Chapter 384

“His Majesty, when Wei Chen lurked in the Yun Kingdom, he heard a big event!

At the time on the border between Yunming, when the four -nation coalition forces confronted the Yun Kingdom’s army, Wu Anjun invited the Yun Guo military division Zhuge Liang to narrate at the Guan Guan!

Chen asked many parties to know that on the day of the army, Wu’an Hou had a feast in the army.

The subsequent things were unknown.

During the Yun State, Chen Ri thought about it, and finally decided to tell the Majesty to tell His Majesty.

Although Wu Anjun is my Qin Guozhu, some things are not allowed, and it is not good! ”

Jiang Li’s face was helpless, and some tangled and decided.

“It’s just a big joke! So slandering my Qin Guo Wu Anjun, Jiang Li, you are so brave!”

Without waiting for Jiang Li to see the reaction of Emperor Qin, the courtiers around him, especially among the generals, were full of people for a while.

Jiang Li frowned helplessly, saying that it was a small scene in his heart, and he didn’t worry about it.

Qin Guo’s master of the king’s family, the mighty general Wang Dang, took a few steps at this moment, and walked to Jiang Li’s following, and his fingers were worse than Jiang Li’s nose.

Their Wang family and Wu Anjun were the best. Wu Anjun was an absolute loyalty to Qin Guo.

How can he look at the insulting insult of Wu Anjun to the enemy!

“General Wang, this is above the court. Jiang Li is just telling the truth. Everything is decided by your Majesty. What happened?”

Without waiting for Jiang Li to refute, Lu Zhao, the country of Daqin Xianggu, took one step. As the kingdom of Qin Qin, the first of the civilians was not all the way with Wu Anjun.

If Wu Anjun really said as Jiang Li said, the Majesty would be angry, and Wu Anjun’s situation would be very difficult.

He was willing to see it. Wu Anjun’s limelight these years has been too strong, and he has exceeded the country of Qin Kingdom, and it is not necessary to suppress it.

“Lu Xiang, you speak fairly, Wu Anjun has been loyal to the country in these years, and has made a good contribution to my Qin, how can he pass the enemy!”

Among the generals, a few days ago, he suffered a loss in the Tang Dynasty and was withdrawn by the emperor’s military post. At this moment, he also stood out.

Jiang Li watched more and more people around, and quickly shouted: “Your Majesty, the minister is not a slander, there is a prove that the court is!”


In this statement, not only the Emperor Qin was stunned, but even the generals who just spoke for Wu Anjun also showed doubts.

After seeing no one spoke, Jiang Li quickly said: “His Majesty, please get the people outside Xuanda Temple to get on the hall, you can know all things!”

Jiang Li looked loyal.

Emperor Qin Guo kept groping to the desktop, and then quietly said: “Xuan!”

“Select the Certificate on the Hall!”

The eunuch’s male duck was far away because of his long throat.

Coincidentally, Jiang Li returned to Qin on his way to Qin, and he encountered several deserters in Qin.

Qin Guo had a deserter. Jiang Li was unbelievable at first, and the discipline of the Qin State army was still very reliable.

So when Jiang Li talked to them, they learned that they were involved in the soldiers who had left the war.

At that time, Wu Song’s courageous martial arts, which was not like the power of the world, scared the courage. Not only did he be deserters, he also complained that Wu Anjun invited the enemy to enter the barracks and let people kill themselves.

Wu Anjun’s Hongmen Banquet, and the practitioners who knew the secrets, but only a few, all these soldiers were naturally covered in the drum.

They only knew that at that time, Wu Anjun invited the enemy’s sergeant to go to the banquet.

Because Wu Anjun hid quickly with the champion Hou at the time, these soldiers did not see the shadows of the two of them at all.

I only know that Xiaoyun General’s general, in the army of the Four Kingdoms soldiers, opened the killing ring, and the blood flowed into the river.

And calmly, the key is that after a day, Wu Anjun placed a command, and the army was not allowed to preach.

“Why do you wearing the Qin Guo battle armor, why did you like this, what happened, and what happened, the widow of what you know, 151!”

The Emperor Qin of the Qin State spoke coldly, and the five people shivered.

“His Majesty, Majesty, is Wu Anjun invited Zhuge Liang to the army. It was General Yun Guo who opened the killing. I was not his opponent at all.

One of the five of the five people was a bit bigger, telling the facts.

On the top of the court, the color changed, and the Emperor Qin’s face was cold. The generals who just spoke for Wu Anjun looked at the five people.

“Bold! Er and wait for the deserter, it was the shame of my Qin Kingdom!

And now I dare to pour dirty water on Wu Anjun’s body. I really don’t want to live! ”

Meng He kicked the person who just spoke to the ground, and his eyes seemed to be spitting.

“General, the villain’s sentence is true.

At that time, all five of us were there, and I saw Wu Anjun picked up Zhuge Liang into the camp in the camp. ”

The kicked soldier was completely throwing life and death at this moment, and all the things he saw were shaking out.

As soon as he heard it, he turned back to see the cold eyes of Emperor Qin Guo, quickly knelt on the ground and said, “Your Majesty, there must be hidden feelings, Wu Anjun’s minister can guarantee that head!

He must not be the kind of enemy! Please make a look at His Majesty! ”

Meng He just finished speaking, Emperor Qin also hesitated at this moment. Jiang Li looked at Emperor Qin’s eyes and was just about to add the oil to the fire, and he heard shouting outside the hall.

“His Majesty, the military newspaper ahead!

The Allied Forces of the Four Kingdoms were frustrated, and the Han Dynasty champion Hou Hou 300,000 cavalry was destroyed, and the champion Hou was also captured by Yun Guosheng!

Wu Anjun has given up the place of the Ming Dynasty and is withdrawn towards Qin State! ”


“How can it be?”

“The champion Hou Na is a generation, how can it fail so easily!”

The main hall of the court was full of doubts.

Not only those courtiers suspect, even Jiang Li is not sure now.

When I came by myself, I just passed a few days, and if I was defeated?

After being surprised, the most unexpected news was the news of Wu Anjun withdrawing soldiers!

This had to let everyone in the court remembered what Jiang Li had just said.

The number of soldiers of the four kingdoms is far more than the Yun Kingdom army. Even if the champion Hou Bing is defeated, there should be the power of World War I!

But now it is withdrawn, and the withdrawal of troops is equivalent to the land of the Ming Dynasty to Yun Guo.

Thinking of this, the crow was silent!

Emperor Qin’s eyes was cold, and he patted the desk case vigorously and said, “The decision will make Wu Anjun return immediately without delay!”

PS: It has been entered later, and recently updated twice, but it has been modified.

(This chapter is finished)

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