The two of them were very close, and the two of them were very close.

Kudo Family

"So, you learned about the incident from your mother, so you thought of pretending to be me and joining the game?"


On the bed in the bedroom, after listening to Conan's explanation, Xiao Ai, who had finally calmed down, suddenly felt agitated again, and then made a move to get up.

"Stop! Don't move, I'll go over."

Seeing Xiao Ai's movements, Conan came to Xiao Ai very consciously and put his head close to her.

"Come on, you can pull any ear you want, I promise not to resist."

"You guy..."

Seeing Conan's thick-skinned look, Xiao Ai almost laughed out of anger.

However, it was necessary to take revenge a little, so Ai reached out and gently pinched Conan's nose, then deliberately frowned and warned: "Next time if you dare to do such dangerous things behind my back, be careful that I will develop new drugs to turn you into Zhu Bajie, understand?"


Conan showed half-moon eyes and responded perfunctorily.

"Puchi~ idiot."

Seemingly very cold to Conan's helpless expression, Ai unconsciously showed a smile on her face.

And looking at the smile shown by Ai, Conan also laughed out of nowhere, and at this moment, an indescribable atmosphere suddenly filled the room.

"Hi Xiaoxin~"

Just as Conan and Ai smiled at each other, Yukiko suddenly opened the door and shouted, and instantly the two in the bedroom showed obvious panic expressions.

[Strange? I didn't do anything bad, why should I be afraid? And why does Huiyuan also look guilty? 】

Although he was confused, Conan did not say it directly. Instead, he turned around with a slightly unhappy expression and looked at his mother, Kudo Yukiko, who was not easy to worry about.

"Mom, please knock on the door. Can you respect my privacy? I am an adult."

Facing Conan's unhappiness, Yukiko apologized insincerely: "Ah, ah, I'm really sorry, Xiaoxin, but you never cared about these things before. Did you do something bad just now?"

When she said this, Yukiko looked at Xiao Ai on the bed with a playful look and said, "Ai-chan, tell your aunt, did Xiao Xin bully you just now? If so, just tell me, and your aunt will help you~"

"No... No, he didn't bully me..."

For some reason, Xiao Ai didn't dare to look at Yukiko's eyes, and could only explain in a low voice with her head down.

"Is that so? All right then."

Fortunately, Yukiko did not choose to continue asking, so this little episode passed in a daze.

Turning her eyes to Conan, Yukiko said with a gossipy expression: "How is it, Shin-chan? Does Sharon like you very much? And she also gave you a gift?"

"Well, thanks to her this time, I can come back safely. She helped a lot."

Although Conan seemed calm on the surface, he was actually very heavy in his heart. At the same time, his understanding of the organization had been further deepened, and he had to be more careful in the future.

Just when his heart was getting more and more solemn, Conan suddenly felt a pulling sensation on both sides of his cheeks. He looked up and saw Yukiko staring at him with an unhappy face.

"You unfilial son, I am your biological mother, but now you are so easily seduced by Sharon. Who should I find to take care of my old age in the future! Huh~"

Looking at Yukiko's clumsy fake crying. Conan couldn't help but twitch his mouth: "Mom, can you be more normal? Why is your imagination always so exaggerated?"

However, Yukiko completely ignored her rebellious son, and immediately stopped pretending to cry and said proudly: "No matter how good the things Sharon sent are, they are definitely not as precious as what I sent. Xiaoxin, just wait patiently. It will probably arrive in two days. Remember to pay the postage when the time comes."


[Why does my mother seem to be not smart at all? Am I really her biological child? I really want to do a paternity test...]

"Knock knock."

Just when Conan was secretly complaining in his heart, there was a sudden knock on the door, and then the bedroom door was slightly opened, and it turned out to be Judy.

"Excuse me, Ms. Yukiko."

Greeting in pure Mandarin, Judy's eyes immediately fell on Conan, and Judy couldn't help but smile bitterly in an instant: "What should I call you now?

What about you? "

Conan smiled and shrugged: "Just like when we first met, it's fine. It's really great that you are safe and sound, Judy, but I think it's more appropriate to call you Agent Judy now."

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to lie to you and Xiaolan, I just had to."

After a sincere apology, Judy walked into the bedroom and showed her ID to Xiaoai.

"I'm FBI Agent Judy Stelling, Miss Huihara Ai... or it should be more appropriate to call you Miss Miyano Shiho."

Faced with Judy who revealed her identity, Xiaoai turned her head away without even looking at her, and even hid a little disgust in the depths of her eyes.

"It's really rare. May I ask what the omnipotent FBI agent wants to do with me? "

Seeing that Ai seemed a little unwelcome to her, Judy was a little confused, but still said truthfully: "We FBI have been tracking things related to the organization, and you are the only important member who has successfully escaped from the organization as far as we know, so our FBI hopes that you can agree to the witness protection plan, and we FBI..."

"It sounds good, but there is no difference between you FBI and the organization. Once I lose my usefulness, I will definitely be abandoned by you like garbage, and I may even be sent back to the organization as a pawn."

When she said this, Ai hooked her hand and called Conan to her side, and then continued: "Although this guy likes to act on his own and is a little self-righteous, he will at least never abandon me, and what you can do, he can do, and what you can't do, he can still do, so why should I sell my freedom and be imprisoned by you?"

Seeing the hostility shown by Ai, Judy hurriedly explained: "No, no, no! You misunderstood. We FBI will never do such a thing. Please believe us..."

"Useless Judy, she will never believe us FBI again. After all, we have hurt her once."

Just as Judy was hurriedly explaining, Shuichi Akai appeared outside the door without knowing when, and then walked in slowly.

"It's you!"

When she saw Shuichi Akai, a strong hatred instantly appeared on Ai's face, and even her body couldn't stop shaking.

"What's wrong with you, Huiyuan?"

Seeing the trembling appearance of Ai, Conan thought that the other party was uncomfortable, but the next moment Ai suddenly pointed at Shuichi Akai and roared.

"Kill him! You can do whatever you want! Kill this bastard! He... cough cough!"

"Huiyuan! "

Seeing that Ai was so angry that she started coughing violently, Conan hurried forward and gently patted Ai's back, and at the same time took the water cup from the bedside table and brought it to Ai's mouth.

"Drink some hot water to calm down."

The next moment, Ai took the water cup, and without saying a word, she smashed it hard at Akai Shuichi.


With a crisp sound, the glass cup hit Akai Shuichi's head directly, and then the glass cup turned into fragments all over the floor.

"Get out! I don't want to see you! Get out!"

Akai Shuichi, who was beaten and scolded, had a calm expression, then slowly turned around and walked out, and Judy hurriedly chased after him.

"Show! Wait a minute!"

As the two FBI agents left, the anger on Ai's face finally subsided a little, but then she suddenly covered her mouth and started coughing violently.

"Cough cough cough!"

"Gray, lie down quickly! Mom, don't just stand there! Go get the medicine!"

"Okay, okay! Wait a moment!"

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