The stolen money was 1 billion! Could it be that...”

“Don’t worry, Mr. Maori. The 1 billion yuan that was stolen is the cash reserve distributed from our head office to other branches today. Your 1 billion yuan will be delivered almost the day after tomorrow.”

Kogoro heaved a sigh of relief when he heard this: “Huh~ That’s good. I almost thought that 1 billion yuan was gone~”

Just when Kogoro was glad that his 1 billion yuan was not stolen, Officer Megure was leading people to question the guard Kishii who was carrying money for the criminals at that time.

"I was planning to contact my colleagues to move the money downstairs, but suddenly a bullet broke through the window and shot into the bag of coins. The criminals told me that if I didn't cooperate, they would let me find two colleagues to accompany me. I was so scared, so... I did as they asked."

"Okay, thank you very much for the clues you provided."

After asking a few simple questions, Officer Megure turned to Takagi and asked, "How is it, brother Takagi? How are the two guards?"

Takagi: "Yes, according to the medical staff, the two guards fainted due to blunt force trauma to the back of their heads, but they are not in danger of life at the moment and I believe they will wake up soon."

"Okay, as long as they are fine, but by the way, why are you here, Conan?"

Looking at Conan, who was smiling cutely beside him, Officer Megure's expression was as helpless as he could be.

And he didn't know if it was his own illusion, he always felt that Conan was in sync with the case. As long as he saw him, it meant that there would definitely be a case.

"Forget it, I'll find a master to see if you're being entangled by something dirty. Now, Conan, can you tell us the exact license plate number of the car driven by the criminals?"


Conan cooperated and told the license plate number truthfully, and at the same time, he quietly looked at the guard Kishii not far away, with a cold light in his eyes.

[It took only a dozen seconds from the time I heard the sound to the time I rushed over, and Mr. Kishii had already started moving the box containing cash, and he was very calm, not like he was being coerced at all, so he must not be telling the truth. ]

Although he vaguely sensed that something was wrong with Kishii, Conan did not say it directly. After all, even if Kishii was really a member of the gang, he was probably just a small role responsible for the insider. If he acted rashly, it would definitely only alert the enemy.

"Ms. Yami, can you please explain why you left your post during working hours!"

"I'm so sorry, supervisor. I saw that it was almost noon, so I went out for a meal."

"What time do you think it is now? You actually went to eat when everyone is so busy! Do you still have this group in your eyes?"

"I'm really sorry."

At this moment, inside the counter, Hirota Yami was being scolded by the fierce supervisor. However, facing the scolding from the supervisor, Hirota Yami just kept bowing and apologizing, and her attitude could even be said to be careless.

Conan, who saw this scene, didn't know why, but he had an indescribable feeling in his heart, but he couldn't tell specifically what was wrong.

[Maybe there is such a possibility. 】

At this time, Chiba ran in hurriedly and reported a good news. "Officer Megure! Found it! We found the car driven by the criminals when they escaped on the bank of the Difen River!"

"Okay! Everyone, go out immediately!"

With the police car driving at full speed, it arrived at the bank of the Difen River in a short while, and saw that the Wuling Hongguang was parked there motionless, and even the car door was not closed.

"Conan, Xiaolan, please take a look, is this the car driven by the criminals at that time?"

"Yes, it is this car."

After a simple look, Xiaolan and Conan immediately gave a positive answer, especially Conan, after all, the hole he had made before was still on it.

"Officer Megure, the whole car has been cleaned up in all aspects, and no fingerprints have been extracted, but we found these, which should be accidentally dropped by the criminals."

After the police officer in charge of the inspection saluted, he took out two evidence bags, and among them were the hoods and gloves worn by the criminals when they committed the crime.

"But even though we found these, we couldn't extract fingerprints at all.

So it's useless."

Inspector Megure nodded somewhat disappointedly: "That's true. After all, if fingerprints can be left, I don't think the criminals would be so careless as to leave such things behind."

"Ah! Officer Megure, there seems to be something strange inside the mask~" At this time, Conan suddenly shouted exaggeratedly, and then pointed at the hood in Officer Megure's hand to remind him.

"Huh? Strange things?"

After being reminded by Conan, Officer Megure hurriedly looked through the hood in his hand, and found a pink mark similar in size to a lip print inside.

"Could this be left by the criminal accidentally?"

"Let me see!"

"Hey! Conan! "

He jumped and snatched the evidence bag with the hood from Officer Megure. Conan opened the evidence bag and checked the hood at close range.

[No, this must not be left by the criminals accidentally.]


Just when Conan came to a conclusion about the hood, Kogoro directly hit Conan's head with a heavenly justice.

"It hurts!"

"How can you, a little kid, touch such important evidence casually! What if it affects the case!"

Snatching the evidence bag with the hood from Conan, Kogoro threw Conan directly into Xiaolan's arms, then returned the evidence bag to Officer Megure, and kept bowing to apologize.

"I'm really sorry, Officer Megure, this kid is too curious, and he always does such excessive things. I will definitely strengthen the education of this child when I go back. Please forgive me. "

"It's okay, it's normal for children to be curious. Brother Maori, you don't have to make a big deal out of it. What if you hurt Conan? He's just a child." The good-tempered Inspector Megure would not get angry so easily. Instead, he persuaded Kogoro not to do that to Conan."

Just when Kogoro and Inspector Megure were conversing with each other, they didn't notice that Conan in Xiaolan's arms had a flash of light in his eyes, and his lenses had reflected white light.

It was past eight o'clock in the evening

"Okay, Inspector Megure, I got it, thank you."

After using the voice-changing tie to imitate Kogoro's voice and asking Inspector Megure for Hirota Masami's address, Conan quietly left the office and set off on his journey, while constantly sorting out his existing ideas in his mind.

【It is true that the guard Mr. Kishi must be an accomplice of the criminals, but although Miss Hirota Masami is a little suspicious, the lip print in the hood is really wrong. Not only does it not have the unique smell of women's cosmetics, but the position of the lip print is too low, almost at the position of the chin. It is obvious that it was deliberately printed. Could it be a frame-up? 】

While sorting out all the suspicious points of the whole robbery in his mind, Conan slowly set off to Hirota Masami's apartment, but at this moment!

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Three obviously silenced gunshots rang out. Although they were so weak that they were almost imperceptible, they were still particularly harsh in such a secluded environment and Conan's own Orphino.

【Gunshots! Could it be? 】

Conan ran to the entrance of the alley where the gunshots came from, and then looked inside the alley. As a result, he saw that the guard Kishi had been shot by the Mozambique shooting method and fell to the ground. In front of Kishi's dead body, Vodka was wiping the silenced pistol with a smug smile on his face.

[Black hat, sunglasses, black uniform! The same outfit as Tequila, is he also a member of the mysterious organization? 】

Just when Conan was shocked by Vodka's appearance, the other party suddenly took off his hat and bowed slightly to Kishi's body.

"I'm sorry, my brother has ordered that your body must be left, so I can only use a gun to kill you. Remember to rest on the road."

After a simple farewell, Vodka turned and got into the driver's seat of the Porsche sedan, and then stepped on the accelerator and drove away.

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