Although Rhode still has a lot of raw materials that he wants to experiment with the processing machine, today is the day when the Night Elves are stationed.

At the very least, some advance preparation is required.

For example, where to stay after the arrival of the other party, and whether to hold a welcome banquet, etc.

These need to be considered.

So Rhodes could only put aside the fun of the processing machine for the time being.

He first circled the farm, and finally found a place for the night elves near the corner, which was the place where the farm saw the least sunlight, and the trees in that direction were the densest.

This is somewhat in line with the living preferences of some night elves.

In addition, after communicating with Lucy, Rhode decided to hold a welcome party for the Night Elves tonight.

This stay of the night elves is different from the previous angel stay.

At present, the angelic clan is still nominally temporary in nature on the farm, and it is a cooperative station.

But the Night Elves are not the same14.

They are going to officially join Rhode, and Rhode will be their lord in the future.

The two represent different concepts.

From this point of view, as a lord, it is reasonable to welcome the arrival of his subjects.

The place of hospitality is intended to be placed in the farm clearing.

After all, forty-three night elves, and more than twenty angels, if so many people have a banquet together, the size of the house is far from enough.

The reception and dining of the banquet are mainly based on the crops of the farm.

Meat is also used as livestock on all-use pastures.

Rhode believed that the night elves would love the taste of these things.

As for the wine that was indispensable for the banquet, Rhode sent an angel to find Yafei through the teleportation array.

From Yafei, he got the Angel Clan’s Secret Treasure.

On the mainland, a bottle of such wine can be bought for dozens of gold coins.

At the same time, Lucy directed the angels to decorate the farm.

Wreaths made of flowers were placed all over the farm, and some glowing fluorescent ores were hung over the farm.

Although the beauty of this scene is not visible in the daytime, it is also much richer and more beautiful than the simple farm before.

Time gradually came to dusk.

The fluorescent ores in the farm emitted colorful light, and at the same time, fluorescent ores were placed in the middle of those flowers, and everything looked extremely beautiful.

Even the always faint wind and fragrance took a few more glances.

All that remains is to wait for the arrival of the Night Elves.

At the table in the open space of the farm, Lucy and Rhode sat side by side, while Chi Pupil waited for the two on the side.

“Why haven’t they arrived yet? Nothing will happen on the road, right? ”

Lucy was suddenly a little worried.

Rhodes comforted:

“There are some low-level elves among them, and it is natural to take care of them on the way, and it is understandable to slow down.”


Lucy nodded.

The red pupil on the side said:

“Sir, do you want me to go out and look for it?”

Rhode couldn’t help but laugh when he heard this.

“Where are you going? Do you know where Tia are? ”

“Hmm… Well…”

At this moment, an angel flew in front of Rhode and said:

“Lord Rhodes, they are here.”

“Oh? Almost outside the door? ”


“Okay, go out and greet you.”


The angel flew away in an instant, and the three of Rhodes also got up and walked towards the farm gate.

At this time, not far from the farm, forty-three night elves and thirteen angels were walking towards this side.

The leading two are Tyrande and Tia, and there is a white tiger following Tyrande’s side.

As he got closer and closer to the farm, Tyrande’s mood suddenly became a little nervous and sad.

Needless to say, after all, he wanted to live in a strange territory, and sadness was also because of this, the Night Elf Clan, which had been passed down for thousands of years, could only move into his family’s territory today.

If this was to be known to the ancestors of the Night Elves, Tyrande really didn’t know how to explain

The ancestor of the night elves is above, please forgive the descendant Tyrande for this decision.

“Lord Tyrande, it’s almost here, the glowing place in front is the farm.”

Just when Tyrande was saddened in her heart, Tia’s words made her look ahead.

It was a farm lit up with various colored lights.

Anyway, it looks good just like it.

Then Tyrande saw the man standing in front of the farm.

It was two lines of angels, leaving an empty passage between them, and at the front of the empty passage stood a man, flanked by a vampire girl and a human girl, and at his feet were two wolf monsters.

Tyrande had no interest in the vampire girl or the human girl. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Her eyes were all on the man at the moment.

At this moment, Tyrande’s eyes fell into an incredible emotion.

The goddess of the moon is on it, is what I see real?

Tyrande blinked suspiciously, and after being sure that he was not mistaken, Tyrande suddenly felt that he was sad before… Kind of unnecessary….

She saw ….

That’s an extremely strong force of nature…. Countless times richer than the force of nature in that apple that Tyrande had tasted before…

Just as 957 was the god of nature who blessed the man himself…

This kind of scene is definitely a scene that no elf can resist!

At the beginning, an apple could make Tyrande’s heart shake, not to mention the scene in front of him…

The elf’s unique intuition was telling Tyrande to approach the man.

He is the future of the Night Elves….

The ancestors of the Night Elves are on top, and I withdraw the confession I have just made to all of you.

Also, I know how to make the Night Elves prosper….

Compared to Tyrande’s strangeness, the night elves behind him are also not very good-looking.

The lower the level of the elves, the more irresistible they are to the pure force of nature….

When the group of elves walked up to Rhode, Rhodes froze a little.

He looked at the night elves with a blush on their faces and a little vain footsteps in front of him, and he couldn’t help but wonder in his heart.

The elves had drunk together before coming???


Today’s thirteenth change, ask for flowers, ask for tickets, ask for rewards~

Ten minutes a chapter.

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