The two sides of the river were in chaos.

Kaito Kid successfully landed at the end of the port of Sakimori Pier with Kamiya Minazuki.

But now Kamiya Minazuki was holding a pistol against Kaito Kid's forehead, asking Kaito Kid to take off his pants and give it to him.

Kaito Kid's forehead went dark: "I only have this pair of pants now, what should I wear if I give it to you?"

"I don't care, weren't you laughing happily just now? Keep laughing! Take it off immediately! I'm not kidding!"

Kaito Kid fired a shot into the sky, threatening Kaito Kid.

Kaito Kid began to untie his belt in frustration, took off his pants, and handed them to Kamiya Minazuki.

When the cold wind blew, Kaito Kid shuddered.

Kamiya Minetsuki glanced at Kaito Kid's pants and said sarcastically: "You are still wearing pants with bears printed on them, you are so childish!"

Kaito Kid blushed and retorted: "You are the same! Wearing flowery pants, you look like a stuffy man at first glance!"

Kamiya Minetsuki glared at Kaito Kid: "Little brat, do you know what taste is?"

Kamiya Minetsuki put on Kaito Kid's pants, and the whole person suddenly felt smooth.

Kaito Kid glanced at the plane in the sky: "They are about to land, move faster."

Kamiya Minetsuki took out a thermobaric bomb: "The high-pressure shock wave generated by a thermobaric bomb should be enough to force the plane to stop."

Kaito Kid was stunned when he saw the thermobaric bomb.

Where did Kamiya Minetsuki take out the thermobaric bomb from?

Kamiya Minetsuki had no pants just now, and such a large thermobaric bomb hidden on his body would definitely have flaws.

Moreover, Kaito Kid discovered that the thermobaric bomb seemed to have suddenly appeared in Kamiya Minetsuki's hand.

Not only that, when he was flying with Kamiya Minetsuki just now, Kamiya Minetsuki's weight was quite normal, the weight of a normal adult male, and he should not have carried such a weapon.

At first, Kaito Kid thought Kamiya Minetsuki was going to use weapons like C4 bombs, but he didn't expect it to be a thermobaric bomb.

This is no longer magic, this is magic!

A figure with burgundy hair appeared in Kaito Kid's mind.

Koizumi Akako.

Kaito Kid immediately regained his composure: "You are using a rocket launcher to launch a thermobaric bomb, right? But how do you launch it? When this thermobaric bomb explodes, it needs to be at least one thousand meters away from the aircraft. If it is detonated too close, the head of the aircraft may be directly blown up. Is the range of the rocket launcher not enough?"

Kamiya Minazuki took out another C4 bomb and placed it next to the thermobaric bomb: "As long as the C4 is detonated at a fixed point in the distance, the thermobaric bomb will be detonated at the same time. So you need to observe the distance between the aircraft and the thermobaric bomb in the sky. When the distance is one thousand meters, remind me to detonate the C4."

Kaito Kid nodded, took out an earphone and threw it to Kamiya Minazuki: "Then I will take you away from this area now, and then I will hover in the air to observe. When the distance is enough, I will notify you to detonate."

Kamiya Minazuki caught the earphone and put it in his ear: "Then let's go."

Kaito Kid grabbed Kamiya Minazuki's shoulder again and jumped off the port.

The sea breeze lifted the two of them up and flew into the sky.

The cold wind made Kaito Kid feel that the hair on his legs was about to freeze.

After bringing Kamiya Minetsuki to a hilltop, Kaito Kid pointed at his pants on Kamiya Minetsuki's lower body and said, "Can you give me back my pants? It's cold when flying."

Kamiya Minetsuki urged impatiently, "I gave it to you, so I won't be cold? Don't dream, go!"

Kaito Kid's lips moved slightly. Although I didn't know what he wanted to say, I knew it was not a good thing to see Kaito Kid's expression.

Kaito Kid unfolded his glider again and flew into the sky with the help of the strong wind.

Kamiya Minetsuki sat down on the spot, observing the plane in the sky, holding the button in his hand, ready to detonate the bomb at any time.

Conan on the plane informed Maori Kogoro and Maori Ran in the voice of Kudo Shinichi: "Xiao Ran, uncle, you can prepare for landing."

Mauri Kogoro and Maori Ran were excited and asked: "What should we do next?"

"Uncle, you control the joystick and turn it left."

Mauri Kogoro turned the joystick to the left, and the plane began to turn around.

Just as Conan was teaching Maori Kogoro and Maori Ran how to operate the plane to prepare for landing, a policeman in a police car in Muroran discovered Kaito Kid hovering in the sky.

"Officer Nakamori! We found Kaito Kid, hovering over Sakimori Pier!"


Officer Nakamori couldn't believe it, because they were now chasing a 'Kaito Kid' in a car.

If the Kaito Kid hovering over Sakimori Pier was real, then the Kaito Kid they were chasing was fake!

Officer Nakamori had already felt something was wrong, because according to his rich experience in catching Kaito Kid, if Kaito Kid wanted to escape, he should use a hang glider to escape, not drive away.

"Officer Nakamori, this Kaito Kid is not right!"

"What's wrong?!"

"I found through the telescope that this Kaito Kid was only wearing a pair of shorts with a bear pattern, and no pants, and it seemed that Kaito Kid was shivering from the cold!"

Officer Nakamori's first reaction was that the Kaito Kid in the sky was fake.

Because Kaito Kid is a narcissist, he would never appear in public in a disheveled manner.

But Kaito Kidd was shaking, which meant that the person in the sky was real, not fake.

Officer Nakamori scratched his head in confusion: "Is Kidd performing some kind of performance art?"

"Officer Nakamori, what should we do?"

After thinking for two seconds, Officer Nakamori picked up the intercom and ordered: "Leave three cars to continue chasing! The rest of you and I will go to Sakimori Pier! Catch the Kaito Kidd who is only wearing pants! I want to catch both Kidds!"

In the cockpit of the plane.

Conan continued to command Maori Kogoro and Maori Ran.

"Xiao Ran, uncle, listen carefully, we are ready to land, uncle, maintain a 3-degree descent, Xiao Ran, you pull down the landing stick, and then pull up the wing stick!"

Maori Kogoro and Maori Ran obeyed the command and began to operate the plane to land.

"Pull up the nose now! Pull the thrust lever to the bottom! After the plane lands, reverse the engine, and then you, uncle, and Sonoko lie down under the operating table immediately!"

"Why?" Maori Kogoro, Maori Ran, and Suzuki Sonoko were puzzled. Why should they lie down under the operating table?

"Just listen to me and do it!"

Maori Kogoro and Maori Ran did it. After a bumpy ride, the plane successfully landed on the ground and began to glide forward.

In Kamiya Minatsuki's headset, the voice of Kaito Kid came: "Get ready!"

Kamiya Minatsuki stood up from the ground and responded: "Ah, I've been ready."

"100 meters...200 meters..."

When Kaito Kid counted to 400 meters, he shouted loudly: "Detonate!"

Kamiya Minatsuki instantly pressed the detonation button, and the C4 bomb at the end of the port of Sakimori Pier exploded, along with the thermobaric bomb.

A deafening explosion resounded throughout the entire Qishou Wharf, and flames burst out and shot up into the sky.

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