?"

After Limulu walked to the living room and jumped on the tea table, Yuyuan asked as he prepared a cup full of tea.

Limulu replied happily: "Hehe, everything has sprouted smoothly, and with the help of the Arashiya tribe and the goblins, it should not be long before it can be eaten."

Speaking of this, Limulu thought of something again: "Ah yes, this time I brought the gold coins I owe to Lord Yuyuan."

It opened its mouth and spit out ten shiny gold coins, there was no mucus on them, and the gold coins were in a very clean state.

Looking at the gold coins on the tea table, Yu Yuan did not stretch out his hand to accept them: "Don't worry so much about the gold coins for the time being, Limulu, your village has just developed and it is time to use money."

Limuru shook her round body from side to side:

"It's okay, Hagen-sama! These coins are earned by capturing beasts in the forest and selling them in the kingdom next door.

As long as I want to make money, it is relatively simple for me to live in the forest.

And soon after, the seeds given by Hagen-sama will fully grow, and we can also take and sell them if we can't finish eating, so you can rest assured that you can accept it. "

Since Limulu has already said so, there is no point in Yuyuan continuing to postpone.

"Then I'll take it." Yu Yuan smiled lightly and snapped his fingers, and the gold coins on the tea table disappeared instantly.

Seeing this, Limulu also breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, owing something to others felt very uncomfortable for him.

At this time, Limulu looked at the girl opposite Yuyuan, and because of his sentient skills, he had already noticed the sight from the girl.

"Hagen-sama, is this young lady from another world like me?" Limulu took a sip of tea and asked with some curiosity.

Hagen nodded with a chuckle, "That's right, but she's the first new guest to arrive today, Shinomiya Kaguya."

"New guests!" An exclamation mark appeared on Limulu's forehead, and then he immediately greeted Kaguya Shinomiya warmly.

"Hello, I'm Rimlu!"

Shinomiya Kaguya just nodded calmly.

Hmm~ What an indifferent girl!

Limuru immediately became a little uninterested, he was completely unable to deal with the person with the iceberg personality, so he turned to face Hayuan again.

"Hagen-sama, has Ainz been here lately?"

"Came once."

Speaking of this, Yuyuan couldn't help but say with interest: "It's quite interesting to say, the last time Ainz came over, I missed it on the afternoon you left with the seeds."

"Eh~~~ Is that so?"

Limuru couldn't help but feel a little disappointed, but he didn't expect things to be so coincidental, and he would come back that day that day when he knew this.

Yu Yuan raised his eyebrows: "Limulu misses Ainz?"

"A little!"

Limulu generously admitted: "After all, Ainz seems to be another me, and the experience of life is similar, so I will talk very much when I talk to Ainz."

Yu Yuan put down the teacup in his hand and said with a smile: "Then I'll send Limulu to the world of Ainz."

"Ah, no need for this! It's not good for you to trouble Hagen-sama because of this little thing.

And I will go back later to continue to arrange the construction of the village, and if I can't touch Ainz, forget it.

"When this is over, there will be time to come here later, and there will definitely be a chance to meet Ainz!"

Limuru shook her head and refused.

He already has his own bond in the other world, and it is impossible to leave his hands behind in order to find Ainz specifically.

That would be too much to be loyal to them. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"Limulu, you can see it very openly."

A little surprise flashed in Yuyuan's eyes, and Limulu's sense of responsibility was heavier than he thought.



11:20 a.m.

Erica came over before the meal, and when she entered the living room of the other space, she saw the slime on the tea table and couldn't help but ask curiously:

"Hagen-sama, is this your pet?"

In fact, Ainz wanted to ask this last time, but Limulu didn't say something before asking.

This time, Erica finally asked this sentence.

Yu Yuan couldn't help but smile dumbly:

"No, Erica, this is also a guest from another world."

"Huh?" Erica was a little surprised.

"Hello~ I'm Limluda!"

At this time, Limuru greeted Erica.

Although there was an indescribable strange feeling, Erica nodded politely in response.

"Hello, I'm Erica."

After saying this, Erica suddenly noticed that there was a girl with long black hair, and she walked over and sat down next to her.

Shinomiya Kaguya looked at Erica next to him and did not speak, holding the teacup in both hands and continuing to speak.

Erica also sensed the girl's coldness, but she didn't care about it, after all, she didn't come here to make friends.

Finally meeting a guest who was willing to respond to him, Limulu wanted to say a few words to Erica more, but then the voice of the great sage in his mind sounded.


The other party has the power of the gods

Extremely dangerous

Do not die

"Hey, hey, hey??"

Hearing this, Limulu was confused, obviously Erica 430 looked like a harmless girl.

But the Great Sage couldn't go wrong, so Limuru gave up the idea of taking the initiative to chat.

Limulu's sudden voice caused the two girls Erica and Shinomiya Kaguya to look over suspiciously, but the corners of Yuyuan's mouth rose slightly when he knew the reason.

However, he didn't say anything, and his gaze moved to Erica: "Calculate the time, there should be a new god of disobedience on Erica's side, right?"

"Yes, Hagen-sama, as you said, recently after harvesting Athena's artifact, the god Athena came to the door not long ago."

"But I didn't have a conflict with her, she just said that she wanted me to take the initiative to hand over her artifact and left."

God who does not follow? Athena?

The conversation between Erica and Yuyuan made Lim Lu's face full of confused faces outlined with big question marks on his head.

And Shinomiya Kaguya listened quietly, even if he didn't understand, he wouldn't show it.

Seeing Limuru's doubts, Hagen snapped his fingers, and the introductory memory of the god-killer did not follow appeared in the brains of Limulu and Shinomiya Kaguya, respectively.

A trace of fluctuation flashed in Shinomiya Kaguya's eyes, but his face remained calm, but Limulu exclaimed: "Oh oh oh!! What a world!! "

At this moment, the doubts in Limulu's heart also disappeared, and after knowing about the god killer, it was not surprising that he had divine power over Erica.

"What is Erica going to do with her?"

Hachi asked as he handed Erica a cup of hot tea.

"Thank you, Hagen-sama."

Mr. Erica thanked and then replied:

"The will of the magic association under my hand is to let me destroy it and return it to mythology, but I see that Athena is only for her own divine tools, and has no intention of doing evil.

"I don't know what to do for a while, do you have any good suggestions, Lord Hagen?"

Yu Yuan's mind couldn't help but think of the silver-haired Athena figure like Pandora, who put down the teacup and smiled:

"I don't have any good advice on this, Erica is now the Demon King of the Earth God Killer, you have to learn to make your own decisions."

In the face of Yuyuan's preaching, Erica did not feel impatient and nodded very seriously.

"I see, Hagen-sama."

Hagen bowed his head slightly in satisfaction, and obedient girls will always make people feel loved.

Squeak -

At this moment, the door of the main hall's different space passage was opened, and a special aroma of cooking struck, attracting everyone present, including the cold Shinomiya Kaguya.

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