The two of them were in a state of panic, and the two were in a state of panic.

In the woods outside the abandoned factory on the outskirts of Beihua Town.

Kamiya Minazuki sat in the back seat, holding two pistols in his hands, pointing them at the back of Conan and Dr. Agasa's heads respectively.

Because they were threatened and could not turn their heads, Conan and Dr. Agasa had no idea that this 'vodka' was Kamiya Minazuki.

Conan secretly made small movements by himself and quietly turned on the device of the watch.

Kamiya Minazuki hit Conan's head with the butt of the gun again, and a small bag appeared on the big bag on Conan's head.

"Dare to make small movements? It seems that you really think that the thing in my hand is a toy?"

Kamiya Minazuki fired directly at the car window.

The car window shattered, and the smell of gunpowder entered Conan and Dr. Agasa's noses.

Conan and Dr. Agasa shook at the same time.

Kamiya Minazuki sneered and said, "Now you should know who controls your life. Now, call Itakura Taku and ask him to answer the phone!"

Conan and Dr. Agasa broke out in cold sweats. How could a dead person answer the phone?

Conan argued: "We were only commissioned by Mr. Itakura to put a software in the abandoned factory. He didn't leave us a phone number to contact him. We really don't know anything. My grandfather and I didn't see your face, and we are no threat to you at all. Killing us must be very troublesome for you. We will never call the police when we leave!"

Kamiya Minazuki sneered: "Troublesome? Not at all. Look around. This is a place where no one lives. Few people will come here. Killing you two, when your bodies are found by others, you may have rotted into a pile of bones.

I'll give you one last chance. Do you want to make the call or not? I'll count to five. If you don't make the call, you two will just die!"

"1! 2!..."

Conan squeezed his poor brain cells and thought about what to do next.

When he counted to '4', Conan suddenly shouted: "Wait! Mr. Itakura knows a lot about you! If we don't meet with Mr. Itakura within an hour, he will send an email with the information about your organization to the Metropolitan Police Department!"

Kamiya Minazuki pretended to be attracted and said in surprise: "Oh? Itakura Taku knows about us? Tell me, what do you know?"

Conan can only survive now.

If he tells the organization's affairs, he may not survive, but in this situation, he can only delay time as much as possible.

And now it seems that 'Vodka' has indeed been delayed.

"I don't know anything, it's Mr. Itakura who knows. If we don't meet with Mr. Itakura, he will send the information to the Metropolitan Police Department, and you will be distressed, right? In fact, there is no point in killing us here, it will only cause you trouble!"

"Just now you said you couldn't call Taku Itakura, and now you want to meet with Taku Itakura, are you kidding me!"

Kamiya Minatsuki hit Conan's head with the butt of the gun again.

Another small bump appeared on the two bumps on Conan's head.

Conan covered his head tightly in pain.

What's wrong with this vodka, why does he like to hit his head so much!

This feeling... It's like Maori Kogoro and Kamiya Minatsuki are playing mixed doubles against him.

Conan defended himself, "I really can't call Mr. Itakura, but we have agreed on a location with Mr. Itakura! The software is in the factory, and your goal is the software, right? In fact, there is no accident in your transaction, and you can still get the software. There is no need to kill us here to make trouble!"

"It seems that you are still not telling the truth. Why, do you think I, Vodka, am too stupid and want to bully me in various ways?"

Kamiya Minazuki pressed the button of a device in the palm of his hand, and a violent explosion occurred in the woods not far away, and flames were everywhere in an instant.

Kamiya Minazuki said sinisterly, "Did you see it? The next explosion will not be far away! I also installed a bomb on this car! Do you really think we don't know that Itakura Taku is dead? The organization sent me here to get rid of those who used Itakura Taku's identity to trade with us!

Don't worry, after killing you two this time, everyone around you will not be spared, Kudo Shinichi!"

Conan and Dr. Agasa's pupils were huge


Vodka actually knows Kudo Shinichi!

Doesn't that mean that the organization already knows his true identity? !

Kamiya Minetsuki continued to scare Conan: "Kudo Yusaku, Kudo Yukiko, Maori Ran, Maori Kogoro... It seems that Shirley is also in this old man's house?"

Every time Kamiya Minetsuki said a name, Conan and Dr. Agasa trembled.

Those who didn't know would think that the car was leaking electricity and the two were electrocuted.

When Kamiya Minetsuki said that Shirley was in Dr. Agasa's house, Conan and Dr. Agasa were completely stunned.

What intelligence did the Black Organization know?

Kamiya Minetsuki said coldly: "The organization also knows that Jinmaijiu is very close to you. In this case, I will let Jinmaijiu come and execute you! Don't worry, not only Jinmaijiu will come, but other members of the organization will supervise him to execute you."

Kamiya Minetsuki pretended to take out his mobile phone and pressed a few keys.

Conan and Dr. Agasa, who were still filled with despair, suddenly felt a glimmer of hope.

But when they heard that other members of the organization would supervise Kamiya Minetsuki, Conan and Dr. Agasa's hearts sank to the bottom.

Now, Kamiya Minetsuki can no longer be counted on.

Conan has already planned to fight. He has an anesthetic needle. When Vodka calls and relaxes his vigilance, he will use the anesthetic needle to anesthetize "Vodka".

I just don't know if the anesthetic needle will take effect on "Vodka" immediately. If it takes effect a step later, he may be shot in the head.

But now Conan, who is in a desperate situation, can only gamble.

"Hey, Golden Barley, where are you now?"

It's at this moment!

Just when Conan was about to turn around, Conan heard an unbelievable voice.

"Ah, I'm playing on the computer in the office! What do you want from me!"

"Come to the abandoned factory now to deal with an old man and a lecherous kid, you should understand."

"I'll be there right away! I've been annoyed with them for a long time!"


Dr. Agasa and Conan turned their heads in disbelief at the same time.

They saw Kamiya Minatsuki, who was directing and performing a double act with a voice-changing bow.

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