After a while, the two of them were busy.

After almost an hour, Hattori Heiji finally recovered from his high state, but perhaps because he was too excited before, Hattori Heiji calmed down and was completely depressed. He was even carried away on a stretcher.

Although he failed to catch Kaito Kid this time, Suzuki Jirokichi was still very satisfied with Conan's performance and kept praising Conan's excellent performance in front of reporters.

In the end, Suzuki Jirokichi kept his promise and gave Conan a big gift.

Maori Detective Agency

"What...what on earth is going on?"

Looking at the blue miracle on his desk, Kogoro quickly distanced himself from the desk and even shrank into the corner, as if he was afraid that he would accidentally damage the work of art.

Xiaolan explained with a bit of a smile: "This is a gift from Uncle Jiroji to Conan. He said that it was to thank Conan for letting him appear on the front page of today's headlines, so this blue miracle has been attributed to Conan."

"These rich people are really exaggerated in their actions. They just give away such expensive things."

After complaining helplessly about Suzuki Jiroji's wealth, Kogoro bravely approached the blue miracle, and then after looking at it for a while, he asked curiously: "Xiaolan, do you think this thing is worth 50 million?"

Xiaolan tilted her head slightly and thought: "I'm afraid it's more than that. I remember Uncle Jiroji said that he spent... almost 5 billion to buy it at the auction."

"5 billion yen! I can't earn that much in my ten lifetimes!" Hearing this price, Kogoro almost suffocated, and a series of dense zeros emerged in his mind.

Xiaolan: "It's not yen, it's dollars, and this doesn't include the cost of chartering a private jet, security, and insurance."


As soon as Xiaolan finished speaking, Kogoro's legs went limp and he fell to the ground. After a moment, he pointed at the blue miracle and said tremblingly: "Xiao... Xiaolan, go contact the bank and ask them to take this thing away! It's best to put it in the vault! The sooner the better! This thing is just a paint chip, I can't afford to pay for it even if I sell the office!"

"Dad, don't worry, Uncle Jiroji has arranged everything, and someone will put the blue miracle in the bank under the Suzuki Group for safekeeping."

Stepping forward to help her dog father up, Xiaolan continued to explain, and only then did Kogoro's hanging heart let go.

"Huh~ That's good..."

Wipe the cold sweat from his forehead, Kogoro looked at the blue miracle on the table and couldn't help sighing: "It is said that fools have good fortunes, but Conan is not a fool, so how come he is so lucky?"

Xiaolan smiled and said: "Maybe Conan is a fairy boy favored by God~"

"Tsk, no matter whether this little boy is the reincarnation of a fairy boy, he will definitely not live a hard life in the future. Once this thing is sold, he can just lie down for the rest of his life. I don't know which girl will be able to get this little boy in the future. I'm afraid that the girl's parents will be so happy that they can't stop smiling. After all... Xiaolan, why are you blushing?"

"It's okay! I... The weather is too hot! So I'm a little restless, don't worry, dad."

Faced with the questioning of her own dog father, Xiaolan hurriedly pretended to be calm and found an excuse. After all, she couldn't say that she had just imagined some scenes.

Xiaolan's Fantasy

"You're back, Shinichi. You've worked hard today. Do you want to eat or take a shower first?"

"Of course we do both at the same time, but I don't want to eat, I want to eat you, Xiaolan~"

[Hate it! What the hell am I thinking about! ]

Shocked by the imaginary scene in her mind, Xiaolan's cheeks were immediately flushed. Although Kogoro didn't understand what happened, when he saw his beloved daughter, he suddenly felt angry and sad.


After taking several deep breaths to calm down, Kogoro looked around and wondered, "By the way, where is that kid? It seems like I haven't seen him since the beginning."

Ran: "Conan went to Dr. Agasa's house. It seems that Ai suddenly caught a cold, and Dr. Agasa was not at home during this period, so he went to visit him."

At the same time, at Dr. Agasa's house

"A-choo! A-choo!"

