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Seeing Akai Shuichi being knocked to the ground, Judy, who was in the driver's seat, hurriedly got out of the car and rushed to Akai Shuichi, while yelling at Conan: “What are you doing! Why are you hitting someone for no reason! You Are you sick? "

Faced with Judy's anger, Conan did not make any excuses, but looked at Akai Shuichi and slowly said: "The first punch was because of Miss Mingmei, you took advantage of her feelings for you, and the last You put her in danger, and the second punch was because of Huiyuan. Because of what you did, she lost her last relative in this world. "

"Huh~ I see, no wonder you suddenly took action. "

Listening After Conan finished speaking, Akai Shuichi smiled with ease, then stood up slowly with his back to the ground. "Then you should hit me again, because I disguised myself as a man with Miyano Akemi to achieve my goal. When I was your girlfriend, I failed another woman's feelings for me."


Hearing these meaningful words, Judy's expression was filled with mixed emotions.


Conan fulfilled Akai Shuichi's wish and punched him in the abdomen. When Akai Shuichi received the punch, his expression barely changed except that his body stiffened a little.

See Conan was secretly puzzled by Akai Shuichi's reaction. Although he didn't use his full strength in this punch, it still caused considerable damage to humans. But Akai Shuichi was able to remain calm...

After thinking for a moment, Conan made a bold guess: "Mr. Akai, I think you are not an ordinary human, right?"

"You can say that, because I had a small operation, and now I am a cyborg."

Don't hide your true self As for his identity, Shuichi Akai gave the answer readily, and at the same time he lifted up his shirt to reveal the windmill belt hidden inside.

Akai Shuichi: "I think you should have known that before I was officially evolved into Ophiino, my identity was discovered by those people in the organization, but in order to continue fighting with them, I underwent a transformation operation. . "

Conan: "That's great, but I don't understand why you abandoned Haibara and the others and ran away alone since you were determined to undergo the transformation surgery?"

Faced with this question, Akai Shuichi had a complicated expression on his face. He lowered his head: "There are many reasons, but in short, the responsibility is all mine. I lied to them and abandoned them at the critical moment."

"No! That's not the case!"

Judy hurriedly stood in front of Akai Shuichi, Then he explained: "When Xiu was discovered, the organization launched a hunt. We spent a lot of effort to rescue Xiu, and we didn't have the extra energy to bring the sisters out!"

"So You didn't make a plan from the beginning, you really just used Huiyuan and the others as tools to enter the organization, right? "

After Conan said this, Judy was speechless, lowered her head and let the heavy rain fall on her. .

Turning his attention to Akai Shuichi, Conan warned: "Graybara has clearly rejected your witness protection plan, so I hope you can stop disturbing her and let that guy continue to live as Graybara Ai. , do you understand?"

Akai Hide nodded: "Don't worry, after all, our FBI is no longer qualified to ask her for so-called protection."

"Very good, then it's settled."

Seeing that his goal was achieved, Conan didn't need to stay any longer, so he turned around and walked towards the Mobile Pegasus.

Looking at Conan's departing back, Akai Shuichi suddenly asked curiously, "What would you have done if I had said no just now?" Conan stopped immediately after hearing this, then raised his head and let the rain pour down on his mask. After a moment, he slowly said, "The weather is good now, it's a good time to spar."

"You win, I surrender."

The corner of his mouth With a playful smile on his face, Akai Hide half-raised his arms and gave a French military salute.


After a light snort, Conan immediately stepped onto the mobile Pegasus, then turned the accelerator to the bottom and drove away.

"The kid nowadays is really a man of action. He gave me such a unique surprise on the first day we met." Feeling the pain on both sides of his cheeks, Akai Shuichi smiled and shrugged his shoulders, then turned around and sat back in the passenger seat.

Judy then returned to the driver's seat, looking hesitantly

Asked Shuichi Akai: "Shu, the relationship between this child and that woman seems unusual. Should we report this matter?"

"No need."

Given the answer without hesitation, Shuichi Akai immediately took out a cigarette and put it in his mouth, temporarily relaxing his tense brain through nicotine.

"This matter should not be known to everyone. If it is accidentally leaked, it will do us no good."

"Okay, I understand."

After a brief hesitation, Judy nodded slightly to show that she understood, and then planned to start the car and continue.

Shuichi Akai: "Remember to take a shower after returning. If you don't care about it after such a heavy rain, it is easy to catch a cold."

Judy was stunned for a moment, and then threw a charming eye to Shuichi Akai: "You are also caught in the rain, do you want to take a shower too~"

Faced with Judy's open invitation, Shuichi Akai silently turned his head to the window

Seeing this, Judy pouted a little unhappy, then started the car and continued to set off.


Organization Base

"Absinthe, please give me an explanation about Calvados. What happened?"

Looking at Gin with cold eyes in front of her and other members of the organization who formed a circle, Vermouth smiled and shrugged.

"While lurking for reconnaissance, I found a guy who looked like Shirley, so I followed him to see what was going on."

"Is it Shirley?"

Gin quickly stepped forward to Vermouth, and his tone was unusually excited.

Vermouth tilted her head with a regretful expression: "It's a pity, they just look alike. It seems that Shirley has gone into exile with her lover to the ends of the earth~"

Gin said with a cold expression: "Humph, as long as she is still on Earth, I will find her sooner or later. Shirley can't escape from my palm!"

"Hey! Let's put Shirley aside for now and talk about Calvados first!"

Quickly coming out of the team, Chianti transformed into the wasp Orphino, and the poisonous sting on his right arm was ready to go.

Chianti: "You'd better explain why Calvados lost his life, what exactly happened!"

"Oh~ Chianti, you are too impetuous. You know, anger will cause wrinkles. I will recommend you some cosmetics to replenish moisture~"

Not caring about the poison needle just a few inches away from her neck, Vermouth then showed a [serious] expression and explained: "Akai Shuichi is back, and the FBI's cyborg technology seems to have succeeded. Calvados was killed by him. Now the FBI guys should lock on us."

"Akai Shuichi!"

Hearing this long-lost name, Gin's pupils suddenly shrank, and then his body began to tremble slightly, and he also chuckled like a devil.

"Hehe~ Shuichi Akai..."

"Brother, are you okay?"

Seeing Gin's reaction, Vodka came forward with some worry, but then he saw Gin waving his hand violently!

"Send the message to everyone, no matter the cost, no matter the means, even if you have to dig three feet deep, you must find Shuichi Akai for me! After finding him, no one is allowed to do anything, I want to personally deal with this traitor!"

Faced with Gin's sudden decision, Vodka carefully reminded: "But brother, shouldn't our mission be to find the three stolen belts? Now focus on Shuichi Akai, right..."

"There are three belts, but there is only one Shuichi Akai."

"I understand..."

Hearing the firmness in Gin's tone, Vodka hurriedly retreated and dared not say anything more.

"Come on, Gin, I wish you good luck. "

Seeing that her goal had been achieved, Vermouth's mouth suddenly showed a meaningful and charming smile, and then she turned around and left gracefully.

Watching Vermouth's departing back, Ireland in the team couldn't help but frown slightly.

[Absinthe is a little bit wrong, could it be... It seems that it is necessary to investigate it secretly.]

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