After checking his luxurious attribute panel, Xingyu was also very satisfied.

Not to mention the others, in terms of basic attributes, two have already broken four figures, and Xingyu believes that it will not be long before he will have a place in this dangerous main god space.

After probing the attribute panel, Xingyu also looked at the last reminder of the main god space, that is, asking if he wanted to go to the Hall of Reincarnation.

Needless to say, Xingyu is also quite curious about other reincarnations.

However, before leaving, Xingyu also left a mental eye, and his body quickly squirmed and changed.

Soon changed his appearance into a strong man, with a conspicuous scar on his head, looking extremely fierce.

"System, go to the Hall of Reincarnation"!

After the change, Xingyu also opened directly to the system.

The next moment, a flash of light enveloped Xingyu, and Xingyu's figure disappeared directly in the settlement space.

And Xingyu also felt a flower in front of him, and when his consciousness was restored, he saw that he had come to a place with beautiful mountains and waters.

The environment here is very beautiful, and there is a feeling of fairy air, some are not real, but the air and breath flowing around clearly tell Xingyu that this is not an illusion.

In addition, it is also crowded and bustling, with a large number of vendors and customers!

The usually arrogant reincarnator is also like a vegetable market aunt, constantly bargaining for various goods.

Most importantly, Xingyu found that although the population here is large, it will not seem too noisy.

Of course, it is not the reason why the quality of the reincarnation is good, but there seems to be a special mechanism in it, and all people's voices can only be fixed in a certain range.

At the same time, there is a layer of enchantment among each vendor, and although you can see someone trading inside, you can't hear the slightest sound.

In addition, here, most of the reincarnators wear a special mask, making it completely impossible to see the appearance of the person under the mask.

"Hello, you are a novice reincarnation, do you need a guide"!

When Xingyu looked around, a man with a kitten mask also walked up.

The people who came over were wearing loose black robes and masks with special effects, and Xingyu couldn't see each other at all.

Only by the voice and its silhouette can you roughly tell that it is a girl, and it is not too old.

"Oh, how do you know I'm new, and what can you do, and at what cost"?

After staring at the girl in front of him for a while, Xingyu slowly spoke, without denying his identity.

"It's very simple, one is through masks, and 50% of those who come here for the first time without this hidden face mask belong to novices"!

"But this is not absolute, some masters disdain to hide themselves, and what makes me sure that you are a novice is your performance"!

"You have just shown surprise and strangeness to this side, and it has basically revealed that you are a novice reincarnation"!

"As for my role, it is to provide intelligence, some basic information in the main god space, if you are not familiar with the trusted seniors, I still recommend that you spend points to buy a stable"!

"And now the price of basic intelligence has long been fixed, and my side will not deceive you"!

Hearing Xingyu's inquiry, the girl was also a little surprised that Xingyu's rough face would be so careful, making her feel a strange feeling out of place.

"Oh, like you said, the price of basic intelligence has been fixed, why should I choose you to buy"!

Hearing the girl's words, Xingyu also did not have a hot mind to directly agree, but wanted to let her give a higher chip.

Although Xingyu doesn't care about the points for purchasing intelligence, he won't be a water fish that is slaughtered by others.

"Phew, what a shrewd guest, in that case, then I will provide you with some beginner advice and 50 points cheaper, this is my last concession"!

"If you want more private information, then give me enough points"!

Looking at Xingyu's appearance, the girl hidden under the mask frowned slightly, pondered for a while and then spoke.

In fact, she really doesn't want to let go of this kind of capitalless transaction, and the importance of area here is not comparable to real-world money.

Many times many reincarnators just close to a little point leading to the disappearance of a life.

"Oh, how can I be sure that what you said is true?"

Feeling the girl's hesitation, Xingyu did not continue to be aggressive, but asked calmly.

"It's very simple, we just need to make a contract and let the main god space witness!"

"The price to pay for violating the contract of the Lord God Space cannot be afforded even by a high-level reincarnation, and I naturally will not deceive you."

Listening to Xingyu's words, the girl also spoke quickly, and at the same time was also relieved by Xingyu's concession.


Hearing this, Xingyu also looked at the girl again.

"Well, the so-called contract is also the biggest guarantee for the main god space to ensure that the reincarnation can trade smoothly, this is also basic information, it doesn't matter if you tell you now"!

Hearing Xingyu's words, the girl also quickly spoke, without the slightest concern in her words to leak the information of the contract to Xingyu.

"In that case, let's sign the contract"!

Hearing this, Xingyu also nodded slightly, although he didn't know much about the contract, but Xingyu could feel that the girl did not deceive herself.

Of course, the most important thing is that the content of the contract needs to be finally confirmed by both parties, just like the signing of the contract.

Feilu's 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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