The sun was shining brightly, and the sun was shining brightly.

"Yawn~ It's dawn..."

Xiaolan, who lives a regular life, slowly woke up from her sleep. Just as Xiaolan rubbed her eyes to refresh herself, she accidentally caught a glimpse of Conan's small figure lying on the windowsill, and there was a schoolbag with Faiz's belt beside him.

"Xiaolan, you're awake."

Xiaolan nodded gently: "Well, Shinichi, how did you rest?"

Conan turned his head without saying a word, and saw that the little boy's eyes were full of bloodshot, and he looked particularly tired.

Xiaolan was shocked and said, "Shinichi, what's wrong with you?"

"It's a small problem. I just didn't sleep all night."

After explaining in a calm tone, Conan continued to lie on the windowsill and observe every move outside. "I was worried that the guy I met last night would come over, so I couldn't sleep."

"But Shinichi, what you do is too harmful to your body. How can you fight without energy?"

Xiaolan hurriedly came to Conan and looked out the window. She saw that there was nothing suspicious on the street except the vendors and passers-by.

Xiaolan said nervously, "Shinichi, did you find anything tonight?"

Conan shook his head with his chin in his hand. "No, but I'm a little worried. I think he may be watching us somewhere, so we must find it."

Seeing Conan's serious face, Xiaolan, who knew his character well, realized that it would be useless to say more, so she picked up the anesthesia watch on the bedside without saying a word.

"By the way, Shinichi, how do you use this watch?"

Conan said casually: "Press the switch on the upper left corner to open the scope, and then press the switch on the upper right corner to fire the anesthetic needle. By the way, why are you asking this, Xiaolan?"



There was a sudden tingling sensation in his neck, and then Conan felt his eyes go black, and he fell asleep almost instantly.

"I'm sorry, Shinichi, but you really need to rest." Putting the anesthetic watch aside, Xiaolan then gently put Conan on the bed and covered him with a quilt.

"Sleep well, great detective, and have a good dream."

Looking at the sleeping Conan with a smile, Xiaolan's face showed a gentle smile, and then she left the room to cook.


After an unknown amount of time, Conan slowly opened his eyes, then sat up, rubbed his neck and mumbled. "Oh my god... I didn't expect that the anesthetic needle prepared for uncle would be used on me first, but it's really powerful..."

Until the moment he got out of bed, Conan still felt his legs a little weak, and his head was spinning, which was enough to show how powerful the anesthetic needle was.

Staggering out of the door, Conan saw Xiaolan who was setting the table.

"Shinichi, you're awake."

Seeing Conan come out, Xiaolan looked particularly surprised, and then hurriedly stepped forward and squatted in front of Conan, gently stroking the little boy's hair.

"How is it, Shinichi, how did you feel when you slept?"

Conan knocked his head: "It's okay, by the way, how long did I sleep?"

Xiaolan looked at the clock and replied: "Not long, only five hours, Shinichi, you should be starving now, eat something quickly."


Being led by Xiaolan to the dining table, Conan immediately began to enjoy the food.

"Huh~ I'm back."

Kogoro opened the door of the office and then sat back on his office chair exhausted.

Xiaolan was a little worried and said, "Dad, what's wrong with you?"

"Don't mention it. Officer Megure and his men said that they arrested the former Italian gang leader Kabana in the early morning. I went to interrogate him, but the old guy refused to open his mouth! It was so infuriating!"

When Kogoro said this, he suddenly became angry! Then he punched the desk.

Conan said cutely: "Uncle, what crime did that foreign criminal commit?"

Kogoro said nonchalantly: "What else could it be? That guy and his accomplices stole more than 10,000 Maple Leaf gold coins from Maple Leaf Bank. The value of the case is said to be at least hundreds of millions of yuan, so Officer Megure and his team take this case very seriously and hope to find the whereabouts of those gold coins."

