"Hiss, it hurts" ~

Feeling the tearing pain in his head, Long Xingyu couldn't help but wail.

"Hurry up and wake me up, you rookies"!

Before Xingyu could ease up, the voice of the super loud voice came from the side, making Xingyu feel that the pain in his head had intensified a lot.

However, although it was uncomfortable, Xingyu also opened his eyes slightly.

In an instant, I found that I was in a white space.

In addition to himself, there are about ten people around this place.

The most eye-catching is the man standing in front of Xingyu and the others, with two scars on his face, an extremely strong figure, and a large knife behind him.

And beside Xingyu, the rest of the people also looked at the man with a puzzled look and at the same time with surprised eyes.

"This is Spock the Backbreaker"!

"If it's Spock in front of me, that means I've come to the main god space? I've become a reincarnation"!

Soon, three people recognized the person with a super loud voice in front of them, and couldn't help but exclaim excitedly.

After hearing the words of the three, the rest of the people also showed expressions of surprise or fear.

As for Long Xingyu, he looked at this scene with a frown, and he was a little dazed about this.

[Main God Space? Reincarnator]?

Before Xingyu could think about it, a tearing feeling suddenly erupted in his mind.

Xingyu only felt that a large amount of information was constantly pouring into his mind, and that kind of impact made Xingyu feel like he was about to faint at any time.

The people around Xingyu didn't pay attention to Xingyu's abnormality, or they wouldn't care when they saw it, and Scar Man also glanced at Xingyu and ignored it.

"Hmph, since a few people recognized me and guessed what place this is, yes, this is the main god space, and you are also the new reincarnators"!

"However, don't be too happy too early, although you have the opportunity to gain extraordinary power when you come here, the danger you face after that is not something that ordinary people can imagine!"

"A lot of things have been sent to you, you can check it yourself through the reincarnation watch"!

"I am your senior, and I am also a guide, and I will answer two questions for you next, and I will only answer two questions"!

After bursting out with the momentum that belonged to the "high-level reincarnation" and scanning Starry Night and the others, Spock slowly spoke.

As his voice fell, the surrounding people did not speak, but silently checked the rules released by the main god space.

As for Xingyu, he was still in great pain, and he didn't listen to these words at all.

However, as time passed, the sense of tearing in his mind began to diminish, and many memories were completely digested by Xingyu.

In an instant, I also understood my current situation.

It turned out that Xingyu had an accident in his previous life and then directly traveled to the current world.

However, perhaps the spirit was damaged during the crossing, so he did not awaken his memory for 18 years after coming to this new world.

And until now, after entering the reincarnation space, the spirit seems to have been repaired, and all the stars have thought of it.

Through memory comparison, Xingyu found that the world he is currently in is actually a world of comic integration.

And the place where he was born was in the cherry blossom province of the Huaxia Kingdom.

However, the previous Xingyu was damaged due to memory, and Xingyu did not realize that something was wrong, but just lived in this world for 18 years.

Of course, this is indispensable for Xingyu's childhood sweetheart and family.

And speaking of childhood sweethearts, he became a reincarnation a month earlier than Xingyu.

Then he also gave Xingyu a bottle of strengthening potion obtained from the main god space, mainly to give Xingyu more power to protect himself when facing danger.

As for the emergence of the main god space and the reincarnation, it started three years ago.

One day three years ago, an unprecedented earthquake occurred in Blue Star, the magnitude was not high, but the tremor lasted for three days and three nights.

During this period, everyone was also shocked to find that the blue star seemed to have become many times larger, and the land area and ocean area also increased dramatically.

But before everyone could be happy, the change came.

From time to time, various demons and monsters appeared from the void, and these monsters seemed to have a great hatred for human beings, and every time they appeared, they caused a bloody storm.

And because the disaster broke out too suddenly, a large number of humans also died tragically at the hands of monsters for a while.

Later, as the country reacted, in the rapid response, the casualties were also greatly reduced.

But in the face of monsters that appear irregularly, casualties occur every day.

And the so-called main god space also descended together at the moment when the monster appeared.

It's just that at the beginning, because of the scarcity of the number of reincarnations and the restrictions on the main god space, all ordinary people were not aware of the existence of the main god space.

And until half a year later, as the number of reincarnators continued to increase, extraordinary power continued to be displayed in front of the public, and everyone reacted completely.

Some reincarnators even came forward to explain the concepts of the words "main god space" and reincarnation.

However, due to the limitations of the main god space, the reincarnation cannot reveal much information about the main god space.

And the world's understanding of the main god space is also at the most superficial level, and it is even unknown how the reincarnation obtains power.

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