The weather was very hot, but the weather was very hot.

It was drizzling in Beihua Town.

"Graybara, what happened that day? You must know something. Just tell me!"

Conan pestered Graybara Ai, hoping that she would tell him what she knew that day.

Graybara Ai rolled her eyes: "I've told you many times that I don't know anything. That night, I didn't even leave the house. How could I know anything?"

Graybara Ai was like a dead pig that was not afraid of boiling water. No matter how Conan pestered her, she just said three words, 'I don't know'.

"Hey, isn't this the famous Junior Detective Team? Did you just get out of school?"

Hearing this familiar voice, Graybara Ai shuddered and quickly hid behind the electric pole.

"Brother Kamiya, why are you here?"

Genta, Ayumi and Mitsuhiko surrounded Kamiya Minetsuki.

Kamiya Minetsuki said with a smile: "I'm going to have a drink to reward my hard work these days."

Conan and Haibara Ai's scalps tingled when they heard this.

Reward for the hard work these days?

The hard work of killing people?

Genta said disappointedly: "It's a pity, my mother prepared eel rice for me today, otherwise I would have gone with Brother Kamiya."

Mitsuhiko and Ayumi also began to agree.

"Today, the new episode of Kamen Rider will be broadcast, I have to go and watch it."

"Yesterday, my father bought me a princess castle model, and I have to go home and build it."

Conan and Haibara Ai's eyes twitched.

Did the bad guy Kamiya Minetsuki invite you? Are you so regretful?

Kamiya Minetsuki, who was in a very good mood, patted Genta, Ayumi and Mitsuhiko on the head, and said with a smile: "I'll treat you to a drink next time~"

"Okay! Thank you, big brother Kamiya!"

Conan and Haibara Ai were completely speechless.

Did you hear it clearly?

Kamiya Minetsuki is treating you to a drink! Not a delicious meal!

Because it was on the way, Kamiya Minetsuki accompanied the little kids for a while.

Conan stared at Kamiya Minetsuki's back, with a lot of questions in his mind.

But Conan didn't want to ask Kamiya Minetsuki.

Because Conan knew that Kamiya Minetsuki would most likely not answer him.

And now what Conan really thought in his heart was whether it would be successful to attack Kamiya Minetsuki from behind.

As if foreseeing something, Kamiya Minetsuki turned his head and grinned at Conan: "Big head, did you have fun the past few days?"

Conan turned his head away: "Tsk!"

Then Kamiya Minetsuki raised his eyebrows towards Haibara Ai and said to her with his mouth: "Happy cooperation."

Hahahara Ai had already covered her face, her head ached.

At this time, a memorial service was being held on the street.

This memorial service was mourning those who died in the collapse of Tokyo Tower.

People in the crowd kept coming up to the stage to give speeches, and the people in the audience were sobbing.

Conan, Haibara Ai, Genta, Ayumi and Mitsuhiko looked extremely heavy.

Mitsuhiko said sadly: "Although the news has not reported the exact number of casualties after the collapse of Tokyo Tower, as a tourist attraction, the number of casualties must be countless."

Genta shrugged his head and said: "It's really pitiful. These people will never be able to eat eel rice again."

Ayumi suggested: "Let's go home and fold some paper cranes as a memorial."

Ayumi's suggestion was immediately agreed by Genta and Mitsuhiko.

Conan and Huihara Ai smiled with relief, and also planned to fold some paper cranes after returning home to commemorate the dead.

Huihara Ai planned to fold all night to reduce the guilt in her heart.

Kamiya Minatsuki said casually: "Since you want to fold, help me fold some, just in time to decorate my office."

Genta, Ayumi and Mitsuhiko agreed immediately, thinking that Kamiya Minatsuki was also commemorating the dead.

Conan and Huihara Ai looked at Kamiya Minatsuki with contempt.

The one who should fold the paper cranes himself should be Kamiya Minatsuki!

Kamiya Minatsuki glanced at Conan and Haibara Ai: "What are you two looking at?"

Kamiya Minatsuki shook his shoulders: "Today I will let you see how much pain my heart is in!"

Kamiya Minatsuki pushed through the crowd, walked to the stage of the memorial service, and snatched the microphone from the host.

Conan and Haibara Ai's eyelids twitched. What did Kamiya Minatsuki want to do again?

Kamiya Minatsuki held the microphone in his right hand, grabbed his chest with his left hand, and shouted loudly:

"Ah! It hurts! It hurts so much! It hurts

It's so breathtaking~

Why did the disaster come so suddenly, so unexpectedly? We didn't even say goodbye properly, and in the blink of an eye, we were separated forever.

I have lost my love forever, and everything around me is ruined. My heart is as dead as a tree!

Ah~ It hurts~

Conan and Haibara Ai stared at Kamiya Minazuki performing on the stage in amazement.

How can there be such a shameless person in this world!

And Genta, Mitsuhiko and Ayumi were so moved that they began to sob.

"I didn't expect Kamiya to be so sad..."

"Yes, Kamiya disguised himself with a smile, but it turns out that he was in so much pain."

"Wow~ Kamiya is such a good person! "

Conan and Huihara Ai collapsed and grabbed their hair.

This is fake, it's all fake!

Don't be fooled!

The people in the audience were also infected by Kamiya Minatsuki, and they were all in tears.

The host wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes with a tissue and said, "Sir, you are so sad. Your family must have died in this disaster. Many people here have the same experience as you. Please be patient and live your life with hope!"

"Ah? Then I'm not as unlucky as you. I'm going to leave~"

Kamiya Minatsuki handed the microphone to the host and left the crowd.

Everyone's eyes turned into small eyes, and some people even had snot hanging down.

This contrast is really unexpected.

What kind of mood should they be in now to continue to attend the memorial service?

Kamiya Minatsuki came to Conan and others, straightened his chest and asked, "How about it, now you should know how much pain I feel in my heart, right? "

Conan and Haibara Ai have rolled their eyes to the limit.

And Genta, Ayumi and Mitsuhiko can't tell whether Kamiya Minetsuki is really in pain or just pretending to be in pain.

It's the fork in the road.

"Well, I'm going home from here. See you tomorrow!"

Ayumi said goodbye to everyone and ran towards home.

The izakaya that Kamiya Minetsuki was going to was not far ahead.

Just when Kamiya Minetsuki said goodbye to Conan and the others and entered the izakaya, they suddenly heard a scream.

"That's Ayumi's voice!"

When Kamiya Minetsuki and the others arrived, they only saw a few passers-by and Ayumi sitting on the ground in panic.

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