"Brother, I'm fine, I'm also very strong now, I will definitely not drag back, I can definitely help my brother"!

Hearing Tanjiro's words, before Xingyu could speak, You Bean became anxious.

With the transformation into a perfect creature, Your Bean's personality has basically returned to the state of the human period, but there is still a little difference.

In addition, You Bean is originally a gentle but very scary type, which can be seen from the fact that when he was a child, he scared an adult who bullied children to his knees and begged for mercy.

In addition, Your Beanko's will and determination are no worse than Tanjiro, otherwise she would not be able to suppress her appetite when she became a ghost.

"I believe in you, and there really is anything with me"!

Looking at Youdouzi's somewhat anxious appearance, Xingyu also smiled gently and rubbed her head to soothe.

Although at the beginning, Xingyu only understood You Bean purely through the original book, and then had a good impression.

But with the past few days of getting along, Xingyu really likes You Bean very much.

Whether it is her personality or ability, Xingyu feels very comfortable and relaxed, coupled with her worship of herself, Xingyu can always feel physically and mentally happy with her.

"Thank you Brother Xingyu"!

Feeling Xingyu's trust and actions in himself makes You Beanzi's heart also extremely useful.

And Tanjiro also opened his mouth when he saw this scene, and finally said nothing.

Subsequently, Xingyu also put the things that everyone was carrying for weight-bearing training into the system space.

After letting the two of them move their muscles a little more, they led the two straight towards the mountain.

As he walked inside, Tanjiro also found that the mountain was a little too weird, not only full of ominous breath and fishy smell that made people vomit, but also a large number of spiders.

"A lot of cobwebs and spiders"!

Pulling off the cobwebs stuck to his body casually, Tanjiro also frowned slightly.

However, Xingyu didn't have so many worries, and directly used the flames released by the violent blood skill to burn the spider silk that touched his body.

Seeing this, you Bean also learned the same, using the violent blood ability under his control to make it difficult for all filth to get close to him.

Because they became pseudo-perfect creatures, both Tanjiro and You Bean gained the ability to control their physical bodies, and they had very strong control over their bodies and everything.

At the very least, if you simply need blood, you don't need to hurt yourself before you can shed blood.

Instead, it directly allows blood to be expelled from most parts of the body, and will not have the slightest effect on itself.

Because Xingyu also targeted them to develop and train their own techniques a few days ago, the two of them now have not weak proficiency in their own magic abilities.

Perhaps because the sun did not completely go down, Xingyu and the others walked in the mountains and did not encounter ghost attacks.

And Xingyu didn't care, just used his sense of smell to distinguish the various smells in the mountain, and then walked straight towards the ghost's base camp.

Finally, when the sky became completely dark, Xingyu and the others arrived in front of a wooden house.

"What a strong smell, it's not just a ghost inside"!

Before coming to the wooden house, Tanjiro also covered his nose and said a little uncomfortably.

From the moment he entered the mountain, a strong fishy smell had been plaguing his extremely sensitive nose, making it impossible for him to identify ghosts here.

It was also here that the fishy smell faded a lot, and Tanjiro was able to smell the ghosts in the house.

"Hehe, hey, I actually found here, it's a ghost hunter"!

Just as Tanjiro and Youdouko were looking at the front room warily, a strange voice also came from inside.

Then a being with the body of a spider with a human head crawled out of the house.

And the weird smile on his mouth all the time, coupled with his terrifying appearance, is enough to scare ordinary people to faint.

"It stinks, that smell, exactly the same"!

Seeing the appearance of the ghost brother, Tanjiro also instantly felt the incomparably familiar stench.

This smell is exactly the same as the stench that hangs over Mt. Nada Spider, which means that it may be the source of the stench, or the stench is made by it.


Soon, a wild voice also sounded, and then a demon with an extremely terrifying face, dark all over, and a tall and strong look also walked out.

It is the role of the father in the family, and he doesn't look very smart, but his strength is under the fatigue.

Immediately afterwards, the next moment, three more figures walked out from the inside.

Compared with the ghost father and ghost brother in front, they can see that they are monsters at a glance, but the three appearances that appear in the back are very good.

Remove the weird patterns and pale complexion on the face, ordinary people will basically not see their identity.

"Annoying guys"!

As soon as he came out, he noticed the existence of Xingyu and the others, and his tired brows were also slightly wrinkled.

"Mr. Xingyu, is that the fifth of the lower string"?

At this time, Tanjiro also pointed to the ghost father who looked the most fierce and oppressive and asked.

"No, it's just a slightly more powerful ghost than the hand ghost, but you can deal with it, you don't need to kill it, just bring it to my side until it loses its ability to resist"!

Hearing Tanjiro's words, Xingyu also said flatly, just looking at the tiredness with his brows furrowed with a wistful smile.

And Xingyu's voice is not small, tired and others naturally heard it very clearly, the ghost mother also looked at Xingyu with a shocked face, and instinctively glanced at tired with fear.

"It's supposed to protect children, why don't you take action yet"!

Or felt the gaze of the ghost mother, and the tired look became even more gloomy.

"Yes... Yes, tired, I... I'll kill them now!"

Listening to the tired words, the ghost mother's body also trembled suddenly, and even the speech began to be a little unfavorable.

"What's going on, that person looks like she's scared, isn't she a mother"?

Tanjiro, who was on guard, also noticed this strange scene and was shocked.

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