The two of them were so surprised.


When Conan and his companions saw the man sitting with Sonoko, they screamed in astonishment.

"Oh, your reaction is too exaggerated, isn't it? Don't you think so, Mr. Daoxie~" After expressing her dissatisfaction, Sonoko looked at the man sitting next to her with stars in her eyes.

"Haha, I think it's okay. After all, this is human nature."

The man scratched his head a little embarrassedly, then stood up and began to introduce himself: "Hello everyone, my name is Michikyo Masahiko, I am just a small person who lives nearby and loves to go to the beach. Please give me your advice."

Seeing that the other party had already introduced himself, Kogoro also stood up and responded: "My name is Maori Kogoro, this is my daughter Xiaolan, and this child is Conan who is currently staying at my house."


Conan and Xiaolan greeted in unison.

"Mauri Kogoro? Are you the famous sleeping Kogoro?" After hearing Kogoro's self-introduction, Michikyo Masahiko hurriedly confirmed again and again.

"Ahem! I am not talented, but the sleeping Kogoro himself." Kogoro coughed lightly in a very stylish manner, and then admitted his identity in a very graceful manner.

"Oh! I didn't expect to meet you in person. It's such an honor!"

After confirming Kogoro's true identity, Daoxie Masahiko quickly reached out and shook hands with Kogoro tightly. His words of praise were like a torrent of water, making Kogoro so happy that he couldn't tell east from west.

"Haha~ I didn't expect that I would be so famous. It's really embarrassing."

While the two were shaking hands and talking, Xiaolan quietly pulled Sonoko aside and muttered: "I say Sonoko, aren't you being too careless? We don't even know the details of the other party yet."

"It's okay, Xiaolan, you don't have to worry so much. You can get to know each other slowly later. This Mr. Daoxie is definitely not a bad person~"

Compared to Xiaolan's worries and cautions, Sonoko, who is carefree by nature, has no such concerns at all. After all, this is almost exactly the same as the content of the divination, except that [the other party is someone he knows].

But Sonoko didn't take it too seriously. After all, divination is bound to have some errors, and it's okay to be close to the truth.

When the two groups formed their own small circles, Conan quietly looked at Daoxie who was chatting with Kogoro.

He didn't know if he was a little suspicious, but he always felt that Daoxie gave him an indescribable feeling, and even when chatting with Kogoro, the other party was still looking for an opportunity to look at Sonoko, but the angle of his sight didn't seem to be looking at Sonoko's face...

[No, it's absolutely impossible for anyone to fancy Sonoko. Those men who approached him were all after the property of the Suzuki family, but Sonoko hasn't revealed her identity yet, so what's going on? ]

As an old enemy who has been fighting with Sonoko for more than ten years, Conan really doesn't believe that anyone would approach Sonoko without a purpose, so no matter what the purpose of Daoxie Masahiko is, he has become Conan's main suspect.

However, if Conan removes his own filter, he will find that Sonoko is really pretty. It's just that they have been bickering for more than ten years, which has caused each other to have a certain degree of filter.

"It's a rare opportunity to meet Detective Maori, please let me buy you a drink."

After an excited handshake, Dokyo Masahiko hurriedly got up and went to the beverage stand not far away. After a while, he bought several cold drinks.

"Please enjoy it slowly."

"Oh, Mr. Dokyo, you are so polite! You spend so much money on the first meeting."

Kogoro said he was embarrassed, but his body was very honest. He picked up the cold drink and drank it.

"Ha! Cool!"

Seeing Kogoro's defenseless appearance, Xiaolan and Conan were speechless for a while, but they also picked up the cold drink.


Just as Conan was about to insert the straw, he suddenly found a faint handprint on the cup, which looked like a hand that had been stained with white ash grabbed the cup.

[Strange, there shouldn't be any white ash around here? ]


Just as Conan was wondering secretly, he suddenly felt a shocking

The screams started! Conan and his party quickly turned around and saw that the drink stalls not far away and the surrounding coconut trees fell down one after another. The unsuspecting tourists around them all became wounded for a while.

"Xiaolan, call an ambulance!"

Upon seeing this, Kogoro immediately threw the drink aside and rushed forward, followed closely by Conan.

"How's it going? Cheer up!"

After Kogoro rushed over, he quickly helped the nearest wounded man up and asked questions. The wounded man seemed to have been hit in the head with blood flowing out uncontrollably.


"Uncle this way!"

Conan stood next to the collapsed beverage shop and waved to Kogoro. He saw more than a dozen tourists being trapped under the heavy wood and unable to escape. Some of them had even lost consciousness and passed out.

"Damn it! What on earth is going on!"

Kogoro quickly ran over and tried to lift the wood up, but no matter how hard Kogoro used his strength, he could barely move it at all.

"It's so heavy!"

"Let me do it."

Just when Kogoro was about to lose his grip, a pair of thick and powerful dark arms suddenly appeared in time to catch the wood.


Kogoro and Conan turned around and saw a dark-skinned guy wearing glasses appearing at some point, and then they saw the muscles on his arm emerging!


With a casual raise of his hand, the 100-kilogram piece of wood was blown away far away, and the tourists who were trapped underneath were saved.

Xiaolan ran over to report: "Dad, I have finished making the call. The ambulance will be here soon."

"Well done Xiaolan."

After hearing that the ambulance would arrive soon, Conan, who was standing aside, breathed a sigh of relief. But then he accidentally glanced at the broken place of the big tree with his peripheral vision. He saw that the broken place was very smooth and flat. It was obvious that it had been artificially damaged. cut.

【Could it be that...】

An idea suddenly came to Conan's mind, and he quickly checked the other fallen trees, only to see smooth and flat cuts without exception.

"Xiaolan, where did the garden go?"


Hearing Conan's inquiry, Xiaolan quickly turned around and saw that Sonoko and Taoist Masahiko, who were originally around the beach chairs, had disappeared.

"I don't know. I was there when I first came here. Why did it suddenly..."

Before Xiaolan could finish her words, Conan hurriedly ran to the beach chair and got up. He saw that the spot where the Taoist Association had originally sat was a bit white and dusty, and it smelled faintly of Aoife Enoch.

【Oops! The garden is in danger! 】

Conan understood everything in an instant. No wonder the man named Taoist suddenly struck up a conversation with Yuanzi. It turned out that this was his purpose!


Gritting his teeth and cursing secretly, Conan quickly grabbed the white ash on the chair and put it in front of his nose and smelled it carefully. At this moment, the benefits of being Enoch the wolf were clearly revealed.

After a while, Conan locked the approximate location of the Taoist Association, then grabbed the schoolbag with the belt and ran towards the destination as fast as possible.

"What happened to the child?"

Looking at Conan running at high speed in the distance, the dark-skinned guy wearing glasses was obviously confused and subconsciously wanted to catch up to see what was going on.

"Ah Zhen, come here and help! There are still people being suppressed here!"

"I am coming."

Seeing that someone was in need of help, Kyogoku had no choice but to turn around and go back to help. At this moment, the gears of fate turned slightly again.

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