The old man was very angry.

"Jijiyo~Hahayo~Itomodouyo, the enemy is the Iron Dragon from Hell..." (Guess which Kamen Rider this is)

Just as Conan followed Akiba Reiko closely, a group of children singing songs suddenly came towards them. The leading child was wearing a red dragonfly helmet. He seemed to be a very popular Kamen Rider in the past. What was his name...3?

"When you meet pedestrians on the road, you should greet them politely."


Led by the leading child, a group of children stood neatly on the side of the road, and then greeted Akiba Reiko in their childish voices when she passed by.

"Good afternoon."

"Good afternoon, remember to go home early."

Faced with the children's greetings, Akiba Reiko simply responded and did not forget to give instructions. Then Conan happened to pass by a group of children and followed suit.

"It's getting late, hurry home to do your homework, otherwise you will know how powerful it is if your parents are called by the teacher tomorrow."

After saying that, Conan continued to follow Akiba Reiko at a distance.

Watching the two walk away, the children immediately started to discuss curiously.

"Are they mother and son? Why are they so far away?"

"Did their mom scold them?"

"I don't think they are mother and son. They look a bit like my older brother and sister next door. I saw them like this after a quarrel."

"Wow~ This is a plot that only exists on my dad's computer! I didn't expect to see it with my own eyes! I'm so happy!"

Although they were quite far away, it was very easy to hear these conversations because these naughty kids didn't hide at all, and Conan Wolf Ophino's identity.

[Really, kids nowadays are too mature, aren't they? And parents are too careless to let their children see that kind of thing. 】

"Hey, it seems that you are really going to follow me to the end, right?"

Looking back slightly and seeing Conan still following behind her, Akiba Reiko couldn't help showing a little amusement in her eyes, and then continued: "By the way, I don't seem to know your name yet, can you introduce yourself?"

"Edogawa Conan, a detective."

Akiba Reiko's mouth corners slightly raised: "I see, no wonder you are holding on to me, detectives are really a group of stubborn guys."

"Hey hey..."

"Sorry, I'm just telling the truth."

Following Akiba Reiko all the way, after an unknown period of time, the surrounding urban landscape gradually disappeared, replaced by a beautiful natural scenery.

Reiko Akiba introduced: "This is a holy place I discovered before. Every day before a major performance, I will come here to receive the baptism of nature to adjust my state, because only by devoting myself to nature can I sing real music."

Reiko Akiba closed her eyes and took a deep breath, then raised her jade neck like a swan, and then sang loudly: "Amazing grace, how sweet, my sins have been forgiven~"

After simply singing the beginning, Reiko Akiba immediately ended her performance, and Conan behind her cooperated and gave applause.

"Pa pa pa."

"Amazing Grace", this song is a great test of the singer's skills, Miss Reiko, you really live up to your reputation."

Conan didn't say any polite words. In fact, although he is an incurable tone-deaf, he also has absolute pitch, so he is very sure that every note of Reiko Akiba's singing is in place.

Facing Conan's praise, Akiba Reiko couldn't help but smile, but her tone was pretending to be normal: "I didn't expect you to have such artistic vision, but you are also the first one to listen to my singing without paying for the ticket, but just take it as a small thank you for saving me."

"Then should I be grateful~" Conan shrugged his shoulders lightly, and his half-moon eyes could not help but show up again.


The phone rang, and Conan immediately answered it and put it to his ear: "Hello, it's Officer Takagi, is there something wrong?"

The next moment, Conan's face suddenly became solemn, and then he closed his eyes and nodded lightly: "I know, thank you for your hard work, Officer Takagi."

"What happened? I see that you don't look very good?"

As Conan hung up the phone, Akiba Reiko asked with a worried expression.

"Two more dead people appeared, violinist Shida Osamu and violinist Nakatana

The qin player Sone Hisao, both of them are the first graduates of Domoto Music College, and the head and tail pipes of the flute were found at the two crime scenes respectively, which can be confirmed that the same murderer is the culprit. "

"It turned out to be the two of them!"

Akiba Reiko's pupils shrank when she heard this, and then she slowly sat on the ground, her expression was full of complexity.

"You really know something, right?"

Seeing Akiba Reiko's reaction, Conan vaguely confirmed his inner guess, and then put his hands on her shoulders and asked earnestly: "Miss Reiko, now four people have been killed, and the murderer is likely to commit crimes again. Whether the murderer can be successfully caught may depend on your decision. "

Akiba Reiko's expression was obviously very tangled, but looking at Conan's serious expression in front of her, the legendary soprano finally closed her eyes and slowly told the story.

"I... Actually, I once had a fiancé named Soma Hikaru. Three years ago, he died in a traffic accident due to drunk driving during a camping activity. The four people who were killed were camping with him at the time. They were the ones who gave Soma the wine. Because of this incident, Mr. Domoto expelled them from the sect in anger. "

After grasping this key information, Conan seemed to see the hope of solving the case, so he hurriedly asked: "Then Miss Reiko, do you know if Mr. Soma has any friends or relatives? This case may be a crime committed by one of them for revenge!"

Akiba Reiko shook her head slightly and said: "Soma is from a single-parent family. His mother died because she couldn't accept the blow after the incident. As for friends... I'm afraid there are only the four people who were killed. "

The clues stopped here, and Conan was silent for a while.

"I'm sorry, I can't help you..."

Seeing Conan looking troubled, Akiba Reiko was suddenly filled with self-blame. At this moment, she didn't have the cold aura that kept people away like a queen before. Instead, she looked like a little girl who was at a loss.

Her body curled up slightly, and Akiba Reiko said with a choked voice: "I... I can only sing. Singing is my dream, but I can't do anything else except singing. I... I have regretted making music my dream..."

"What nonsense are you talking about? Cheer up!"


Frightened by Conan's sudden voice, Akiba Reiko saw that the little boy in front of her showed a maturity far beyond that of an adult, and even... seemed a little sad.

"You know, dreams are like curses. People who give up halfway due to setbacks will always be trapped in this curse and cannot extricate themselves. ”


Not expecting Conan to say such a meaningful speech, Akiba Reiko’s expression was full of surprise. The next moment, she saw Conan smiling and holding out his hand in front of her.

“Tomorrow is the concert for the official opening of the concert hall, so do your best and don’t let your dreams down. After all, life is only once.”

Looking at the little hand in front of her, Akiba Reiko was stunned for a moment, and then showed a kind smile from the bottom of her heart.

“Then you’d better go home and recuperate now. Tomorrow will definitely open your eyes.”

As soon as the voice fell, Akiba Reiko stretched out her hand and held it tightly with Conan. The shackles that had accumulated in her heart for many years disappeared without a trace at this moment.

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