Chapter 79: Sister of Shenyu Falling Yanlin, Jiangnan Yanzheng Situation [Subscription!!] 】。


“The minister is ashamed of His Majesty!”

Lin Ruhai said weakly.

“Lord Lin doesn’t have to blame himself, His Majesty did not blame him for this, but ordered the minister to come to Lin Mansion to visit.”

Hearing Gu Tingye say this, Lin Ruhai was slightly relieved.

Gu Tingye looked at Lin Ruhai’s face carefully with deep eyes, and couldn’t help but feel that his illness was a little unsimple.

Lin Ruhai is less than fifty this year, and since the death of his wife Jia Min, he has always paid great attention to his body for Lin Daiyu and Lin Mansion.

Almost every once in a while, he would invite Lang Zhong to enter the mansion to take his pulse, why did he suddenly get seriously ill to the point that there was no cure for the medicine stone. Lin Ruhai was a member of the Jingshun Emperor in the dynasty, and almost all the Yanzheng officials in the Jiangnan region were the courtiers of Emperor Taishang. Therefore, in Gu Tingye’s view, Lin Ruhai’s disease may be harmed by Jiangnan salt officials.

But no matter who it is, now that he is there, he will not let this person get his wish, and he will not let Lin Daiyu go to Jia Mansion again.

Thinking of Lin Ruhai’s death in the original work, Jia Lian brought all of Lin Ruhai’s inheritance back to Jia Mansion according to Jia’s mother’s orders, especially the dowry of Lin Daiyu’s mother Jia Min.

The Lin clan was afraid of the power of the Jia family, and they also dared to be angry and did not dare to speak, so they could only watch Jia Lian take Lin Ruhai’s inheritance away. The Jia family took this money, known as Lin Daiyu, and it was actually kept by Jia’s mother.

When it was time to repair the Grand View Garden, Jia Mu directly appropriated it, without asking Lin Daiyu’s opinion at all.

Because in Jia’s mother’s opinion, Lin Daiyu will marry Jia Baoyu sooner or later, and Lin Ruhai’s inheritance is Lin Daiyu’s dowry in the future, and sooner or later it will be Jia Fu’s.

She took Lin Ruhai’s inheritance to build the Grand View Garden, and she only used the money belonging to the Jia family in advance. Such brazenness is also rare in the world.

Thinking of this, Gu Tingye felt more and more that Lin Ruhai really couldn’t die, otherwise it would be too cheap for the Jia family. So, with a move in his heart, he directly extracted a pill from the system space.

According to the system, this elixir not only has the function of prolonging life, but also cures all diseases.

It is not a loss to send Lin Ruhai as a favor, after all, he may be able to get Lin Daiyu’s heart.

“I see that Lord Lin’s illness is a little strange, I have a pill here that claims to cure all diseases, I met it by chance, so it’s better to try it Lord Lin.”

After Lin Ruhai heard this, he immediately spoke,

“If this medicine is really so miraculous, it is worthy of it!”

“Now that Lord Lin is seriously ill, it is when this medicine comes into play.”

“And Lord Lin should also think about Miss Lin, she is still young, if you leave him, who should she and this huge Lin Mansion entrust to.”

“Besides, this medicine is not necessarily useful, it is not impossible to be deceived by those charlatans, Lin Dawen should try the efficacy of this pill for me.”

After Gu Tingye finished speaking, Lin Ruhai couldn’t help but fall into deep thought, looking at Lin Daiyu, who had a weak face.

After tangling in his heart, he asked the envoy on the side to take the pill in Gu Tingye’s hand, after all, all the Lang Zhong who gave him a pulse said that the medicine stone has no cure, and if you try more, maybe there will be a turnaround.

“In this way, I have to thank the grandfather of the country for the medicine.”

Lin Ruhai said strongly.

Lin Daiyu, who was standing on the side, looked at Gu Tingye, and quickly owed and followed closely,

“Thank you Dingguogong.”

After Lin Ruhai took the pill, his face soon changed a little, from the original description to the current slight complexion.

For this miraculous phenomenon, Lin Daiyu and the envoys present were surprised.

Lin Ruhai, who was lying on the bed, also felt that his body seemed to be much lighter, and quickly sent someone to invite Lang Zhong.

Under the leadership of the envoy, soon a Lang Zhong carrying a medicine box hurriedly came over and checked the pulse for him according to Lin Ruhai’s instructions.

A moment later, Lang Zhong’s whole body was shocked, looked at Lin Ruhai incredulously, and exclaimed,

“Why is Lord Lin’s pulse so normal now!”

When Lin Ruhai heard this, he directly opened his mouth to thank Gu Tingye one after another.

“Thank you Dingguo Gong, Dingguo Gong really saved Xiaguan’s life, originally Xiaguan planned to send the little girl to my grandfather’s house after she died.”

Lin Daiyu on the side also cried with joy when she saw her father recover, and looked at Gu Tingye with gratitude in her eyes.


After Gu Tingye heard Lin Ruhai’s words, he raised his eyebrows and deliberately asked,

“Miss Lin’s grandfather’s house is the Duke of Rongguo’s Mansion?”

Lin Ruhai nodded,

“Dingguo Gong is right, it is the Rongguo Duke Mansion in Shenjing City.”

“Why did Lord Lin say that Miss Lin sent to that kind of place, and now it has been spread throughout Shenjing City that Jia Baoyu of the Rongguo Duke Mansion is a disciple.”

Gu Tingye said nonchalantly.

“What’s going on?!”

Lin Ruhai looked at Gu Tingye in shock.

Immediately afterwards, he set his eyes on Lin Daiyu’s body, and after Jia Min’s death, Lin Daiyu went to Jia Mansion before the filial piety period expired. It wasn’t until he was seriously ill now and sent several letters in a row that Lin Daiyu came back to visit him.

“Daiyu, have you come into contact with this disciple in Jia Mansion?”

Lin Daiyu nodded and directly informed Lin Ruhai of Jia Baoyu’s behavior in the mansion. Including when Jia Mu first entered the house, she directly asked her and Jia Baoyu to sleep in the Bisar Closet.

Lin Ruhai is a reader and a hand-picked tanhualang, who is very important to the reputation of etiquette on weekdays. If he hadn’t been seriously ill today, he would never have let Lin Daiyu appear in Gu Tingye’s eyes.

“I can’t imagine that Daiyu is in Jia Mansion, and you are so aggrieved here!”

“I thought that you would learn something there that I couldn’t teach you, but now it seems that I thought wrong.”

In the Great Zhou, the knitting of the daughters of the palace and the inner perimeter rite are all determined by the concubine.

Because Lin Ruhai had no intention of marrying a right wife after Jia Min’s death, and he only had one daughter under his knees, he sent Lin Daiyu to Jia Mansion, the purpose was to let Lin Daiyu learn these things in Jia House.

Of course, part of the reason is that he is busy with official business, and Jiangnan Yanzheng often gives him headaches because of the opposition of royal power.

Lin Daiyu lowered her head, these are the arrangements of Jia’s mother, she can’t help it, she has always lived cautiously in Jia House, even if she feels that there are grievances on weekdays, it is not easy to say it.

Especially when she first arrived in Jia Mansion, Jia Baoyu fell jade, every time she thought of it, she felt a little unreasonable.


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