The truth is, the truth is that you are not going to be able to stop me.

[Look carefully, Shirley, this is what happens when you go against the organization. ]

[How stupid! You and your sister are both so naive. Before I decide what to do with you, let me reflect on this. ]

[Shiho, you need to take good care of yourself. It would be best if you could find a boyfriend who is willing to protect you. Then I will be relieved. ]


Feeling that she was in a chilling darkness, Shiho Miyano tried her best to escape from it. However, no matter which direction she ran at full speed, she ended up still being in the darkness.

"No! I can't do it!"

Finally, Shiho Miyano was desperate. She knelt on the ground helplessly and prepared to let the darkness swallow her. However, at this moment, the darkness in front of her suddenly shot into a dazzling light, and then a little boy with a faint light all over his body appeared in front of her.

"Who are you?"

Just when Shiho Miyano was about to ask the other party's identity, the boy grabbed her hand directly and ran towards the place where the light shot in at the fastest speed.

Shiho Miyano didn't expect that a child would have such great strength. He was dragged and ran without any chance to react. When the light shone on her, Shiho Miyano felt an unprecedented comfort in her body and mind.

As she got closer and closer to the light, Shiho Miyano clearly saw that there were two doors in the light. When the boy brought her to the door, the door opened instantly, and then Shiho Miyano felt that she was completely surrounded by the light.


When she opened her eyes again, what greeted Shiho Miyano was a white ceiling, and she also felt a warm blanket covering her body.

[Where am I...]

"Shinichi, what's going on with this girl? Where did you find her?"

"I don't know what happened. When I came here, I saw her lying in front of my house, and she was only wearing this white coat. But she seems to have a fever because of the rain.

Hearing the conversation in her ears, Shiho Miyano turned her head and saw Conan and Dr. Agasa studying the white coat she wore when she escaped.

[Shinichi? Could it be him?]


Just when Shiho Miyano had a vague answer in her heart, her throat suddenly felt sweet, and then she couldn't stop coughing.

"Are you okay? "

Hearing the cough from Miyano Shiho, Conan hurriedly stopped to look at the white coat in his hand, then ran to Miyano Shiho and helped her up, then picked up a cup of hot water from the table, blew twice and put it in front of her mouth.

"Drink some water, be careful of the heat."

"Thanks... cough cough!"

Miyano Shiho was about to reach out to take the cup of water, but she couldn't stop coughing violently again.

Seeing this, Conan hurriedly let her lean on his shoulder, and at the same time put the cup of water in front of Miyano Shiho's mouth and fed it carefully.

"Drink slowly, don't burn it."


Finally, after spending some effort, Conan finally fed all the hot water in the cup into Miyano Shiho's mouth.

Conan asked with concern: "How is it? Do you feel better?"

Miyano Shiho raised her hand and wiped her mouth. "Yeah, thank you Kudo Shinichi. "

"You're welcome, you..."

Conan suddenly realized the other party's address, and his expression instantly became extremely surprised.


"It seems that my guess is correct. You did not die after taking APTX4869, but turned back into a child like me, but I didn't expect that we would meet in this way."

After listening to Miyano Shiho's words, Conan's expression instantly became solemn: "Who are you?"


Miyano Shiho gently lifted the hair in front of her forehead, and then showed a meaningful smile.

"Shirley, this is my code name in the organization, or you can also call me by my real name Miyano Shiho. The APTX4869 drug that turned you into a child was developed by me."

"It turned out to be you!"

Conan jumped up immediately after hearing this! Then he immediately distanced himself from Miyano Shiho, and stared at each other with vigilance. "What is your purpose! Did your accomplices ask you to explore the way? ”

“Ah~ Difficult

Is there something wrong with your brain? If I was really sent by the organization to explore the way, do you think there would be no movement until now? "

Conan was a little confused when he heard this, but he had to admit that what Miyano Shiho said was right. After all, according to the practices of those people in the Black Organization, if they really confirmed that Kudo Shinichi was still alive, there was no need to send people over. They could just send a few Orphinos to kill.

Conan was slightly relieved when he thought of this, but his eyes were still vigilantly staring at Miyano Shiho in front of him. "So what is your purpose? Why did you faint in front of my house?"

Miyano Shiho put his hands on his legs, and then explained calmly: "It's very simple, because I have defected from the organization, and now there is no place to hide, so I had to come here to find you with the idea of ​​trying my luck, because I am sure that the high school detective Kudo Shinichi is still alive. "

Conan was a little surprised: "What? Defection? ”

“Yes, the organization arbitrarily gave APTX4869, which was still in the experimental stage, to humans, which made me feel very disgusted, but the reason why I was completely determined to defect from the organization was because my sister was killed by them.”

“Your sister?”

“Yes, in order to resist the organization’s actions, I unilaterally interrupted the drug research work, and the result was that I was imprisoned in a small room in the institute. Maybe I would be executed before receiving the official order from the organization, so I simply swallowed the APTX4869 I carried with me and chose to commit suicide. Unexpectedly, my body shrank, but I successfully escaped from the garbage outlet because of this. You know what happened next. "

Hearing this, Conan's heart was suddenly touched. He remembered that the reason why Hirota Masami wanted to take away the 1 billion yen was to allow himself and his sister to leave the organization together.

[I don't know how Miss Masami's sister is now. I hope she is safe.]

After praying silently in his heart, Conan continued to look at Miyano Shiho with a vigilant look, but he was not as hostile as before.

Conan: "But I am very curious how you know I am not dead? And how many people in your organization know about this? "

Faced with Conan's question, Miyano Shiho closed her eyes, smiled, tilted her head, and then said truthfully: "You may not know that I led a team to search your house twice to confirm whether Kudo Shinichi was really dead. The first time, I returned empty-handed because I found nothing. But the second time, I made an unexpected discovery, because all your clothes from childhood were gone. Combined with the analysis of the mice that took APTX4869 and returned to their puppies, I inferred that Kudo Shinichi should have turned back into a child and hid somewhere. "

Conan was shocked when he heard this! He never expected that his old nest was raided without his knowledge! The next moment, his eyes turned to Dr. Agasa behind him.


Dr. Agasa lowered his head in shame and explained: "Private Marseille Shinichi, I have been doing research in the laboratory for some time, so I... didn't pay much attention..."

"It's okay, doctor, it's actually good this way. "

Conan naturally couldn't be angry with Dr. Agasa for this. In fact, he was quite glad that Dr. Agasa didn't find out that those people searched his home.

After all, Dr. Agasa had not received professional training. If the surveillance was discovered by those people, the probability was too high, so this was the best result.

Seeing Conan's reaction, Miyano Shiho smiled meaningfully, and then continued: "But you can rest assured, because I am very interested in you, so I marked you as confirmed dead in the list, but if the organization continues to abuse APTX4869 drugs, there will be many cases like us. "

After saying this, Miyano Shiho showed a mature woman's charming smile on her face, and then held her chin with her jade hand and looked at Conan.

"Now I want to hear what your plan is? Do you want to get rid of this troublesome me, or something else. "

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