"Ala, are these the members who killed the winding ghosts, they are really young and promising, and one of them seems to be very close to my family Chanaihu"!

Suddenly, with black hair, the end of the bangs in front of his hair was purple, purple pupils, and the insect pillar butterfly ninja wearing a butterfly hair ornament also teased with a smile.

Butterfly Shinobu's gaze was also tightly locked on Xingyu's body!

Although he didn't have time to meet Butterfly House and Xingyu and the others because he didn't have time to perform the mission yesterday, he also instinctively felt that Xingyu was the most special among the three.

"Just joined the Ghost Killing Team and killed the lower and upper strings one after another, I recognize your gorgeousness"!

At this time, Yinzhu also said with a proud face.

"It's really spiritual, it's worthy of killing the existence of the winding"!

Yanzhu Purgatory Kyoshiro also said with a hearty opening full of spirit.

[So handsome, did the three of them join hands to kill the winding, it's too powerful]!

Looking at the three of Xingyu, Love Pillar Ganlu Temple Honey Li also thought in her heart with a hint of idiocy.

Tomioka, on the other hand, locked his gaze on Your Bean, and although he wore a mask, he recognized Your Bean.

Although he had received a message from Taki before, it was incredible to see You Bean really bathed in the sun.

However, the snake pillar and the wind pillar always kept a skeptical gaze looking at Xingyu and the others, and they did not fully believe that Xingyu and the others had killed the winding...

Everyone had different thoughts, either admiring and approving, or doubting or not believing, and these had nothing to do with Xingyu.

Hoshiyu just took Tanjiro to the front of the many pillars, and then through perception, he looked at the dark Shiki Yaoya in the mansion.

Although it is less than a few months from now, the situation of Isayashiki is also not much better.

"Lord Lord has arrived"!

Without letting Xingyu wait, two voices came from inside, and then the door was opened, and a figure also walked out slowly from inside.

"Here you are, my lovely children"!

As soon as he came out, Isayashiki Yaoya also spoke in a voice full of magnetism.

Then he also walked forward with the help of his two daughters, and did not stop until he came to the area on the edge of the mansion, where he was in the sun.

"Everyone, it's really good weather today, it's very blue, although it's not a semi-annual column meeting, but the reason for this urgent gathering must be clear to everyone"!

"I am glad that the winding ghost, who has not been killed for hundreds of years, has finally been defeated."

Soon, Yaoya Shiki also spoke again, and there was a hint of excitement in his words.

After all, the death of this winding can be described as breaking the unchanging balance of hundreds of years of winding ghosts.

As Shiki Yaoya's voice fell, the nine pillars below also stood in a row instantly, and then knelt down on one knee in unison.

Only Xingyu still stood in place and did not move, while Tanjiro and Youdouko were a little dazed and nervous, and seemed overwhelmed.

"The Lord couldn't be better in good health, and I sincerely wish you more well-being"!

Looking at the actions of the three of Xingyu, Shiya also frowned slightly, but he quickly adjusted his mentality and said respectfully.

"Thank you, Shiya"!

Hearing Shiya's words, Isayashiki also nodded with a smile.

"With all due respect, before this, I would like to inquire about the strength of the Shangqian Ghost, and allow me to test the strength of the three"!

Soon, the wind pillar also said with a single knife.

"That's right, the three are not the stepsons of the pillar, and I am also curious about the strength that the three have, and how they know the traces of the winding ghosts"!

As Shiya's voice fell, the snake pillar also spoke without mercy.

"Yes, it is inevitable that you will feel incredible, but it is an indisputable fact that the three killed the lower string and the upper string six"!

"As for the strength test, this requires Xingyu's consent, after all, they are heroes!"

"What do you think, Seiyu, Tanjiro, and You Bean"?

Hearing Shiya's words, Isayashiki Yaoya did not directly agree or refuse, but gave the choice to Xingyu and others.

As Isayashiki's voice fell, neither Tanjiro nor Youdouko spoke, but looked directly at Hoshiyu.

Obviously, both of them gave the decision to Xingyu, and whether Xingyu agreed or refused, they would follow.

"Do you want to test your strength, interesting, then you two can go together, of course, others can also come up together if they still don't believe it"!

Looking at the two who were eager to try, Xingyu pondered slightly and nodded with a smile.

And looking at Xingyu's casual appearance made Shiya and Xiaobane frown, because the two felt that they were underestimated.

"Hmph, I'm enough alone"!

Then, Shiya also stood up and said in a deep voice, his eyes staring at Xingyu like a fierce beast.

When the surrounding pillars saw this battle, their expressions also became serious.

But part of it is anticipation, and part of it feels like something is not good.

Of course, no matter what everyone thinks, since the two parties of Xingyu and Feng Zhu have agreed, plus they have received the approval of Isayashiki, everyone will naturally not stop it.

To avoid trouble and waste of time, the duel between Hoshiyu and Shiya is arranged in the empty courtyard, while the rest of the pillars watch the battle from the sidelines, while also guarding the order.

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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