Conan lowered his head slowly when he heard this, and then his glasses reflected white light: "Uncle, if the other party is an Italian, then

I might know how to make him open his mouth."


A little while later, in the interrogation room of the Metropolitan Police Department

"Brother Maori, is your method reliable?"

"Well... let's give it a try. Anyway, we don't have any other options now. Maybe this kid's method will really work."

Through the special glass of the interrogation room, Kogoro and Officer Megure looked at the tall foreign man in the interrogation room, the former head of the Italian gang Cabana. At this moment, Officers Takagi and Chiba were trying their best to persuade him.

Takagi: "Mr. Cabana, I know you can understand what we are saying, so I hope you can confess as soon as possible and strive for leniency."

Chiba: "If you continue to be so stubborn, our police will have to take necessary measures. I hope you can be mentally prepared at that time."

"Hmph! "

Faced with the persuasion of the two police officers, Kabana seemed quite disdainful and turned his head away.

Seeing this, Takagi and Chiba realized that it would be a waste of time to continue talking, so Takagi stood up and opened the door of the interrogation room. The next moment, Conan and Xiaolan came in with large and small bags.

Conan smiled and said, "Thank you for your hard work, Officer Takagi. Let Xiaolan and I take care of it next."

Takagi nodded solemnly. "Okay, Chiba and I will be on guard next to you and will stop it as soon as possible if there is any situation. "


Lan and Conan sat in Takagi and Chiba's seats, and then Conan showed Kabana an extremely cute smile.

Seeing that the interrogator's position was replaced by a child, Kabana looked a little confused, but still turned his head away arrogantly.

Conan saw this, and the smile on his face became brighter. Then he took out a handful of instant spaghetti from the shopping bag, and broke it in two in front of Kabana the next moment.

"Ah! What are you doing!"

Kabana fell into a violent state after seeing this scene, but the handcuffs and leg cuffs on his body made him helpless.


Facing the crazy Kabana, Conan still kept a cute smile, and then took out a handful of spaghetti and broke it again.

"Ah! **** (Italian dirty words)! I'm going to kill you!"

"Hold it! "

Seeing this, Gao Mu and Chiba, who were standing by, quickly held Kabana down and pried open his eyes so that he could see clearly what was going to happen next.

After breaking all the spaghetti, Conan took out a box of extra-large seafood pizza and a box of sliced ​​pineapple slices.

Kabana screamed hysterically: "No! No! Absolutely not!"

However, Conan ignored him and elegantly took out slices of pineapple and put them on the pizza. Every time he put down a slice of pineapple, Kabana's screams became more and more shrill. If someone didn't understand, they would probably think he was being bullied by a minotaur.

About two minutes later, the whole pizza was filled with pineapple slices by Conan, and then he gently pushed it in front of Kabana.

Looking at the pizza full of pineapple slices, the former gang leader burst into tears: " will go to hell! You are simply a devil! Death! "

However, Conan still maintained a friendly smile, and then took a box of authentic pasta from Xiaolan, and at the same time took out a bottle of at least three liters of tomato sauce.

Kabana's pupils shrank when he saw this, and his voice was trembling. "You...what are you going to do..."

"Hehe, this is what the police told me, saying that it will be especially delicious, uncle, you can try it later."

As soon as the voice fell, Conan pretended to squeeze all the tomato sauce onto the pasta.

"No! No! I said! I said everything! Let the pasta go! The pasta is innocent! If you have anything, just come to me! Please! "Wuwuwu..."

After a heart-wrenching roar, Kabana knelt on the ground in tears, begging Conan to spare the innocent spaghetti.

When Kogoro and Inspector Megure saw this scene outside the interrogation room, their expressions were surprisingly consistent and their eyes were wide open. For a moment, they didn't know what to say.

Kogoro: "That's it? Isn't it too sci-fi?"

Inspector Megure: "I think the tomato spaghetti is delicious. There's no need to react so strongly, right?"

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