"Well, the movement caused here is not small, let's go back directly"!

After glancing at the surrounding situation again, Xingyu did not mean to continue to stay here.

Although Yoshiwara Yukaku is very prosperous, because of industrial problems, it is not suitable for Xingyu and others to stay too much.

So without too much hesitation, Xingyu asked Yingyu to take him to the butterfly house.

Because there are still the last few days left, at least, Xingyu also wants to see Chana for the last time, and then say goodbye to him.

As for Zhu Shi's side, Xingyu was able to talk to her at any time and see her, but she couldn't see Xingyu.


At the same time, while Xingyu and the others rushed towards the butterfly house, on the side of the headquarters of the Ghost Killing Team, Yaoya Shiki also received the information for the first time.

"In this way, they really beat the winding, and it is a flash kill state"!

"Great, Ryu Seung-woo, Tanjiro, You Bean!!"!

"The situation that has not changed in a hundred years, a hundred years, has finally changed, Tianyin"

Yaoya, who understood everything, was also extremely excited and said.

"Yes"! Hearing Yaoya Shiki calling his name, Tianyin next to him also quickly responded, and caressed his back to make him as relaxed as possible.

"Ahem, do you understand, this is a sign, fate will change dramatically, and the ripples of this change will definitely spread farther and farther"

"Then involve everything around you, cause a huge agitation, and finally pounce on that man, Oni Mai Tsuji is not miserable, we will definitely destroy you in this generation"!

Because he was too excited, Shiki Yaoya couldn't stop coughing a few times.

Although the curse had now eroded into his eyes, at this moment, Yaoya Shiki felt that his state was better than ever.


In addition to the news that Yaoya Shiki learned the news, the crow quickly spread the news that Xingyu had killed the ghost, in addition to Yaoya summoning the gathering of pillars in advance.

It had been less than fifteen days since he became a member of the Ghost Killing Team and killed the lower and upper strings one after another, and this news directly shocked many pillars in their hearts.

However, doubts followed, but no matter what, all the pillars also moved quickly and began to rush towards the headquarters of the Ghost Killing Team.

And Xingyu and the others, who were rushing towards the butterfly house, also received an invitation to assemble.

Because it was a temporary gathering, the time was also arranged two days later, and Xingyu also nodded casually.

After all, he is also going to the butterfly house now, and the butterfly house is very close to the headquarters, so it doesn't matter if you go over and take a look at it when the time comes.

Because Hoshiyu and Tanjiro and You Bean are not ordinary people, their feet are also very fast.

In less than half a day, Xingyu brought Tanjiro and several people from the distant Yuguo to the butterfly house, which was still because the flight speed of the crows was affected.

During this period, Xingyu also completely digested the improvement brought by the two ghosts of Yukihime and the prostitute Taro.

First of all, in terms of attributes, after digesting them, each attribute point of itself has increased by dozens of points.

In addition, Xingyu has a new ability.

That is the internal space, Xingyu can easily open up a special internal space in itself, which is also called carry-on space by Xingyu.

The time flow rate of the carry-on space is also about ten times slower than that of the outside world, so many things put into it can extend the shelf life by ten times.

In addition, Xingyu's carry-on space can store living things, although it is said that it cannot survive for a long time, and creatures will directly pass out when they enter the carry-on space.

However, according to Xingyu's speculation, if Xingyu takes normal humans into it and releases them in the outside world for no more than seven days, there is no danger to life.

If it is a creature with relatively tenacious vitality, this time can be greatly improved.

As for the capacity of the carry-on space, it will continue to expand as Xingyu's strength increases.

At present, the carry-on space capacity opened up by Xingyu is 300,000 cubic meters, and the internal space can be constantly changed with Xingyu's ideas.

Although the current capacity is not as good as the space provided by the replication system, in the future, as the strength of Xingyu increases, the potential of the portable space will only become greater.

Except for the carry-on space, Hoshiyu does not seem to have obtained a special blood demon technique from the prostitute Taro.

This is most likely because the prostitute Taro's blood magic is to manipulate his own blood.

And Xingyu himself will do this, and the proficiency and strength are far beyond the prostitute Taro, and naturally it will not be transformed into a skill.

Xingyu didn't care about this, after all, the skills he had now were enough to use.

And many skills are not the more the better, after all, greedy for more chew, sometimes specializing in some skills can improve their combat power.

Xingyu will not make these low-level mistakes, although his skills will continue to upgrade, but Xingyu will not forget to control some practical and powerful people at a deeper level.


Back to the present, looking at some familiar and unfamiliar places in front of him, Xingyu also had some emotion.

"You are"?

While Xingyu and the others were watching, a girl with black hair and blue eyes and a blue butterfly hair ornament also came to Xingyu in confusion.

For the three of Xingyu, Kanzaki Aoi naturally does not know, but he can still see the ghost killing team on Xingyu and Tanjiro.

"Hello, I'm Long Xingyu, a new member of the Ghost Killing Team, come to find Xiannahu"!

Seeing the familiar Kanzaki Aoi, Xingyu also spoke gently.


Listening to Xingyu's words, Kanzaki Aoi was also a little stunned, after all, there are actually many members of the ghost killing team who came here, but Xingyu, who came to find Kanahu, was definitely the first.

"Would it be convenient to take us over"!

Seeing Aoi Kanzaki's incredulous appearance, Xingyu just kept a gentle smile on his face.

"Come with me"!

Although he was a little surprised, seeing that Hoshiyu and Tanjiro and the others were obviously not bad guys, Kanzaki Aoi did not refuse.

"There is work"!

Nodding slightly, Xingyu also motioned for Tanjiro and You Bean to follow him.

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