The two of them were very close.

"By the way, Kudo, when did you suspect that Mrs. Tatsumura was Miss Sachiko Katsuraki's biological mother?"

"When Miss Sachiko wanted to take me over, Mrs. Tatsumura grabbed Miss Sachiko's hand instead of pushing it away. From the perspective of psychokinesis, this is a kind of protection. I think Mrs. Tatsumura is worried that Miss Sachiko will be infected by me."

"I see, the high school student detective Shinichi Kudo is really worthy of his reputation. The result of this reasoning competition is that I lost."

"Stupid, there is no so-called victory or defeat in reasoning, because in this world, there is only one truth."

After some communication and exchanges, the two young detectives forged a deep friendship with each other, and also recognized each other's reasoning ability. I believe that in the future they will be close brothers who depend on each other for life and death.

Compared with the mutual admiration between the two boys, the friendship between Xiaolan and Kazuha is because they have many things in common, such as they both look quiet, but in fact they are extremely powerful, and they are always worried about a great detective around them.

On the way back

"Shinichi, isn't it inappropriate for you to do this? If that guy named Hattori Heiji knows your identity, will it be leaked accidentally?"

Looking at Xiaolan's worried expression, Conan smiled and comforted her: "Xiaolan, don't worry, Hattori is still reliable, and his family has some connections in the Osaka Prefectural Police Department, maybe he can help us find out that mysterious organization."

"That's true..."

Seeing Conan's confident expression, Xiaolan decisively chose not to dwell on this issue Too much entanglement, then changed the subject: "By the way, He Ye and I agreed that if we have the chance to go to Osaka, she will personally entertain us. I'm really curious about what good things there are in Osaka~"

Conan thought carefully for a while, and then gave an answer: "In Osaka, Takoyaki and the castle tower are quite famous. Let Hattori and others guide us to visit when we have the chance."

Compared to Xiaolan and Conan who were talking and laughing, Kogoro, who was walking in the front, was obviously not very excited, and his expression was as uncomfortable as constipation.

"Damn detective boy, he wanted to kidnap my daughter as soon as he came back, and that hateful criminal, he ran so fast, I couldn't find him after almost a day of searching, it's really a dead job!"

While cursing and complaining, Kogoro and his group finally returned to the office. Just when Kogoro was about to take out the key to open the door, he was shocked by the scene in front of him.

The door of the office seemed to have been hit by a battering ram, and it lay on the ground like a carpet.


"Ran, call the police! Our office has been robbed… No! It's been robbed! The door has been torn down!"

Hearing Kogoro's howl, Ran and Conan, who just walked downstairs, stopped immediately. Then Conan looked at the Mobile Pegasus parked in the carport, as if he thought of something.

"Ran, did you tell me before that the backpack was delivered by Mobile Pegasus?"


Ran nodded a little woodenly, as if he understood how Mobile Pegasus took the backpack out of the room without a key.

After a long silence, Conan stood on tiptoe and gently patted Xiaolan's arm and said, "Let's get a new key for the office for Mobile Pegasus later, otherwise it will be troublesome to dismantle the door if something happens."

"Understood, I'll do it later."

Just as Conan and Xiaolan were discussing the arrangement of changing the office door, Mobile Pegasus in the carport gently shook its head, and it was unknown what it meant.

But fortunately, Mobile Pegasus was still careful and only dismantled the door without damaging the furniture or anything else, otherwise Kogoro would definitely explode.

Finally, the door problem was solved smoothly. When Xiaolan went to bed at night to rest, she tossed and turned.

"Shinichi, how did you return to your original appearance?"


Conan sat up and held his chin up to think hard for a while, then clapped his hands and said, "Could it be because of that bottle of white wine? I felt something strange in my body after drinking it."

Hearing this, Xiaolan instantly lost all her sleepiness and sat up excitedly, "Does that mean that as long as you drink enough, Shinichi, you can completely return to your original appearance?"


Conan couldn't give a specific answer to Xiaolan's idea, and could only say ambiguously: "Maybe there is this possibility, but the probability is..."

However, before she finished speaking, Xiaolan jumped off the bed barefoot and brought in the bottle of white wine in a short while.

"Come on, Shinichi, drink more and see if it helps."

Without waiting for Conan to express his opinion, Xiaolan poured a full glass of wine and sent it to Conan.

Seeing this, Conan couldn't refuse, so he took the glass and drank it all!

"So spicy!"

Ran said expectantly, "How is it? Do you feel like you're going to change back?"

Conan's face flushed as he said, "It seems not, but... hiccups! I feel a little drunk..."

"It's just one cup? Shinichi... don't get drunk yet, I'll find you some peanuts as a condiment, it shouldn't be easy to get drunk if you eat and drink at the same time, right?"

So that night, Conan drank a whole bottle of white liquor and a plate of peanuts, but apart from being dizzy from a hangover, he felt almost nothing else.

Confused, Ran took the drunk Conan and the remaining white liquor to find Dr. Agasa the next day to explain the situation.

After doing everything except dissection, Dr. Agasa finally gave Ran a definite answer.

"It should be drug resistance, just like the human body will produce antibodies after recovering from an illness, the drugs in Shinichi's body have also developed a certain resistance to this kind of wine, so now it is ineffective."

Xiaolan was a little disappointed: "How could this happen? I thought Shinichi could finally return to his original state."

Dr. Agasa comforted: "Xiaolan, you don't have to be too disappointed. This is at least a discovery. I will study the ingredients of this bottle of white wine carefully. Maybe I can make a special medicine to restore Shinichi to his original state."

Xiaolan: "Okay, then I'll leave everything to you, Dr. Agasa."

"Ge'er! Hehe~ I'm Sherlock Holmes, yeah..." Conan, who hadn't sobered up yet, pointed to the sky with one hand and burped with a silly smile on his face.


Teitan Elementary School School Time

"Conan, have you been learning to dance recently? Why is your walking posture so strange?"

Seeing Conan swaying from side to side as if he had learned the Lingbo Weibu, Ayumi approached with curiosity and asked, Conan's face turned extremely pale.

[What dance? I'm obviously still hungover, and the chance to change back is gone...]

While secretly complaining in his heart, Conan forced a smile and explained: "It's almost the same. I saw a very interesting dance on TV yesterday, so I'm imitating it now."

"I see."

The innocent Ayumi had no doubts at all, and nodded slightly to show her 100% trust. After a while, Genta and Mitsuhiko also trotted out of the teaching building, so the four little ones went home together after school.

"Conan, little brat! Over here!"

Just as Conan and his group stepped out of the school gate, a long luxury car quickly stopped in front of them. The next moment, Sonoko stuck her head out of the car window and waved to Conan with a smile on her face.

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