The two of them were mainly protecting the children, pulling the five little ghosts of Conan to a blind spot, and then guarding in front of them, fighting back against the approaching thugs.

Now Kamiya Minatsuki is like a protagonist in a horror movie, covered in blood, shuttling through the crowd.

Every time Kamiya Minatsuki swings his knife, there will be broken limbs and arms on the ground.

A thug stabbed Kamiya Minatsuki with a knife.

Kamiya Minetsuki grabbed the thug's knife-wielding hand, and chopped the katana in his hand diagonally, cutting off the whole arm. Blood spurted out of the wound, and the broken arm was thrown on the face of someone in the crowd.

However, the thugs continued to appear from all parts of the club, surrounding Kamiya Minetsuki.

Conan was anxiously looking for a way to break the situation.

If there was no way to break the situation, these thugs would never be killed.


Conan saw a person behind Colonel Moran, who was holding a bottle of red wine carefully, as if he was afraid that the bottle of red wine would be broken.

Conan suddenly had a flash of inspiration in his mind, and thought of before the battle.

The specially decorated chair on the empty main seat at the same table as Colonel Moran, as well as the wine glasses and red wine carefully placed on the table, showed that the person they were waiting for was of a higher level than Colonel Moran.

The only person who is higher in rank than Colonel Moran, the second most dangerous person in London, is Professor Moriarty!

Perhaps as long as he gets the red wine, he can threaten Colonel Moran to stop.

But because of the presence of the thugs, Conan can't get close to the person holding the red wine.

"Sister Xiaolan! Sister Tianhai, help me get close to the person holding the red wine! I need his red wine!"

Ran Maoli and Curacao looked at the person behind Colonel Moran at the same time.

The two didn't quite understand. Isn't it best to deal with Colonel Moran first now?

As senior game fans, Yuantai and Mitsuhiko immediately understood what Conan meant.

"Conan, is that person an important NPC? And the red wine in the NPC's hand is the important prop to end this incident?"

Conan nodded and said, "Yes! That bottle of red wine is prepared for Professor Moriarty. If we take that bottle of red wine, we may be able to stop the fighting and meet Professor Moriarty."

Ran Maori took a karate stance: "Ms. Tianhai, let's go together!"

Curacao took a deep breath and agreed: "Okay!"

Ran Maori and Curacao rushed forward at the same time.

Ran Maori punched the face directly, and the fist that was enough to smash through the concrete board sank directly into the face of the thug.

Curacao suddenly lowered his body and swept the three people in front of him to the ground with a sweeping kick.

Then Curacao took out the pistol given to her by Kamiya Minazuki, aimed at several thugs attacking from the side of Ran Maori and shot to help Ran Maori out.

Curacao and Ran Maori cooperated with each other to open up a path for Conan.

Genta and Mitsuhiko looked at Curacao and Mao Lilan with starry eyes: "So handsome!"

Genta and Mitsuhiko looked at Kamiya Minetsuki who was still going crazy in the crowd, fighting a group of people alone.

"Kamiya is awesome, but it seems like we can't learn it."

"That's right, learn from Xiaolan and Tianhai, maybe we can learn it."


Kamiya Minetsuki in the crowd, a samurai sword is gradually unable to deal with so many thugs.

Kamiya Minetsuki's eyes became extremely sharp, he put the samurai sword back into the scabbard, lowered his center of gravity again, his right thumb against the scabbard, and his left hand was placed on the handle.

"Let me show you the ultimate secret of Iai Sword Slash!"

Kamiya Minetsuki's right thumb exerted a strong force and bounced the samurai sword out.

However, Kamiya Minetsuki did not catch the samurai sword with his left hand, and actually let the samurai sword fall to the ground.

Did he make a mistake?


Kamiya Minatsuki pulled out a submachine gun with his left hand, and pulled the trigger with a wild laugh.

‘Da da da...’

Bullets kept firing from the muzzle.

A bunch of people died directly.

“Ahahaha! Guns are still more fun!”


Habara Ai looked at Kamiya Minatsuki with dead fish eyes. Is it going to start again?

Habara Ai instructed: “Genta, Mitsuhiko, Ayumi, the three of you close your eyes and don’t look!”

"That... Genta and Mitsuhiko have gone with Conan." Ayumi pointed to the front and said.


Huihara Ai turned her head and saw a fat and a thin man with a big head approaching Colonel Moran.

Huihara Ai's face turned black. In a moment of distraction, the man was gone? !

"Ayumi, stay here and don't move. I'll bring them back!"

Huihara Ai also ran up.

Conan had already walked to the blind spot behind Colonel Moran. As long as he was not discovered and quietly passed Colonel Moran, he could grab the red wine in one go.

Just as Conan tiptoed forward, Colonel Moran suddenly turned around as if he had eyes on his back and pointed a revolver at Conan.

"Damn kid! Go to hell!"

Conan was so scared that cold sweat broke out on his forehead. If he was killed and quit the game, who would advance the game process?

Rely on Kamiya Minazuki?

Conan thought Kamiya Minazuki could play here for a year.

Just when Colonel Moran was about to pull the trigger.


Yuanta and Mitsuhiko rushed up and pushed Conan out.

Colonel Moran had already pulled the trigger. Perhaps because the child's body was relatively tender, a bullet pierced through both Yuanta and Mitsuhiko at the same time.

"Yuanta! Mitsuhiko!"

Conan and the others looked at Yuanta and Mitsuhiko in shock.

However, Yuanta and Mitsuhiko did not feel any pain, but colorful halos appeared on their bodies.

Yuanta and Mitsuhiko smiled bitterly: "It seems that we are out, Conan, you will be the limelight for the time being, and Jack the Ripper will be handed over to you. By the way, please tell Brother Kamiya for us to teach us some simpler moves next time. We can't learn the current moves at all."

Yuanta and Mitsuhiko turned into light and were out.

Teammates sacrificed to the sky, and their magic power was boundless.

Conan was now full of strength. He turned over and got up from the ground, rushed to the man holding the red wine, and snatched the red wine from his hand.

Colonel Moran pointed the gun at Conan: "Kid! Put it down quickly!"

Conan raised the red wine high: "If you have the guts, shoot. This bottle of red wine seems to be for Professor Moriarty. If this bottle of red wine is broken, you can't report to him, right? Now let them all stop!"

Colonel Moran gritted his teeth and hesitated to shoot.

After a stalemate for a while, Colonel Moran shouted: "Stop it all!"

All the thugs in the club stopped their actions.

However, the sound of the submachine gun did not stop.

Curacao shouted to Kamiya Minatsuki: "Kamiya! Stop! The battle is over!"

Kamiya Minatsuki released the trigger of the submachine gun and slowly walked to Curacao's side.


Kamiya Minazuki's submachine gun fired a few more "clicks", killing all the people around Colonel Moran.

"Sorry, maybe this crappy game has some delays."

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