The truth is, the truth is that ... After a moment, Hiroki raised his head and said with tears in his eyes: "I once conducted DNA tracking research on the dagger used by Jack the Ripper, and accidentally learned the unknown truth that Thomas Sindor is the descendant of Jack the Ripper.

Because Sindor was worried that his unknown identity would be exposed by me and would have serious consequences for his industry, Sindor began to closely monitor my life all day and forced me to complete the "Noah's Ark" program design in advance, which put my spirit under great pressure.

I knew that I would be killed by Sindor sooner or later, so I stored my thoughts in the "Noah's Ark" and finally jumped from the top floor of the apartment...

I have always hoped that, even if it is just once, I want to play with friends, because I always work in my life..."

After listening to this, Mao Lilan felt very sympathetic to Hiroki and gently hugged Hiroki into her arms.

Curacao, who also likes children, gently rubbed Hiroki's head.

Hiroki couldn't hold back his tears any longer and cried out "wow".

Kamiya Minetsuki heard the noise behind him, turned his head and looked, his eyes turned into small eyes in shock.

"What's going on? I'm about to fight, it's fine if you don't cheer me on, but why are you holding that artificial intelligence that seals my weapon?! I'm so envious... I also want Curacao to touch my head."

Kamiya Minetsuki lit a cigarette depressed.

Jack the Ripper sneered at Kamiya Minetsuki and said, "It's finally the last moment, I don't mind one more man among my dead souls."

Kamiya Minetsuki looked at Jack the Ripper angrily: "I'm very angry now, I want to kill you, dead sissy!"

"If you can do it, just try it!"

Jack the Ripper took out a rocket launcher and aimed it at Kamiya Minetsuki.

Kamiya Minetsuki's pupils shrank suddenly: "Fuck you, this is my weapon!"

Jack the Ripper ignored Kamiya Minetsuki and pulled the trigger directly.

The rocket flew out of the bazooka and rushed towards Kamiya Minetsuki.

Kamiya Minetsuki, who reacted quickly, immediately lay down, and the rocket passed over Kamiya Minetsuki and headed towards the location of Curacao and others.

However, when the rocket was about to hit the location of Curacao and others, a ray of light suddenly flashed and wiped out the rocket directly.

Hiroki left Mao Lilan's arms, rubbed his eyes and said: "At the last moment of this game, I want to end it all perfectly.

Originally, the ending I expected was that before the train entered the station and was destroyed, you entered the carriage loaded with red wine, let the red wine fill the carriage, and survived by using the buffer of the red wine in the carriage to pass the level.

But now the ending has changed. As long as Kamiya Minetsuki defeats Jack the Ripper before the train enters the station, you can pass the level.

For Jack the Ripper, I placed in the train A prop, as long as we find the prop and let Kamiya Minetsuki wear it, we can suppress Jack the Ripper's actions. "

Conan suggested: "Hiroki, can't Jack the Ripper not use hot weapons?"

Hiroki shook his head, his face suddenly fierce, staring at Kamiya Minetsuki who was fighting Jack the Ripper: "I won't! It's because of him that all my plans have been disrupted. Since he likes to cheat so much, let him fight the cheating Jack the Ripper!"

Curaçao, Conan and Mao Lilan sighed.

If Kamiya Minetsuki hadn't gone crazy, maybe the game would have been cleared.

"For that prop, I should know what it is, it's a ring, right?"

Conan took out a photo of a pair of rings, which Conan got at Sherlock Holmes's house.

Conan reasoned: "In Holmes' investigation record of Jack the Ripper's murders, the second victim, Honey Charles, married in a town called Windsor, but she was a woman full of 'dreams' and abandoned her husband and son to go to London ten years ago.

The two rings, one large and one small, in the photo are relics from the scene when Honey Charles was murdered. One is Honey's, and the other, although the design is the same, does not match any of Honey's fingers. It is also the only thing left in Jack the Ripper's several murders.

This shows that Jack the Ripper and Honey Charles had a special relationship.

And I just observed

, Jack the Ripper's ring finger on his right hand is unusually thin, indicating that he has been wearing a small ring.

These two rings are the symbol of the parent-child relationship between the victim, Honey Charles, and Jack the Ripper. "

Ran Mao Li looked a little sad: "Then Jack the Ripper's motive for killing comes from the resentment of his mother who abandoned him... It's really sad."

Conan continued to reason: "The first victim, Jack the Ripper committed it to blur the police's vision, and the third and fourth victims were educated by Professor Moriarty, who trained Jack the Ripper to become a criminal with an abnormal personality. Even though the hatred for his mother has been avenged, he still continues to attack women who look very similar to his mother.

Therefore, this ring represents Jack the Ripper's obsession with his mother. As long as you have this ring, you can suppress Jack the Ripper, right Hiroki?"

Hiroki smiled and nodded: "You are really worthy of you, a famous detective. "

Curacao interrupted, "Since we know it's a ring, let's go find it quickly. I'm afraid we won't have a chance to find it later."

Curacao glanced at Kamiya Minetsuki.

During Conan's reasoning, Kamiya Minetsuki was under fierce fire from Jack the Ripper.

But Kamiya Minetsuki relied on his abnormal reaction speed to dodge the fire while approaching Jack the Ripper.

Now Kamiya Minetsuki has grabbed Jack the Ripper's bazooka, and with his other hand he grabbed Jack the Ripper's right hand to prevent him from pulling the trigger.

Kamiya Minetsuki's eyes were red, and he held the bazooka tightly.

"This is mine! Give me my weapon back! Let go! Sissy! "

Jack the Ripper was not to be outdone, he also held the bazooka tightly, and then kicked Kamiya Minatsuki with his feet.

The two now had their hands occupied by the bazooka, and they kicked each other with their legs.

But because Jack the Ripper now had Kamiya Minatsuki's combat template, the two sides could not break the moves for a while.

Curacao felt that whether the bazooka was held by Jack the Ripper or Kamiya Minatsuki, it was not good news for them.

Although Hiroki was protecting them now, he would not protect them when they started looking for the ring later.

Conan, Mao Lilan and Curacao immediately got down from the top of the carriage and began to disperse, looking for the ring in each carriage.

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