The sound effects and fireworks are very good, keep it up!"

"Find a way to liven up the atmosphere and buy time for the staff to put on the suits!"

"Come on, Mr. Gao Yan! Mr. Yongde, give some strength too!"

Just as Inoue Masahiro stepped onto the stage of the Hero Festival, the backstage staff were busy in full swing, and at the same time gave instructions to the female host through wireless headphones.

After receiving the order from the backstage staff, the female host hurriedly handed the microphone to Inoue Masahiro's mouth with a smile.

"Kamen Rider, how do you feel now that so many children have come to support you today?"

"I am very excited, but I think there is a child who is definitely not here."

Taking the microphone from the female host, Inoue Masada showed off his genuine belt around his waist, and then said with full energy: "Children are the most precious treasures in any world! So if you think you are also a qualified Kamen Rider, then smile and be strong! Leukemia is nothing! The power of Kamen Rider can help you defeat all viruses!"

After these words, the entire Hero Festival performance venue suddenly fell into a dead silence, followed by a thunderous applause.

"It's so touching! I believe this child will definitely receive the blessing from Kamen Ultraman, and I also wish the child can recover soon!"

Gently wiping away the tears from the corners of her eyes, the female host took the microphone and continued: "Kamen Ultraman, for the wishes and expectations of the children, can you please show your strength?"

"As you wish."

Take out the transformation card, Inoue Masahiro immediately turned around and walked back, and at the same time, the character bgm on the stage was also turned up to the maximum.

Just as the performance on the stage was proceeding in an orderly manner, the flying fish Ophieno quietly climbed onto the shore from the river beside.

Then, I don't know what he was thinking, the flying fish Ophieno staggered onto the stage, and it seemed that he had not yet woken up from Conan's previous blow.

"What's going on? How come the weird character is on stage so soon?"

Seeing the sudden appearance of Flying Fish Orpheus, the Toei staff in the backstage were stunned, and then turned to look at the assembled suit actors... They all seemed to be here?

"Never mind! This is a live broadcast! Go for it!" Faced with this sudden situation, the director could not care less and went directly to the actor who had changed into the Kamen Rider suit.

"Mr. Gao Yan, I will leave it to you to play freely later, don't make any mistakes."

"Director, don't worry, I know what to do."

Takayan Joji gave a thumbs up, then exchanged positions with Inoue Masahiro under the cover of the stage smoke, and took a fighting stance towards Flying Fish Orpheus.


Facing Gao Yancheng Er wearing a Kamen Rider suit, Feiyu Ophieno immediately suffered from PTSD. The memory of being beaten by Conan before resurfaced in his mind. Feiyu Ophieno instantly condensed a crossbow in his left hand and aimed at Gao Yancheng Er.



Facing the rapidly shooting crossbow, Gao Yancheng Er used the physical skills he had trained for most of his life to dodge it with a tactical roll, and then stood up and took a fighting stance.

The audience below who didn't know what was going on could not see anything, but just kept clapping and cheering, especially adults in their thirties and forties.

"Too realistic! The stage plays nowadays are simply awesome!"

"Second Uncle's skills are still as good as they were back then! The weird actor opposite him is also very attentive, especially the leather suit is much more realistic than the villains nowadays!"

"Finally I regained the feeling of watching special effects in my childhood! But why do I feel that the arrow just now looks a bit like the real thing?"

Compared to the cheers of the audience, Gao Yanchenger under the leather suit was sweating profusely. With many years of experience as a leather suit actor, he knew very well that the arrow just now was definitely real. If he hadn't dodged quickly, he would probably be a corpse now.

(Second Uncle complained about this in person back then. After wearing the Decade helmet, the vision was severely blocked, and most of the time he could only shoot blindly.)

[What's going on? Where did this lunatic come from? 】

With his fists tightly clenched, Gao Yanchenger cursed the leather suit designer's ancestors one by one in his heart. After all, the leather suit had too many problems. Not only did it severely obstruct the vision, but it also had poor air circulation. If there were no such interference,

I might still be able to fight!


