The police said that the murderer was a big shot, and the police said that he was a big shot.

"What! You said that Minoru Fukase couldn't be the murderer?"

"Yes, according to the doctor's routine examination, Fukase's right shoulder was fractured about a month ago, so his right arm couldn't be raised at all. According to the autopsy results of the deceased, the murderer was a right-handed man with great strength, so his right arm must be able to be raised high."

After listening to Shiratori's report, Officer Megure's expression showed obvious disappointment: "Damn it, I thought I could catch the murderer this time..."


Just when Officer Megure was frustrated, the mobile phone in his pocket suddenly rang. Officer Megure took it out and saw that the caller was his immediate boss, Manager Matsumoto!

"Officer Matsumoto, do you have any instructions?"

"Officer Megure, a call came in from Hachioji City. The caller is Sumire Shindo. She said she can tell us who the real culprit of the serial murder case is. Send someone to Hachioji City immediately."

"Yes, sir!"

At the same time, on the other side

"What! The big crocodile sneaked into the police last time!"

"Crocodile Orphino, the organization codename is Ireland. Among the many police officers in the conference room just now, there is one who is pretending to be him."

Sharing the information obtained from Vermouth, Conan looked at Takagi with a dangerous look.

"Officer Takagi, you are not fake, are you?"

"Dangdangdang... Of course! I am the real Takagi Wataru! Conan, you must believe me! If you don't believe it... If you don't believe it, look!"

With a sideways jump into the blind spot of vision, Takagi took a deep breath and transformed into the snake Orphino, but soon changed back to human appearance.

Takagi said expectantly: "How about it, Conan, you should believe that I am real, right?"

"Well... it is necessary to confirm it again."

Just as Conan was thinking about how to further confirm whether Takagi was real or not, suddenly Sato Miwako came towards him, and Conan's eyes lit up immediately when he saw this! Then he jumped up and took out the wallet from Takagi's pocket.

"Excuse me, Officer Takagi."

"Hey! Conan!"

Bounced to Miwako Sato, Conan greeted her in a baby voice: "Good afternoon, Officer Sato~"

Faced with Conan who suddenly appeared, Miwako Sato was stunned for a moment, then smiled and leaned over to respond: "It's you, Conan, what do you want to talk to me about?"

"Hehe~ Officer Takagi asked me to give this thing to Officer Sato."

After explaining the reason for his appearance with a harmless smile, Conan then took out a small pink envelope from Takagi's wallet. Miwako Sato subconsciously wanted to reach out to take it.


At the critical moment, Takagi snatched the envelope as if he had turned on nitrogen acceleration, and then picked up Conan and dodged to the side.

"Kekeke... Conan, what are you doing? Officer Sato must not see this! If Officer Sato sees it, I will not be able to continue working in the Investigation Division!"

Looking at Takagi's embarrassed face, Conan finally confirmed that this was the real thing.

Sato Miwako came up and asked curiously: "Officer Takagi, what was that just now?"

"Ah this..."

Faced with the goddess' question, Takagi's language center has completely lost control, and he stuttered and couldn't even say a complete sentence.

"Officer Takagi got the latest coupon and wants to treat Officer Sato to dinner, so I want to ask you when it is convenient for you."

Seeing Takagi's disappointing appearance, Conan really couldn't stand it, so he made up a reason for him.

Takagi was embarrassed: "Conan!"

"Eat? That's fine, I happen to pass by a Chinese restaurant recently. After I solve this case, I'll trouble you, Officer Takagi, to pay for it."

After that, Sato Miwako first put Conan on the ground, then grabbed Takagi's arm and walked out.

"Let's go quickly, Officer Megure asked us to go to Hachioji City to protect the person who called the police. We can't delay any longer."

"Yes... Yes..."

Looking at the strong jade hand holding his arm, Takagi felt his heart was drunk~

Looking at the two people leaving, Conan shook his head helplessly: "It's really not straightforward. Why are you still so hesitant when you are adults."

After watching Officers Takagi and Sato walk away, Conan immediately hid in the corner

He took out Faiz's phone and started calling people from the address book.

Meanwhile in Osaka

Hattori Heiji and Kazuha were walking on the street, and Kazuha curiously asked Hattori Heiji where he had been during this period.

"Hey! Heiji, are you listening? Where have you been these days? Do you know how hard it is for me to explain to my uncle, aunt, and teacher?"

"Yes, yes, it's really hard for you, yawn~ I'm so sleepy..."

Hattori Heiji couldn't tell Kazuha the truth, so he put his hands in his pockets and pretended to be lazy, but in fact he didn't need to pretend, because he was high on catnip last night.



Feeling the phone in his pocket suddenly vibrate, Hattori Heiji hurriedly took the phone out. When he saw the caller's message, Hattori Heiji's expression instantly became energetic.

"What happened? Conan, the little friend who works hard on homework." Noticing Kazuha who was always by his side, Hattori Heiji quickly changed the subject.

Conan: "Hattori, I have a case here, and I need your help now."

Then, Conan told Hattori Heiji the whole story of the serial murder case.

"Tanabata, Kyoto... All I can think of now is Kyoto during Tanabata, but I can't figure out what the relationship is between this and the case?"

Just when Hattori Heiji was puzzled, Kazuha beside him suddenly said unintentionally: "By the way, Heiji, Tanabata is coming soon, how about we go to the Vega Hotel in Kyoto? This way we can go there and come back on the same day."

"Stupid Kazuha, why go to that place! Have you forgotten the fire two years ago? That was..."

Hattori Heiji seemed to have thought of something, and then hurriedly said to Conan on the other end of the phone: "Wait a moment! I may have a clue here. I will go investigate that restaurant first and tell you as soon as I have the result. "

Conan: "Okay, and Hattori, after you check that restaurant, hurry back to Beihua. Those guys from the organization have intervened in this matter. I need your help."

Hearing this, Hattori Heiji nodded slightly, but deliberately pretended to be lazy and complained: "Are you kidding me? I have only been back to Osaka for less than a day, but you asked me to go back so quickly. At least give me some benefits."

Hearing this, Conan on the other end of the phone fell into a dead silence.

"Hey, it's not that bad, Kudo? I'm kidding, you..."


Just when Hattori Heiji was halfway through explaining, suddenly the mobile mailbox showed that he had received a message. Out of curiosity, Hattori Heiji opened the mailbox directly.

It was the video of the time at the art museum! He was unconscious because of inhaling too much catnip. For a moment, Hattori Heiji's face turned pale.

"Meow! Kazuha~ meow~ meow~ Kazuha~"

[If you don't come here today, I'll send this video to Kazuha's email, and you can do whatever you want with it. ]

"Don't do that! I beg you, Kudo! I'll definitely come here today! Don't send this to Kazuha!"

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