The battle was over, and the battle was over.

Ran Maori, Conan and Vermouth left the center of the battlefield.

For Minatsuki Kamiya, the game had just reached its climax.

At this time, the Japanese Self-Defense Forces had once again dispatched armed helicopters to the sky above Keihin Port.

This time, Minatsuki Kamiya did not use graphite rockets to paralyze these armed helicopters.

Minatsuki Kamiya came to the highest container, and after creating smoke again with smoke grenades, a grappling hook appeared in his hand.

Minatsuki Kamiya aimed at the helicopter closest to him and pulled the trigger of the grappling hook.

The claw hook was wrapped around the landing gear of the helicopter.

Minatsuki Kamiya pulled the trigger again.

The grappling hook gun began to shrink, and Kamiya Minetsuki took off into the air with the help of the grappling hook gun, rising continuously.

When the grappling hook gun shrank to its limit, Kamiya Minetsuki climbed the landing gear and flipped into the helicopter.

Kamiya Minetsuki took out a pistol and shot all the Japanese Self-Defense Force members in the helicopter in the head, except for the helicopter pilot.

Then Kamiya Minetsuki took out a collar and put it around the pilot's neck.

Kamiya Minetsuki grabbed the driver's hair and asked coldly: "This collar is a bomb. Do you want to live?"

"Yes... I want to live... I don't want to die..."

"That's right. Looking at you, this should be your first time to participate in such a battle?"

The driver nodded timidly: "I have been training at the base. This is my first mission..."

"You are really a poor little thing. I can let you live, but you have to obey my command. Do you understand?"

"Understand... Understand..."

"Very good! Raise the height of the helicopter!"

The driver obeyed Kamiya Minetsuki's command, pulled the operating lever, and continued to climb.

Kamiya Minetsuki called a stop until the height exceeded that of all helicopters.

"Now fix this height! Then hover over Keihin Port!"

Kamiya Minetsuki stood at the hatch of the helicopter, overlooking the scenery below, and the smile on his face gradually became morbid.

"Next, the game is just about to have fun!"

Kamiya Minetsuki used a cluster rocket, aimed at the bottom and pulled the trigger.

The steel balls of the cluster rockets were scattered and shot downward like flowers from heaven.

A large number of steel balls were shot at the helicopters below, and several helicopters exploded directly, and several helicopters were also crashed.

Kamiya Minatsuki took out an XM214 Gatling machine gun and two boxes of ammunition.

After loading the ammunition into the magazine, Kamiya Minatsuki pointed the muzzle at the crowd below.

The barrel of the machine gun began to rotate, and the bullets poured down rapidly.

The dense bullets directly killed a group of members of the Japanese Self-Defense Force.

"Da Da Da..."


The sound of bullets fired, coupled with Kamiya Minatsuki's creepy laughter, made the helicopter pilot tremble.

New members of the Japanese Self-Defense Forces continued to join the battlefield and launched a fierce attack on the helicopter where Kamiya Minatsuki was.

Kamiya Minatsuki kept switching weapons to bombard.

This made the FBI such as Akai Shuichi much less stressed.

Shuichi Akai began to command the surviving members of the FBI, using the heavy weapons left by Kamiya Minetsuki to cover each other and prepare to jump into the river for evacuation.

Although most of the FBI members died in the intensive exchange of fire between the Japanese Self-Defense Forces and Kamiya Minetsuki, a small number of FBI members including Shuichi Akai and Judy successfully jumped into the river and evacuated.

With the evacuation of the FBI represented by Shuichi Akai, Kamiya Minetsuki and the Japanese Self-Defense Forces are now the only ones left on the main battlefield.

"This feeling... I can't stop!"

Kamiya Minetsuki's eyes became bloodshot due to excitement.

The barrel of the machine gun in his hand has become red due to the non-stop shooting.

And Kamiya Minetsuki also underestimated the pilot of this helicopter.

