Comprehensive Wu: I have a large inn

237 I have a brother who knows the law of war

Chapter 237 I have a brother who knows the law of war


After Linghu Chong heard the old humpback old man, his eyes narrowed tightly.

Sure enough, he didn’t expect him, and the news was really the person in the auction room.

The person who can contact the list of the characters in the auction store is only 3,000 in addition to the Little League leader Lin Shiyin Xiao Zhao!

However, as the master of the Chamber of Commerce, the money has been made during this period of time.

Who will it!

Linghu Chong thought deeply.

When Linghu Chong encountered the attack and found a problem, the team members of other cloud alliances in the Ming Dynasty also encountered almost the same thing.

Above the ancient road of Huadu, Lang turned Yun Holding a long sword, holding a small porcelain bottle in his hand, and was shaking gently.

He looked at the enemy who was scattered, shook his head and showed a smile, his wrist turned instantly, and the sword stimulated dozens of sword gas, and shot quickly towards the fleeing people.

With the sound of a few heavy objects falling to the ground, Lang Yunyun looked at the masked people in front of him!

“Impossible! On the list, you are obviously just a realm of heaven and man, why is it now reaching the emperor?”

Masked in black, and the peaceful cultivation of heaven and human beings. If it is used as usual, it can be regarded as a big man on the rivers and lakes, but now it is like a bereavement dog. Even the escape becomes a problem.

Facing the waves of Wuhuangjing, he did not have a chance!


“Oh! The list of the Little League’s Lord was written before the auction. Although there is a approximate state of martial arts above, the people who are free to choose the delivery.

But after more than ten days, I broke through my realm? Is it surprising? ”

The waves shrugged and asked, a long time ago, Lang Fan Yun felt that he was young and promising, and his age was already a realm of heaven and man. It’s right.

There are too many geniuses!

Not to mention that one is not much older than him, but the realm has been stabilizing him to make him east, and he can’t compare the others!

Yannan Tian Shen Gong is overwhelming, and the swordsmanship is even more unparalleled. Qiao Feng drops his eighteen palms in one hand. That is definitely a rare wizard today.

Even Linghu Chong, who was the lowest in that realm, was laughed at by everyone in the Yunnan League, it was amazing.

Although the realm is low, Langyun can always feel that Linghu Chong’s body exudes a momentum of shocking him.

People don’t do not make breakthroughs, they just use most of the time to raise swords.

“Since you can get the list of auctions and be accurately blocked on the road, you must have been prepared!

Say! Who is the person behind the scenes? ”

The long sword of the waves was on the neck of a masked man in black, but he hadn’t had time to scare him. The blood in the population was DC and his complexion was extremely purple.

“Waste, waste resources, so high cultivation, give us Mrs. Shiyin, suck!”

Longyun looked at the corpse on the ground, a pity.

He picked the face of the corpse with a long sword, and his face was not familiar, but there was a tiny mark on his cheeks, but the waves did not check it carefully.

The long sword enters the sheath, and the waves turn the clouds now need to quickly send the items to the place, and then go to meet with other members of the Yunnan League in the Ming Dynasty!

This matter has a great relationship, he can’t get a decision alone!

At the same time, several other Yunnan members of Daming Kingdom were also intercepted by large or small, but in the end they were all dangerous.

Members in Yunmeng are not ordinary rivers and lakes. The origin of everyone is a story, and there are many hearts!

It is almost impossible to deceive or block them. In addition, the list of people behind the scenes is a bit inconsistent with the real strength!

The core member of Yunmeng was taken before leaving, taking the culcation and a century -old Bodhi Dan.

On the road, Linghu rushed away and stopped.

The old hump behind him had been simply bandaged by him, and at this moment he was led by a rope.

“Shaoxia, just let me go, I really know this, I have said all the say, even if you kill me now, I know so much!”

The old man with humpback begged for mercy behind Linghu Chong, and his face was bitter.

What’s the matter!

As the leader of the largest gang in Anhua City, he was deceived and thought that if he could grab the supreme masterpiece, there would be a place on the rivers and lakes.

But he did not expect that the legendary Yunmeng was too powerful!

If you know this, even if he kills him, he dare not come to intercept!

Isn’t this boring?

“Say less nonsense. Although this hero can’t guess who is behind this scene, I feel that I will bring you back to Xinghua Town and give it to the Little League owner.

It really doesn’t work. Let the old order draw some blood from the body. ”

Linghu Chong said while walking, the old humpback old man behind him.

Although I cut your way, I have never hurt a hair of you from the beginning to the end, and it was chopped by your sword several times, and even your arm was removed by you.

Not just that, you have all the net worth, and he explains what to say, what should be explained.

Don’t let him go, and pull him away.

In the end I am a robbance, or are you a robber.


Linghu Chong walked while thinking. Before the problem, the problem hadn’t figured it out, so he heard the sound of the road stopping. Looking up, he was still a good woman.

Linghu rushed to the heart, is the robbers now get off work?

How do women come out!

“The pinnacle of the master, the girl, is not that I will make a fox bragging, just like you, you can’t hold me a trick.

You are better to know the point and tell me who is the person behind you, maybe I can spare you.

Otherwise, haha!

My brother -in -law told me that in the future, walking in the rivers and lakes, when you meet a man who is not pleasing to the eye, then rob your wealth. When you meet a woman like you, you will sell it in Wanhua Building!

It must be able to sell a good price! ”

Linghu rushed to the woman who stopped the road, revealing his two rows of white teeth.

Obviously these days, he learned a lot of good things with Jiang Li, at least how to make money, but he learned very well.

“Do you think too much! I just ask you, but the people in the Cloud League?”

When the woman heard Linghu Chong’s words, she was not angry, but she showed a bitter smile on her face.

“Well, I can’t find the road, but now I start to use bitterness? Do you still have to use a beauty plan for a while?

Don’t bluff me, I have a brother who knows the military, your little cleverness can’t get me! ”

Linghu Chong smiled proudly, watching the woman slowly press her hand on the scabbard.

(This chapter is finished)

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