Just when Gao Yanchengji was anxious, he suddenly heard a strong engine roar, and the next moment he seemed to vaguely see a black shadow in the air.


A violent collision sounded, and the next moment Conan, who had transformed into Kamen Rider Faiz, appeared on the stage riding a mobile Pegasus.

Faced with this sudden change, the audience and the backstage staff were all dumbfounded for a moment, and even their heavy breathing stopped involuntarily.

"What... what's going on? Where did this come from?"

The props team hurriedly explained: "It's not us! We have never made such a suit!"

Looking at the script in his hand, the director was so anxious that his hair fell off, and finally looked for help at a middle-aged man not far away.

"Minshu, what do you think we should do now? It's completely out of the script!"

The screenwriter named Minshu hugged his shoulders and was silent for a moment, then shrugged helplessly: "Whatever happens, let fate handle everything."


"F**k! Mingui, you're a ***!"

At the same time on the stage

Looking at the huge crowds of audiences, Conan's heart was extremely nervous. After all, this was the first time he appeared in the public eye in a transformed state.

However, when he noticed Gaoyan Chengji wearing a Kamen Rider suit, Conan instantly thought of a countermeasure.

"Evil transformation monster! I won't allow you to take away the precious lives of humans! I don't have a dream, but I can protect the dreams of others!"

After adjusting the words with a voice changer, Conan immediately pulled the Faiz blade out of the mobile Pegasus, and the red photon blood instantly condensed into the sword body.


"The special effects are awesome!"

"The ticket money was well spent! I can even see the lightsaber! Toei's special effects department finally put in some effort!"

Everything was just as Conan expected. In this kind of environment, the audience would subconsciously attribute everything that happened on the stage to the stage special effects, and no one would doubt anything else.

The backstage staff reacted really fast. As soon as Conan finished speaking, they turned on all the lights and music to create a better effect of the stage play.

So, with the audience's surprised eyes and the cooperation of the staff, Conan rushed towards the flying fish Orphino holding the Faiz blade!

Facing Conan who was getting closer and closer, the flying fish Orphino quickly raised the crossbow in his hand to shoot and block, but Conan just swept the Faiz blade in front of him!

"Dang! Dang! Dang!"

Accompanied by the crisp sound of metal collision, all the crossbow arrows were knocked to the ground without exception, and Conan also rushed to the front of the flying fish Ophieno, and came up with a set of silky small combos!

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"


Under Conan's continuous slashing, the flying fish Ophieno's body was suddenly full of sparks, and the next moment he was kicked out by Conan. Seeing this, the audience below once again applauded warmly!

"Amazing! The sparks are just like the real thing!"

"This weirdo's suit actor is really dedicated. He made it look like he was really slashed by a sword, perfectly expressing the pain!"

"Oscar! These two are worthy of Oscars for their acting skills! There's no sign of acting at all!"

Just as the audience was cheering and applauding the [performance] on the stage, Officer Yumi Miyamoto used all her strength and finally squeezed to the front of the line. As a result, as soon as she squeezed to the front, she saw Faiz playing with the flying fish Orphino.

"Good guy... I can only say good guy, you are really brave..."

Compared to the onlookers who were kept in the dark, Yumi Miyamoto, who probably knew the truth, couldn't help twitching at the corners of her mouth, and then stiffly raised her hands to applaud.

Just as Yumi Miyamoto was admiring the [performance] on the stage, the crowd in the front row suddenly began to crowd and push, and directly squeezed Yumi Miyamoto from the first row to the back.

"You guys are going too far! I'm a police officer! Get out of the way! The best part is about to begin!"

Yumi Miyamoto shouted in dissatisfaction, but the audience, who were already in a frenzy, could not hear her at all and just kept squeezing forward to see the performance on the stage more clearly.

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