The two were in the base of the organization.

Rum announced a traitor to the organization.

Bottington, who entered the organization as a spy for MI6, the British Army Intelligence Bureau.

Because it was a traitor to the organization investigated by Curacao, Kamiya Minatsuki volunteered to be the executioner.

Kamiya Minatsuki loaded the dum-dum bullets into the revolver one by one.

Bottington was terrified.

After Bottington was suddenly summoned here, the organization members took away his weapons on the grounds of holding a meeting.

Now he had no way to resist.

And the other members of the organization in the room made way for a space.

If he was accidentally shot by Kamiya Minetsuki's dum-dum bullet, he would be in trouble for the rest of his life.

This gave Bottington a glimmer of hope.

Because he was standing very close to the door.

Dum-dum bullets do not have the characteristics of penetrating power. As long as it is not a vital part such as the head and neck, he will not die immediately even if he is shot.

Bottington made a prompt decision and ran out of the door at the fastest speed in his life.

Kamiya Minetsuki's gun was already aimed at Bottington's leg.

A gunshot rang out.

Then a painful wail also rang out.

Bottington misjudged his ability to endure pain.

The dum-dum bullet hit Bottington's right leg. The bullet expanded in his thigh, tearing the muscle, which was simply unbearable for a person.

Bottington fell to the ground all of a sudden, holding his leg, rolling on the ground and howling.

Kamiya Minetsuki walked up to Bodington, grabbed his hair, and dragged him back into the room.

"Run? Where are you going? Curacao gave you a ticket to hell, and I'm going to send you to hell now!"

Kamiya Minetsuki shot Bodington in the left leg and both arms.

Finally, he shot Bodington in the lungs.

Then Kamiya Minetsuki pulled a chair over, sat on it, and watched Bodington struggle and twitch quietly.

Some members of the organization in the room frowned, and felt that Kamiya Minetsuki's cruel behavior was outrageous.

But Gin thought Kamiya Minetsuki did a very good job.

This is how to treat traitors, which can deter those members with small thoughts.

Kamiya Minetsuki said to Ireland with full of malice: "Oh, Ireland, I shot Pisk in the limbs and lungs at that time. I just looked at him. Since you don't want to inherit your father's business, I can only find someone else, but I still prefer you."

Ireland, who couldn't stand the stimulation, wanted to draw his pistol immediately, but a hand held down Ireland's hand that wanted to draw the gun.

Gin warned: "Gin Ale is executing traitors now. Pisk also left important evidence of murder during the assassination mission. Gin Ale killed Pisk with the authorization of the organization!

Although Gin Ale has a bit of a bad mouth, there is nothing wrong with what he did! If you violate the discipline of the organization, you should know the consequences!"

Ireland reluctantly let go of the hand holding the pistol on his waist and stared at Kamiya Minetsuki fiercely, as if he wanted to kill Kamiya Minetsuki with his eyes.

About ten minutes passed.

Bottington gradually stopped struggling and died completely.

Kamiya Minetsuki smiled maliciously and said, "So that's how it is. He died of suffocation due to blood entering his lungs after his lungs were pierced. Because of the characteristics of the dum-dum bullet, the trauma to his lungs was too great, so he lived a little shorter. When Pisk was killed, ordinary bullets were used, so Pisk could live longer. I learned a new thing today."

Ireland was trembling with anger, and his eyes were about to pop out.

Bottington had been executed, and Rum spoke again: "Because Golden Ale used thermobaric bombs and white phosphorus bombs, the Japanese authorities must give an explanation to Japan's important partner, Sindorah Company, and the British side behind it, so the Japanese authorities will definitely take various actions recently to appease the British side. Therefore, you should be more obedient in the near future."

Except for Gin and other people who knew, other members of the organization looked at Kamiya Minetsuki in disbelief.

Kamiya Minetsuki actually had this kind of illegal weapon.

As Rum cut off the sound, the action was completely over.

The members of the organization in the room planned to leave.

As for Bottington's body, someone will definitely take care of it later.

Ireland walked up to Kamiya Minazuki and threatened: "Golden Ale, don't

Let me find something to hold against you, or I will kill you!"

Kamiya Minatsuki taunted, "Cowardly, timid, brain-dead thing, I've already provoked you so much, not to mention fighting, not even a single swear word, are you a sissy? Ireland?"

Ireland, who was about to lose his mind after being provoked by Kamiya Minatsuki, finally couldn't stand it anymore and punched Kamiya Minatsuki in the face.

Kamiya Minatsuki instantly lowered his body and hit Ireland in the abdomen with an elbow.

Ireland bent over in pain.

Kamiya Minatsuki took advantage of the situation and grabbed Ireland's hair, the muzzle of the pistol against Ireland's left ear, grinning and pulling the trigger directly.

The sudden fight between Kamiya Minatsuki and Ireland, and the sound of gunfire, made the organization members who were about to leave stop.

No one expected that Kamiya Minatsuki would really dare to shoot.

Gin had already raised his pistol and pointed it at Kamiya Minatsuki: "Gin Malt Wine! What are you doing? ! "

Kamiya Minazuki raised his hands above his head and said sarcastically: "Oh, you all saw it, it was Ireland who attacked me first, I just had a reflex, anyway, it's just one ear, it's not a big deal, it's not like I can't hear."

Because Kamiya Minazuki's revolver was loaded with dum-dum bullets, half of Ireland's left ear was shot off.

And that half of the ear had been blown to pieces, and there was no possibility of reattaching it.

Ireland covered his ear with his left hand and held the gun in his right hand, and was about to shoot Kamiya Minazuki angrily.

Another gunshot rang out, but it was not Ireland who fired, but Gin.

Gin shot Ireland's gun directly and knocked it away.

Gin warned with a cold expression: "If you do this again, don't blame me for being rude!"

"I'm not being rude. If you're rude, be rude to Ireland. Let's go home and sleep. The guy with a broken ear will sleep on his side today. "

Kamiya Minatsuki put down his raised hands and slowly left the room.

Gin felt his trigeminal nerve hurt.

It seems that Kamiya Minatsuki and Ireland can't meet each other in the future.

This uncontrollable guy is really troublesome!

Kamiya Minatsuki was in a dilemma after leaving the organization's base.

Because his ghost fire motorcycle was parked on the road of Toriya Town.

And the organization's base is in the wilderness, and it may be dawn when you get there.

At this time, Kamiya Minatsuki saw a car with Vermouth sitting in the car.

Kamiya Minatsuki directly stopped Vermouth's car, sat in the co-pilot happily, and asked curiously: "Does the organization have a car now?"

"This is the car I stored in the organization's base."

Kamiya Minatsuki looked left and right in the co-pilot: "Then you have two sports cars, so this one will be given to me? I even lent you my beloved shotgun to play with. "

Vermouth glanced at Kamiya Minazuki and said, "Don't even think about it. At most, I'll take you to where you park your motorcycle."

How much does a shotgun cost? How much does a sports car cost?

Besides, the shotgun was borrowed and had been taken away by Kamiya Minazuki.

Kamiya Minazuki turned his head away in dissatisfaction, pursed his lips and ignored Vermouth.

Arriving at the place where the motorcycles were parked, Kamiya Minazuki got out of the car, rode on the ghost fire motorcycle, shouted "stingy" at the window of Vermouth's car, and drove away with the accelerator.

Sitting in the car, Vermouth's eyes twitched, pursed his lips, and complained in his heart why Ireland's punch didn't hit Kamiya Minazuki in the face.

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