“No, run, these people are clearly monsters!” During the melee, a soldier said in a trembling voice.

Li Chengquan looked at the army that he had worked hard for many years, and he was so vulnerable, his whole face was like dead ash, like a decaying wood.

After only two rounds, the 10,000 army under Li Chengquan only had more than a thousand people left.

“General, let’s withdraw, if we don’t leave, maybe we all have to die here.”

“Yes, General, don’t hesitate any longer, leave the green mountains without worrying about firewood, not to mention that there are still 200,000 troops in Tatar, we still have a chance of victory!”

Several soldiers looked at Li Chengquan and said anxiously.

In desperation, Li Chengquan had to nod, sigh and hold the reins in his hand, ready to leave here under the cover of a group of soldiers.

“Li Chengquan, remember to tell Crotimur when you go back, my Han people’s rivers and mountains are not something he can touch!” Gu Tingye saw that Li Chengquan was preparing to escape, but did not catch up, but just watched him leave this sentence.

When Li Chengquan heard this, he turned his head and looked at Gu Tingye angrily, biting his back teeth deadly.

“Gongzi, are we really not chasing? Listening to General Ling, this person is very cunning. The stone that was already about to kill the red eye looked at Gu Tingye very puzzled.

Shi Shi grew up in the Cao Gang since he was a child, and he was personally handed down by the Cao Gang with all his martial arts, and after following Gu Tingye to the Gu family, the two followed Gu Wei to learn martial arts together.

In the battle of Fangcai, although the stone was not as good as the Great Snow Dragon Rider, it was far superior to the vast majority of soldiers in terms of courage and force.

Gu Tingye shrugged his shoulders and said with disdain on his face, “Ben Gongzi has a good heart, let him live a few more days.” ”

When Shi Shi heard this, he couldn’t help but pout, he had never seen that his son had a good heart.

Liang Qiuqiu and Liang Qiu Fei’s brothers, who were sent by Ling Busu to inquire about the situation, after witnessing Fang Cai’s battle, the whole person was dumbfounded, and it took a while to slow down.

They have been following Ling Bu to guard the border pass, and they have been on battlefields large and small countless times, and today’s bloody scene is the first time they have seen it.

This Deputy Lieutenant Gu and his soldiers are also too fierce!

After the two looked at each other, they went to Mocheng at an extremely fast speed to report the news.


Mocheng, in the tent.

Ling Bu, who was sitting in the position of the manager, saw Liang Qiufei and Liang Qiuqi coming back so soon, and secretly felt something bad in his heart.

Wan Songbai was even ready to directly carry a knife and go to the horse to support.

“General, Deputy Lieutenant Gu… Vice Lieutenant Gu, he…” Liang Qiufei, who was a fat figure, stood in the barracks, breathless, and said intermittently, but unfortunately he couldn’t get to the point.

Liang Qiu, who really couldn’t stand it on the side, hugged his fist and said, “General, Deputy Lieutenant Gu should already be on the way back, Li Chengquan’s army of 10,000, dead and wounded, if the subordinates remember well, there should only be more than a thousand left.” ”

“What?!” Chen Ruiwen stood up directly from the stool in surprise.

“What you said is true? Gu Tingye, did he really defeat Li Chengquan?! ”

You know, they guarded Mocheng and fought Li Chengquan, and almost once they won.

“It’s true, Vice Lieutenant Gu is like a god about to be born, and he is extremely heroic!” As Liang Qiu spoke, his expression was full of admiration.

“What about Lee Seung-kwon? Did my virtuous nephew bring his head back?! ”

Wan Songbai looked at Liang Qiuqi expectantly.

“No, but I faintly heard Vice Lieutenant Gu say to let him live a few more days, presumably Deputy Lieutenant Gu has his own plans in his heart.”

Seeing Liang Qiuqi say this, Wan Songbai couldn’t help but shake his head, secretly feeling that he should directly kill this person.

Several soldiers who were originally dissatisfied with Gu Tingye looked at each other and stood aside ruefully.

Ling Bu undoubtedly stood up at this time and looked at the people in the camp tent, “Vice Lieutenant Gu has made a great achievement, you wait, come with me to welcome Vice Lieutenant Gu’s triumphant return!” ”

“Yes!” Wan Songbai, Xiao Yuanyi and others hugged their fists in response, and then walked out of the big tent.

Outside the desert city.

Gu Tingye rode the red rabbit horse and led the Great Snow Dragon Ride to return with a mighty ride, and the Great Snow Dragon Horse, which had just finished fighting on the battlefield, was even more chilling at this time.

“Virtuous nephew, fortunately, you didn’t listen to your father, go to some academy to read those sour articles, your uncle Wan, I used to think that you were a material who practiced martial arts and joined the army!”

“Yes, otherwise I would have one less peerless fierce general in my Great Zhou!”

Wan Songbai and Cheng Shi looked at Gu Tingye and praised with a smile on their faces.

Xiao Yuanyi on the side also faced Gu Tingye with a doubly appreciative look, but at this time, she had another thing in her heart.

When she was ordered to come to the town to guard the border pass, she had a daughter, named Cheng Shaoshang, and after more than ten years, she should also be old enough to discuss her relatives.

According to the observations of these days, she felt that Gu Tingye did not have the rumored appearance of stubbornness and debauchery, but was very mature and reliable.

Xiao Yuanyi thought so, and secretly decided in his heart that if he could return victorious this time, he would definitely let his daughter and Gu Tingye see each other.

“Zhonghuai, this battle is really thanks to you.” Ling Bu undoubtedly reached out and patted Gu Tingye’s shoulder, the victory of this battle had already filled the 130,000 army in the city with fighting spirit.


PS: Ask for flowers, ask for a monthly pass, ask for evaluation, the humble author kneels and begs all readers!!!

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