Two months later, Kangxi appointed Concubine Zhao as the queen, but unfortunately half a month later, she was seriously ill in bed.

"Hairball, the Niuhulu clan was originally sealed in sixteen years and died in seventeen years, but now it's been eighteen years, is it really okay to change so much?"

Mu Yao blocked everyone and said with Maoqiu.

Hairball: "Host, the clear world is like this, not as strict as other mission worlds, so sometimes the plot cannot be fully believed."

"When I checked the information, I found that there was a tasker who did nothing in the Qing Dynasty, and the plot became completely different, not to mention that he did not complete the task, and finally he still fished the soul back from the fast through bureau, and owed a debt to the fast wearing bureau, and he has been working in the fast wearing bureau for three thousand years!

Yes, so host, you don't have to worry about Empress Takasho, you just need to complete the task. "

Mu Yao looked at the hairball, is this a matter of not completing the task?

This is something that may take a lifetime of white

work! Think about me at the beginning, almost salted fish, and as a result, I was damaged by a bottle of wine and had to come to the Qingqiao Department to work

! Main system! Sin deserves death

!! ......

After nearly half a month, Mu Yao once again received a letter from Guo Luoluo's family saying that he wanted to enter the palace to meet him.

This time, Mu Yao also let people in.

After all, some things still need someone to be outside the palace to be more convenient.

Although she didn't plan to get involved in Kowloon, it still depended on Yin's own wishes,

so some things still had to be planned early.


"Niangniang, Mrs. Guo Luo has arrived.

Hong He didn't know where to come out and said

, Mu Yao put down the book in his hand, but actually withdrew consciousness from his mental space.

"Well, help me go to the dress. Saying

that, Mu Yao carefully supported her stomach and stood up, but now May's belly looks seven or eight months old as an ordinary person.

As early as the full three months, Mu Yao found that her belly was ridiculously large.

So through the hairball check, only to find that she was pregnant with twins, Mu Yao originally thought that they were the original two children, but did not expect that the hairball said that both were boys.

Thinking of the child who did not belong to this history, Mu Yao was entangled in her heart, after all, Kangxi had not yet had a case of twins, and she didn't know how Kangxi would arrange her children!

The most important thing now is to negotiate the forces in the palace of the Guo Luoluo family.

With these connections, you can better protect your children!

The person who came to "please the mother

" wore a crab shell green flag suit, a gold silk eight-treasure pearl bun on his head, and a peacock hanging beads; a red gold pan and a red gold coil on his neck, a bean-green palace tapestry tied on the skirt, and a double-balanced flounder rose pendant.

Mu Yao glanced at it lightly: "Let's get up." Mrs

. Guo Luoluo saw that Mu Yao was very cold, and her heart jumped.

It seems that this concubine really doesn't want to see Guo Luoluo's family! They all blame Guo Luoluo's three official guarantees and Dong Eqizhu, two fools.

I actually made a fuss with my own daughter-in-law for

a concubine! Can't let Shu Niangniang have a gap with Guo Luoluo's family! Mrs. Guo Luoluo

fawned: "Niangniang, this time I entered the palace, the clan asked me to bring some gadgets, and also invited Niangniang to see it." Saying

that, he took out a small wooden box to hand to Mu Yao, but was taken away by Honghe first.

In this regard, Mrs. Guo Luoluo was not annoyed, and still smiled.

Mu Yao saw it and looked forward to the small wooden box.

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