This pilot was able to use his skilled driving skills to avoid the attack of the Japanese Self-Defense Forces below, which greatly relieved Kamiya Minetsuki's pressure.

But this pilot seemed to have some mental problems.

"I want to escape! I want to escape..."

The helicopter pilot, whose spirit was close to collapse, ignored Kamiya Minatsuki's orders and directly drove the helicopter away from Keihin Port.

Kamiya Minatsuki pressed the pilot's head heavily on the operating table.

Kamiya Minazuki said viciously: "Do you think you will be alright if you escape? You are my accomplice now! Whether you are held hostage by me or not, you will be responsible for the deaths below!"

The driver was so scared that his nose and tears came out: "I don't want to... you are forcing me!"

"I force you? I have never forced you. Isn't it easy for you to stop me? Wouldn't it be better to just die? But you didn't do that, which means your determination is not that strong!"

Kamiya Minazuki began to oppress and brainwash the driver: "The people below are not actually your companions. They know that you have been held hostage by me, but they still attack this helicopter, which means that they have given up on you and you are a dispensable existence.

And I am the one who has been with you until now. I am your companion. I have been protecting you all the time! Look, have you been hurt?

My companion, tell me your name."

"Yamashita... Tetsuya." Yamashita Tetsuya choked up and said his name.

Kamiya Minazuki held Yamashita Tetsuya in his arms: "Tetsuya, there is nothing to be afraid of. When you live, you must live a glorious life. Otherwise, it would be a waste of time.

They abandoned you. You should take revenge on them! Take revenge on the whole of Japan! Let your name resound throughout Japan! Let everyone remember your name!

And now is your chance! If you don't seize this opportunity, you will never have another chance, because they will not let you go. You will die like the people below, meaningless, and then... After being buried in an unknown place, forgotten, do you want to be forgotten? "

Yamashita Tetsuya sobbed: "No... I don't want to... I don't want to die... I don't want to be forgotten..."

Kamiya Minatsuki shouted with blood boiling: "Then let's do it! Tell them loudly! Who are you! Declare war on them! Declare war on the whole of Japan!"

The eyes of Yamashita Tetsuya, whose spirit had completely collapsed, showed the same madness as Kamiya Minatsuki. He picked up the walkie-talkie and announced to everyone with hysterical roars.

"My name is Yamashita Tetsuya! All of you remember my name! I want to declare war on you! Declare war on the whole of Japan! You don't let me live! You don't want to live!"

Kamiya Minatsuki patted Yamashita Tetsuya on the shoulder with relief, and then took out five shells and put them in the helicopter.

These five shells are depleted uranium shells.

Although depleted uranium bombs are not nuclear bombs, they are often called "quasi-nuclear bombs" because, like nuclear bombs, they have very strong radioactivity and chemical properties.

Kamiya Minetsuki said to Yamashita Tetsuya: "You are now only one step away from becoming a legend in Japan. You will soon become a true legend. Everyone will remember your name. Tetsuya, drive this helicopter and dive into the crowd. Are you afraid?"

Yamashita Tetsuya laughed morbidly: "I'm not afraid! I'm not afraid at all! Because I will become a legend soon! Haha...hahaha!"

"Okay! Then go, Tetsuya! Start your legendary journey!"

Kamiya Minetsuki carried the helicopter's parachute bag and prepared to parachute.

Yamashita Tetsuya asked: "My companion, what is your name?"

"Edogawa Conan!"

"Conan! Thank you! I found myself today! Please let everyone know my deeds! Goodbye!"

"I, Edogawa Conan, keep my word! Goodbye, Tetsuya!"

Kamiya Minatsuki jumped off the helicopter.

Yamashita Tetsuya drove the helicopter back to Keihin Port, bravely dived down directly, and rushed into the crowd of Japanese Self-Defense Forces.

Kamiya Minatsuki, who had opened his parachute and was floating in the air, looked at the explosion in the distance, and his smile never stopped.

"Everyone... go to hell!"

XM214 Gatling machine gun

Depleted uranium bomb

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