"Strange? What happened to me these two days? Why do I keep sneezing?" Conan picked up a tissue and blew his nose hard, mumbling in confusion.


At this moment, Ai, who was lying on the bed, suddenly started to cough violently. Conan saw this and hurried forward to help her up and leaned on his shoulder. At the same time, he picked up a cup of warm water that he had prepared in advance and put it in front of Ai's mouth.

"Drink some water to relieve it."


Ai did not refuse and very skillfully let Conan put the warm water into her throat. Then Conan took out a few new tissues and gently wiped the water marks on Ai's mouth.

Conan: "I cooked a bowl of porridge for you. After drinking the porridge, take some medicine to see if the fever can be reduced. If it still doesn't work, I will take you to the hospital for a comprehensive examination."

"Ahem! You should rest quickly. Yesterday... Ahem! Yesterday you seemed to have made a big noise... Ahem! Great detective..."

Ai opened her eyes with difficulty, and then forced a smile: "I am a patient now. If you are infected by me, you will... Ahem!"

"Don't worry about patients. What you need to do now is to take good care of yourself. Don't forget that I am Orphino, and I won't be infected so easily."

Laying Ai flat on the bed, Conan then covered her with a quilt, and then exhorted: "Rest well and take care of yourself. After you recover, I will give you the latest Bushahui bag, okay?"

"Sister... Sister, how is my sister?"

Ai did not answer Conan, but asked about Miyano Akemi's condition in a somewhat confused manner.

Seeing this, Conan leaned over to Xiao Ai's ear and reported: "Don't worry, your sister is in good condition now. Her heart rate and pulse are two beats faster than before. She should wake up soon."

"Sister... I'm glad you're okay..."

After hearing that her sister's condition had improved, Xiao Ai's frown relaxed a lot. Seeing this, Conan felt mixed emotions in his heart, and then he washed a wet towel again to cool Xiao Ai down.

"If... if it was you at that time, maybe... maybe my sister and I would not be like this now..."

"What did you say?"

Hearing Xiao Ai's mumbling, Conan, who was washing the towel, curiously put his ear close to Xiao Ai's mouth, wanting to hear what the other party was saying.

"Zhu...Zhuo Xingda...that shameful time I see him, I...I will definitely let that self-righteous detective punish him, sister...he...has hurt us so much..."

"Zhuo Xingda?"

Conan frowned when he heard this. It seems that the reason why Miyano Akemi had the idea of ​​leaving the organization was not just a whim, but was closely related to Zhuo Xingda mentioned by Xiao Ai.

"Who is this Zhuo Xingda?"

Turning around and looking at the world outside the window, Conan's expression unconsciously became serious, and the sky also became much gloomier at this moment.


Entrance to the distillery base

Core members such as Gin, Vodka, Ireland, Chianti, Cohen, and Vermouth dispersed in groups of three or five, as if they were waiting for someone to arrive.

"So slow."

Cohen, who had been silent all the time, suddenly expressed his dissatisfaction. The next moment, the hot-tempered Chianti stood up and cursed: "Are you kidding me? Why haven't people come yet? My time is very precious!"


Facing Chianti's irritability, Gin turned his head slightly and issued a warning, and a hint of danger was revealed in the depths of his eyes.


Not daring to anger Gin, Chianti muttered softly and sat on the ground again.

"Don't be angry, Gin. It is indeed past the scheduled time. It is normal for Chianti to be angry."

Looking at the nail polish on her left hand, Vermouth smiled and looked at Ireland, who was concentrating on petting the dog. "Aren't you going to say something, Ireland? It seems that you haven't seen Calvados for a long time."

Ireland didn't speak, and continued to pet the dog with concentration.

"Everyone, please be patient, the people should be here soon, please be patient~" Seeing that the atmosphere was a little agitated, Hanhan Vodka hurried to act as a peacemaker to calm everyone's emotions.

At this moment, the gate of the base slowly opened.

"Dear brothers and sisters! I miss you so much!"

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