The old man was very happy.

"Is this a relic of Ireland?"

"Woof woof!"

Looking at Chuck who was curiously looking at the new environment in front of him, Xiao Ai's expression became a little complicated, and then she looked up at Conan beside her.

"I didn't expect Ireland to choose to help you at the last minute. His reputation for cruelty is not inferior to Gin."

Conan shrugged lightly: "Hehe, it's mainly because Gin and his people wanted to kill Ireland together, so he helped me escape out of revenge. If Gin didn't do this, I'm afraid I would be doomed today."

"If you say so, Gin inadvertently helped us a lot. At least your true identity will not be known to the organization for the time being."

Holding Chuck in her arms and stroking him gently, Xiao Ai was obviously full of love, and then looked at Conan and asked an important question.

"By the way, how did the police handle it? Ireland disguised himself as Administrator Matsumoto, and Gin and his men used helicopters to shoot at Tokyo Tower. Will it be..."

"Don't worry, Administrator Matsumoto didn't see Ireland's face, and he has been in a coma during this period, so he should not know about the organization. As for the Tokyo Tower, a terrorist organization that has never been heard of has emerged and claimed to be responsible for the attack."

Conan stood in front of the window with his hands in his pockets, and his mood unconsciously became a little heavy.

Looking at Conan's back, Ai was silent for a moment, then picked up Chuck and stood beside Conan.

"Cheer up, great detective. You are our Sherlock Holmes now. You must not be defeated by this small failure."

Hearing this, Conan couldn't help but reveal his iconic half-moon eyes: "Stupid, what nonsense are you talking about? How can I be defeated so easily? What I'm thinking about now is how to deal with this puppy."

"Ah~ How else can I deal with it? Of course I'll keep it. After all, you've promised Ireland, right?"

"Woof woof!"

Looking at the cute look of Chuck in her arms, Ai's smile became more and more intense.

"But the name Chuck doesn't sound very nice. It would be better if he was called Thisby."

Conan tilted his head in confusion: "Thisby? What's the meaning of this name?"

"Ah, there are things that you don't know about the great detective. This is really rare~"

"Hey, hey..."

Seeing Conan's helpless expression, Ai finally stopped keeping him in suspense and explained: "It is said that Queen Marie of France once had a pet dog named Thisby. Later, during the French Revolution, Queen Marie lost her life on the guillotine, and Thisby jumped into the Seine without hesitation to commit suicide."

When she said this, Ai paused for a moment, then smiled meaningfully: "If I also turned into dew on the guillotine like Queen Marie, would he follow me and jump into the Seine like Thisby after my soul was scattered..."



Looking at Conan with a puzzled expression, the latter looked a little flustered at the moment.

"That... I mean this is unlucky. You are not a queen, how can you be guillotined? So... I am sleepy. I am going to sleep. Goodbye!"

Unable to bear Ai's gaze, Conan left as if escaping, leaving Ai alone in the living room. After a while, Ai turned her eyes to Chuck in her arms.

"Ah~ Why don't I just call you Doyle? Conan Doyle happened to be the author of Sherlock Holmes."


Chuck barked happily, and his little tail kept wagging from side to side.


The next day

"Have you heard, Xiaolan? Yesterday, terrorists used armed helicopters to shoot at Tokyo Tower!"

"I heard it. It's really terrible. I didn't expect this to happen."

Because the impact of the Tokyo Tower being shot was too terrible, Xiaolan and Sonoko couldn't help but discuss it as soon as they met today, and didn't notice Conan's solemn expression behind them at all.

That's right.

Conan did not tell Xiaolan the truth. After all, if Xiaolan knew about such a big thing, this kind girl would definitely worry about it, and this is what Conan least wanted to see.

In addition, Hattori Heiji arrived after the fight was over. Conan was so angry that he immediately wanted to copy 100 copies of the video and send them to Hattori Heiji's family, but in the end, after learning the reason

Seeing that Hattori Heiji was about to kneel down, Conan reluctantly stopped.

As a result, Hattori Heiji actually pushed further and hoped that Conan could delete the video. Conan readily agreed, but... he sent a copy to Xiaolan and Xiaoai before deleting the video. Hattori Heiji was completely unaware of it and happily rode the sidecar slammer back to Osaka.

Oh, I forgot to explain it in advance.

The purpose of the three people's reunion today was the music hall. In a short while, the famous female singer Akiba Reiko and her team will come here to perform. The concert hall was built with funds from the Suzuki family, so Sonoko had the privilege to bring people in early for a visit.

"By the way, Xiaolan, do you have any songs you like to listen to? Maybe you can be allowed to request songs as a warm-up."

Putting the matter of Tokyo Tower aside for the time being, Sonoko greeted her enthusiastically, and Xiaolan smiled and waved her hand.

"Please spare me, Sonoko. I don't understand high-end classical music at all. And instead of asking me... Conan, do you have any favorite songs?"

"Ah? I..."

Conan was suddenly called back to his senses by Xiaolan, and he obviously didn't know how to respond. At this time, Sonoko came to his rescue.

"Come on, have you forgotten that this kid is tone-deaf? Last time we took him to KTV to sing, the manager paid for us to come out."

Recalling the previous unpleasant experience, Sonoko was immediately furious and directly made Conan's hair into a mess.

"You damned little brat! You are perfect in every way! But why are you tone-deaf! What will you do if your girlfriend asks you to sing a love song in the future!"

"It hurts! Sister Sonoko, please let me go!"


Giving Conan a light slap on the head, Sonoko put her hands on her hips and warned him: "Listen carefully, you must listen carefully when you get there. The people here are all famous music masters. No matter what I say this time, I will make you sing and dance well!"

After making a vow with full fighting spirit, Sonoko turned around and strode away, leaving Xiaolan to fix Conan's hair.

"It doesn't make sense. I am born to sing out of tune. Does Sonoko care so much about it?"

After a while, Conan's messy hair was finally fixed by Xiaolan, and Xiaolan's eyes clearly revealed some complicated emotions.

"Shinichi, what do you think of Sonoko?"


Conan was subconsciously stunned by this sudden question, but then answered without hesitation: "How else can I see it? Of course, I saw it with my eyes."

"Puchi! Shinichi, you are so humorous~"

I didn't expect Conan to give such an answer. Xiaolan couldn't help laughing, and then took Conan's hand and caught up with Sonoko.

Finally, after walking for about ten minutes, the three of them finally arrived at the Domoto Concert Hall, a typical Gothic retro building, which is almost exactly the same as the records in ancient books, which is enough to show the superb skills of the engineers and the strong financial resources of the Suzuki family.

Xiaolan couldn't help but sigh: "It's so spectacular..."

"It's OK, just average."

Although she said it lightly, Sonoko proudly puffed out her chest, and at the same time, she glanced at Conan beside her, and then proudly introduced: "Although the style and structure can't be considered as a masterpiece, compared with those fakes outside, it is also very real!"


Just as Sonoko finished speaking, a violent explosion occurred in a classroom next to the concert hall, and flames shot up to the sky!


Looking at the classroom with flames shooting up to the sky, Sonoko muttered to herself in disbelief: "I... I was just kidding, it can't be such a coincidence?"

"Sister Xiaolan!"

"Understood, I'll call the police, and then call the ambulance and firefighters."

Knowing what they should do, Xiaolan quickly took out her mobile phone and started to call for help, while Conan turned on the detection function of his glasses to search the fire scene and try to find survivors.

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