After Bejel recounted the past deeds between the Demon Kingdom and Kazemi Yuka, Rhode and Lucy were both silent.

Rhode also understood at this time why Bijer was so scared when he saw the wind and the fragrance.

This is pure and scared…

“Don’t worry, Mr. Bijer, I can assure you of this, Miss Kazami will never strike again against the people of the Demon Kingdom within the limits of my farm, but if you provoke beforehand, then I don’t care.”

Rhode patted Bigger’s shoulder and said in a deep voice.

Piercing his head between his legs, Bijel looked up at Rod.

The Grand Duke of the Demon Kingdom had just talked about the sore spot, and even shed tears.

“Well, I thank Lord Rhode again on behalf of the Demon Kingdom.”

Until now, Bijer has also given up his revenge on Kazemi Yuka, on the one hand, because the other party’s strength is too strong, and on the other hand, it is hindered by Rhode in front of him.

At present, the situation of “393” is obvious, and Biger can still see it.

Kazami Yuka is obviously already part of the farm forces.

If you really want to take action against it, that is, to fight with the farm, for the Demon Kingdom, although the past experience is tragic, but if it is for the past to provoke a more terrifying and unknown force for the present, it is even more stupid.

With this in mind, Bijer must represent the Demon Kingdom and befriend the farm!

Rhode looked at Bijer in front of him, and for a moment he didn’t know what to say.

However, in his heart, he would not be prejudiced against the wind and fragrance, this world was originally a more realistic world of respect for strength.

Basically, the growth experience of every strong person is accompanied by a lot of killing.

It’s just an ordinary thing.

Moreover, now the wind is a part of the farm.

That is the category of his own people, Rhodes has always been biased towards his own people more….

Biger’s emotional regulation was also very fast, and he quickly returned to normalcy and said to Rhode:

“Lord Rhode, then I will go back to pray to Lord Demon King first, forgive me for not staying any longer.”

“Okay, I’ll send you away.”

Rhode got up and walked out of the conference hall with Bijel, and Lucy followed Rhode.

As the three walked past the wind, Rhode and Lucy could clearly feel the trembling of Bijer’s body.

This made both Rhode and Lucy feel a little helpless and funny.

At the same time, it also gave the two a further understanding of the strength of the wind and fragrance….

The three of them walked all the way to the gate of the farm, and Bijer returned to the ranks of the demons, and he performed an elegant noble courtesy to Rhode and Lulucy, and continued:

“Lord Rhodes, Princess Lulucy, then I will say goodbye for the time being, and when I come next time, I will formally agree on the terms of the diplomatic agreement, thank you two for your hospitality.”

The diplomatic negotiations between Lucy and Bijer need to be determined by the Demon King.

Rhodes also understood this.

After all, there was a lot at stake, and when he signed the treaty with the angels, it was Raphael himself who came to talk.

“It’s not far away, it’s a good journey.”

Rhode said to Bijer.

Afterwards, he led the team back in the direction of the Demon Kingdom.

Rhode, on the other hand, turned his eyes to Lucy on the side, and he asked with a bit of urgency:

“Princess? Why don’t I even know your identity? ”

“It’s just a name, what is worth saying, if you want to know, then I’ll tell you it all.”

Lulucy said calmly.

Rodella passed the opponent’s hand, and his other hand suddenly attacked the opponent’s back.

“What are you doing! It’s still out there! ”

“Nothing, just want to try the feel of the princess.”

Lucy blushed shyly and glared at Rhode, and then walked huffily towards her lab.

Rhode smiled and didn’t catch up, he was going to continue to work on his own business, there was still a lot of work on the farm.

But just as he returned to the farmland, Kazemi Yuka suddenly appeared beside him.

“Why did that guy keep looking at me just now?”

The Tyrant of Flowers asked quietly.

Rhode looked at the calm face of the woman in front of him and couldn’t help but feel a little sadness for Bijer.

It is obviously the owner who left such a deep shadow on Bijer, but the other party does not remember Bijer at all.

This feeling is like people neglecting ants.

“A hundred years ago, did you fight a battle against the combined forces of the Demon Kingdom and the Shenwu Empire?”

Rhode asked rhetorically.

Kazami Yuka nodded and said:

“Of course, I remember that I didn’t do anything at that time, and those two eighth-level powerhouses on the other side actually shot at me, and I directly taught them a painful lesson.”

From the wind to the fragrance, Rhode got a new angle.

It turned out that the original Demon Kingdom and the Shenwu Empire started first.

Then it’s really strange that the wind sees Yuka’s subsequent behavior.

“That person was one of the people who got away with it.”

“Oh, that’s the case, why, he thinks I want to take revenge back?”

The corners of Kazemi Yuka’s mouth hooked a disdainful arc, but from it, you can see a little feeling of eagerness…

Obviously, this tyrant is still looking forward to the revenge of the Demon Kingdom.

Rhode couldn’t help but smile. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“The other party is not so daring, he is too late to hide from you now, how can it be revenge?”

Kazemi Yuka frowned after hearing this.

“It’s really disheartening, I thought that the other party would have some blood, and the result was just a waste.”

The tyrant returned to his house.

This made Rhode feel a little helpless.

This Miss Kazami Yuka really likes to fight~

Bijer’s return to the Demon Kingdom was fast, and it had previously taken more than a week to search for the farm, but this return took only one day.

After all, an unknown search, and a definitive return.

The two are naturally not comparable.

It’s night.

The Demon King and the other three Grand Dukes gathered in the Demon King Palace to listen to the report from Bijer.

Their faces were very solemn.

“To sum up, I think it is necessary to reach a friendly relationship with the farm forces, which is also the most beneficial for our Demon Kingdom.”

Bigger put down the note in his hand and concluded.

The Demon King covered his forehead a little on the throne.

“I didn’t expect that farm to be so difficult, even that demon lives there, then sign a peace diplomatic agreement, what about the opinions of your three dukes?”

The Demon King set his sights on the other three dukes present.

“Sign, must sign, this is terrible, we can’t experience the disaster of the year again!”

“I think so too, hurry up and hand over 4.0.”

“I also agree, but there is one thing we may need to pay attention to, if someone in the country knows that Miss Kazami is on that farm, I am afraid that it will cause trouble.”

The words of the last Grand Duke silenced those present.

The tragic experience a hundred years ago, in addition to bringing a shadow to Bijer, also brought anger to a certain existence in the Demon Kingdom.

Because the eighth-level powerhouse of the Demon Kingdom was the heir of that existence….

“Let’s keep it secret first, and you can’t bring a crisis to the entire ethnic group because of individual hatred.”

In the end, it was the Demon King who made the decision.

A peace agreement with the farm is mandatory, but the presence of Kazemi must be kept secret.

The four dukes also agreed.

Thus, a new diplomatic agreement was quickly negotiated….

The seventh more, ask for flowers, ask for tickets, ask for tips~

Ten minutes a chapter.

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