The old saying goes that wealth cannot last for more than three generations, but this old saying has lost its effect in front of the Suzuki Group. From the time when Suzuki Shiro's grandfather made his first fortune, the Suzuki Group has become a well-known business tycoon. Even the head of state has to give the Suzuki Group some face.

All this is closely related to the family style and family precepts of the Suzuki family. Sonoko is a living example. As the daughter of a business tycoon, Sonoko is not as arrogant as other rich children. She doesn't even have any bad habits. The only thing that can be said is that she is greedy and likes to look at handsome guys.

Not using money to bully others, not having bad habits, and even having a firm and correct outlook on life, this is almost like a giant panda in the circle of rich kids.

And it's not just Sonoko, almost all members of the Suzuki family have received strict education, at least they have to learn how to be a person correctly before they can graduate.

It is precisely because of this family tradition that the Suzuki family has grown to its current scale, and the momentum of development has not weakened at all.

Looking at the many guests under the rostrum, Suzuki Tomoko always maintained an elegant and friendly smile, and then raised her glass to greet everyone.

"Thank you all friends for taking the time out of your busy schedule to participate in this event. I wish that every day in the future, my Suzuki family can maintain a stable friendship with everyone. Cheers to tomorrow!"

As soon as the voice fell, Suzuki Tomoko raised her head and drank the wine in the glass. Seeing this, the guests at the scene also drank the wine in their glasses.

"Sonoko, Auntie was so handsome just now, just like a queen."

Sonoko proudly raised her bun: "Needless to say, don't you look at whose mother~"

[Hehe~ But you don't even have half the momentum of Mrs. Tomoko. 】Conan silently complained in his heart.

"I think everyone present should have known that the famous thief Kaito Kid has set his sights on the heirloom Dark Star of my Suzuki family, and arrogantly left a notice letter, saying that he would take the Dark Star during this voyage, so I specially prepared a gift for this thief."

Suzuki Tomoko paused when she said this, and then smiled and took out an exquisite small gift box.

"I believe that every friend at the scene received this gift box when boarding the ship. Now please open the gift box."

As Suzuki Tomoko's voice fell, the guests at the scene opened the gift boxes they had received before, and then exclamations rang out instantly!

"It's the Dark Star!"

"I have it too!"

"What's going on?"

Seeing that all the guests were whispering in shock, Suzuki Tomoko picked up the microphone and said, "Isn't Kaito Kid a famous jewel thief? In that case, I want to see what this moonlight magician can do to find the real Dark Star among hundreds of imitations. Of course, the real Dark Star is now on a woman who is the best match for it, but her identity must be kept secret for the time being."

As the last word fell, Suzuki Tomoko first put on expensive silk gloves, then took out the Dark Star from the gift box and wore it on her chest. The guests at the scene followed suit and wore the Dark Star in their hands, whether real or fake, on their chests.

After putting on the dark star, Xiaolan asked in confusion: "Sonoko, is this really just a replica? Why do I feel like it's the same as a real pearl?"

"Because this is a real pearl, my mother bought several pearl breeding bases, and then picked out pearls of the same size as the dark star and made them into this shape."


Xiaolan was shocked, feeling that her brain really couldn't keep up with the rich people's circuits, and actually spent so much money to do such a thing.

Just as Xiaolan was dumbfounded, Conan also opened the gift box in his hand, and when he saw the bright and shiny dark star in it, he directly closed the gift box again.

Sonoko was a little puzzled when she saw this: "What are you doing, little brat? Why don't you wear it? Maybe what you have in your hand is the real dark star."

"Sonoko sister, do you know where to see the list of people attending this event?" Conan did not answer Sonoko's question, but directly asked his own question instead of answering Sonoko's question.

Sonoko didn't quite understand, but she answered truthfully: "I have it on my phone, what do you want to do?"

Conan reached out and asked: "Let me see it."


OK, unless you call the beautiful Sonoko Sister. "


Finally, Conan endured the humiliation and met Sonoko's request, and then he got the list of attendees from Sonoko who was laughing so hard.

Finally, after spending about five minutes, Conan finally looked through the information of all the people attending the event, and then the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

[It is finally confirmed that the real dark stars are there.]


Just then, several dark stars suddenly fell to the ground and rolled to the feet of several lucky guests.

"Whose dark stars fell?"

The lucky guests didn't think much, and bent down to pick up the dark stars at their feet. However, at the moment when their hands just touched, several [dark stars] suddenly released a burst of smoke!

"Ahem! What's going on!"

"Is it a terrorist attack!"

"Run! ”

Faced with the sudden billowing smoke, the guests present were in a mess, and then they tried their best to get out of the door.

"Don't panic! Don't panic! This is just a trick of Kaito Kidd!"

Faced with the guests who wanted to escape, Officer Nakamori immediately ordered all police officers to guard the door and not let anyone escape. He knew Kaito Kidd's methods too well, and only he could do this.

At this moment, under the impact of the crowd, Suzuki Tomoko, who was toasting with the guests, didn't stand firmly and sat down on the ground.

"Mrs. Suzuki, are you okay?"

"It's okay, thank you Officer Chaki."

Officer Chaki, who was responsible for patrolling the venue, hurried forward to help her up, and then Xiaolan and her group hurried over.

When she came to her mother, Sonoko was a little surprised and said, "Mom, where is the dark star on your chest?"

"Well! "

Shocked by Sonoko's sudden words, Suzuki Tomoko hurriedly touched her heart, and found that the Dark Star Gem that was originally worn there was gone!

Instantly, Suzuki Tomoko screamed shrilly. "Kid! Kaito Kid stole my Dark Star! That's the real Dark Star!"

"What! Kaito Kid succeeded!"

Officer Nakamori, who was blocking the door, was stunned for a moment when he heard Suzuki Tomoko's scream, and the guests seized this opportunity and rushed out of the venue directly trampling on Officer Nakamori.


"Officer Nakamori, are you okay?"

Several police officers stepped forward to pull up Officer Nakamori, who was covered with shoe prints, and then wanted to help clean the shoe prints on his body.

Grabbing two police officers who wanted to wipe his shoe prints, Officer Nakamori shouted: "Why are you still wiping! Hurry up and catch those who ran away!"

"Kaito Kid must be mixed in with those people! "


The police officers did not dare to neglect and rushed out to invite the escaped guests back. Even Officer Chaki in the venue hurriedly chased them out.

At this moment, in the venue, Suzuki Tomoko was sitting on a chair with a worried face. "What should I do? I let Kaito Kid succeed. How should I explain this..."

Seeing this, Sonoko hurriedly comforted her: "Mom, don't worry, maybe there is a way. That... Strange? Where did Xiaolan and Conan go?"

Sonoko raised her head and looked around, and found that Conan and Xiaolan had disappeared at some point.

On the deck

Officer Chaki was constantly looking around, and then after confirming that he was alone, Officer Chaki took off the dark night star on his chest and aimed it at the moon.

And under the reflection of the moonlight, the dark star with a deep color emitted a slight luster, but it was quite weak.

"Officer Chaki is in a good mood. He is still in the mood to appreciate the moon now."

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