The old man was very angry.

[Kaito... Kidd...]

Looking at the magician in the moonlight, Conan felt a little pressure in his heart, which he had never felt even when he fought with Orphino for the first time.

"Little brother, why are you still here so late? Aren't your family members worried?"

Kaito Kidd's voice was surprisingly soft and gentle, as if it could touch people's hearts like magic, and it was as if the initiative was firmly in his hands.

Kaito Kidd walked over with an elegant and light step, and Conan took this opportunity to carefully look at Kaito Kidd's true face.

【Without any unnecessary movements, the monocle and backlight perfectly obscured his appearance, but this Kaito Kid should be very young, in his thirties or even in his twenties. 】

After making a general assessment of Kaito Kid in his mind, Conan quickly switched the Faiz mobile phone in his hand to the blaster mode, and then raised his hand and pulled the trigger in the air.



After the laser beam flew into the air, it instantly burst like fireworks, and the police force patrolling around was immediately attracted by this scene.

"Officer Nakamori! Unknown fireworks appeared in the sky near the Haido City Hotel. Do you want to start a search?"

"Of course! This must be the work of Kaito Kid! Hurry up and catch him!"


After giving the order, Nakamori Ginzo quickly sat in the driver's seat of the police car, and a flame full of fighting spirit appeared in his eyes!

"Damn Kid, I'm going to catch you today no matter what! And then I'll make your true face known to the public!"

After expressing his determination, Officer Nakamori stepped on the accelerator and sped towards the Haido City Hotel.

At the same time, on the top floor of Haido City Hotel, Conan and Kaito Kid were standing on both sides and confronting each other.

Conan's mouth slightly raised an arc: "I've been waiting for you for a long time, Kaito Kid."

Faced with the sudden change, Kaito Kid was not panicked at all, and still maintained a calm demeanor: "It seems that little brother, you came to welcome me specially. I didn't expect that you could crack the code I left. You should not be an ordinary child. What's your name?"

"My name is Edogawa Conan, and I'm a detective."

"Oh, detective~"

After hearing Conan's brief self-introduction, Kaito Kid sighed a little, and then clapped his hands gently.

"Little detective, you are really good. At least compared to those smart adults, your IQ completely crushes them, so I have to admit that you are really amazing."

After saying that, Kaito Kid gracefully made a curtain call.

Seeing Kaito Kid's nonchalant look, Conan suddenly got angry: "Aren't you going to do something? If you stay here, I believe the police will soon surround this place, and you won't be able to escape by then."

"Thank you for your concern, little detective, but for an excellent magician, he will never worry about too many audiences on the scene. Now it's time to let the audience take their seats."


Under Conan's puzzled eyes, Kaito Kid conjured a walkie-talkie out of thin air from his cloak, and then coughed lightly and brought the walkie-talkie to his mouth.

"I'm Officer Chaki. Kaito Kid is now on the rooftop of the Haido City Hotel. All police helicopters should rush to the target airspace to block it immediately."

After seeing Kaito Kid's actions, Conan's face suddenly changed! Because Kaito Kid can imitate other people's voices freely without any tools! And there is absolutely no flaw.

"What's wrong, little brother? You look surprised."

After putting away the intercom, Kaito Kid grabbed the cloak behind him to cover his body, and a faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"There's nothing to be surprised about. There is nothing in the world that a magician can't do. Let me tell you one more thing. If a thief is an artist who steals treasures with superb skills and is very creative, then a detective is at best a critic who follows the thief and nitpicks."

"What did you say!"

Hearing Kaito Kid's evaluation of his most proud profession, Conan was immediately furious! The face even vaguely showed the pattern of Orphino.

"Hua La La!


"We found Kaito Kidd!"

At the critical moment, several police helicopters began to hover in the air above the hotel, and a bunch of searchlights were directly locked on Kaito Kidd, but this was like a means of adding luster to the protagonist on stage.

"Don't touch Kaito Kidd!"

Just as the helicopter locked Kaito Kidd, Officer Nakamori also rushed to the top floor with his subordinates, and more than ten pistols were aimed at Kaito Kidd at the same time.

Facing the black muzzle of the gun, Kaito Kidd still looked calm and composed, and then waved to Officer Nakamori at the front of the team and said hello: "It turned out to be Officer Nakamori, long time no see."

Officer Nakamori said unhappily: "Humph! Don't talk about Kaito Kidd, now you are surrounded by our police, you can't get the Dark Star!"

"Don't worry, I didn't plan to take the Dark Star today."

"What? ”

“Didn’t I mention it at the beginning of the notice? April 1st is of course April Fools’ Day~”

As soon as he finished speaking, a hang glider instantly unfolded behind Kaito Kid. Seeing this, Officer Nakamori hurriedly called out to his men.

“Go and subdue him! Don’t let Kaito Kid run away!”


Just as the police officers were about to rush up to subdue Kaito Kid, Kaito Kid suddenly threw a small iron ball from his pocket.


The next moment, the iron ball instantly burst into dazzling light and thick smoke, and everyone present subconsciously covered their eyes with their hands.

About five seconds later, the light and smoke all dissipated, and everyone present opened their eyes and saw that Kaito Kid had disappeared!

“What’s going on! Where did Kaito Kid go!”

“He must not have run far! Find him quickly!”

“Headquarters! Request for support! Please send more police officers to support! "

Just as the police began their carpet search, Conan also wanted to use his sense of smell to find Kaito Kid, but the irritating gas left in the air forced him to give up this idea.

[Damn it! He actually slipped away!]

Conan angrily punched the wall with such force that it even created spider-web-like cracks in the wall.

The next day

"Hey! Shinichi, did you see Kaito Kid last night?"

"Yeah, that guy is just an arrogant egomaniac. I get angry when I hear him talk! "

Thinking back to the experience of being fooled around last night, Conan suddenly felt angry and sat down on Kogoro's office chair to play dart throwing to vent his emotions.

Seeing Conan's angry look, Xiaolan was not stupid enough not to transform into Faiz to catch Kaito Kid. After all, if Kaito Kid betrayed Conan later, even if Kaito Kid was released from prison, Conan would have to live in the institute for decades.

Of course, Conan only has 20 years at most.

"By the way, Shinichi, why didn't you ask me to go with you? If I was there at the time, I might be able to help you catch Kaito Kid. "

Conan shook his head solemnly: "It's useless. Although that guy is annoying, he is really capable. Officer Nakamori and I have been fooled by him since the beginning, and..."

Conan paused when he said this, then looked at Xiaolan and teased: "It was already past midnight, Xiaolan, you slept like a pig. I called you for a long time but you didn't wake up, so I had to go by myself."

"Is... is that so..."

Xiaolan immediately showed her small eyes in embarrassment, then lowered her head and muttered: "I'm not a pig, Shinichi is, your whole family is pigs..."


Conan made a pig call in cooperation, which made Xiaolan couldn't help but cover her mouth and chuckle.


Just then Xiaolan's cell phone rang suddenly, so Xiaolan quickly took out the phone and put it to her ear to answer it.

"Hello, it's Sonoko, what's going on over there! Kaito Kidd has sent out another preview letter! "

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