The plane has successfully landed at the Sakimori Pier.

Kamiya Minatsuki returned to the plane and walked towards the cockpit.

As soon as he entered the cockpit, he found Conan struggling to move Maori Kogoro, Maori Ran and Suzuki Sonoko.

"What happened to them?"

"They must have fainted from fear. Where's Kid?"


Conan looked at Kamiya Minatsuki, his lips moved slightly, wanting to thank Kamiya Minatsuki, but the words were on the tip of his tongue, and Conan just couldn't say them in his throat.

Conan saw Kamiya Minetsuki picking up an empty wine bottle and asked in confusion: "What are you doing?"

"Of course I'm waking up Uncle Maori."

Kamiya Minetsuki put the empty wine bottle next to Maori Kogoro's nose.

Maori Kogoro's nose began to move, and then he opened his eyes.

"Hey, Brother Kamiya?"

Conan's mouth twitched. This way of waking up was really simple and crude.

Maori Kogoro, whose mind was in a mess, gradually woke up and sat up suddenly: "Plane! Brother Kamiya! How's the plane?"

"Don't worry, Uncle Maori, the plane has stopped."

Maori Kogoro saw Maori Ran and Suzuki Sonoko who were unconscious beside him: "Ran!"

Conan explained: "Sister Xiaolan and Sister Sonoko just fainted."

Maori Kogoro breathed a sigh of relief.

But Maori Kogoro, who was startled, suddenly stood up again.

"Eri! You must not get into trouble!"

Mouri Kogoro rushed out of the cab and went to find his wife.

Kamiya Minatsuki saw his pants in the cab, walked up, took out the phone and cigarettes from his pants, and lit one for himself.

Kamiya Minatsuki glanced at Conan: "You kid shouldn't have tampered with my phone, right?"

Conan was stunned for a moment, and suddenly hit his head hard.

Why didn't he think of it!

Kamiya Minatsuki has two mobile phones, and the black phone must have the contact number of the black organization members.

What a mistake!

Seeing Conan's reaction, Kamiya Minatsuki guessed that Conan should not have tampered.

At this time, Mao Li Ran woke up and saw Kamiya Minatsuki.

"Hey! Mr. Kamiya!"

Mao Li Ran was very surprised.

Kamiya Minazuki squatted in front of Mao Li Ran with a smile: "Xiaolan, are you okay?"

Mauri Ran nodded vigorously: "I'm fine, Mr. Kamiya."

Kamiya Minazuki's mouth was almost stretched to the back of his head: "It's great that you're okay. If you're okay, then I'm fine."

Mauri Ran looked at Kamiya Minazuki blankly, not knowing what was wrong with Kamiya Minazuki.


Kamiya Minazuki punched Mao Li Ran on the head.

Conan rushed to Ran Maori with distress: "Kamiya! What are you doing!"

Ran Maori covered her head and looked at Kamiya Minatsuki with tears in her eyes: "Mr. Kamiya, why did you hit me?"

"Hit you? Hitting you is a light punishment! It was so dangerous just now. You dared to hold my trouser legs and not let go, and forced me to loosen my belt. I flew in the air with my lower body naked for a long time. Do you know how cold it is outside?! My leg hair is almost frozen off, do you know?"

Ran Maori and Conan looked at Kamiya Minatsuki with their eyes.

Conan pursed his lips. He really couldn't refute this. What Ran Maori did just now was indeed very dangerous, and if he really stopped Kamiya Minatsuki from jumping off the plane, the plane might really be in danger.

Ran Mao Li pouted and said, "I'm sorry..."

Kamiya Minatsuki raised her fist: "If you dare to do that again next time, I will... uh... beat you up!"

Conan looked at Kamiya Minatsuki's pants with a strange expression: "Your pants... can't they belong to Kidd?"

Kamiya Minatsuki started to talk nonsense: "Yes, Kidd saw that I was shivering with cold, and immediately took off his pants to give them to me. I tried my best to refuse, but I didn't expect Kidd to be so nice and insisted on giving them to me. He got angry with me when I didn't want them. I had no choice but to accept Kidd's kindness. Look at what happened."

Don't talk about Conan, even Ran Mao Li didn't believe it at all.

At this time, Officer Nakamori and the police couldn't care about Kaito Kidd. Saving people was the most important thing, so they started to enter the plane to rescue the passengers.

Soon after, Officer Megure and others, firefighters and ambulances also rushed to Sakimori Pier.

When Kamiya Minatsuki and Conan left the plane, they saw a firefighter winking at the two of them.

Lower your eyes.

Kamiya Minazuki and Conan immediately recognized him as Kaito Kid.

Kaito Kid had put on his pants at this time.

Then Kaito Kid immediately disappeared into the crowd.

Conan saw Mao Li Ran sitting alone in the fire truck, accompanying Suzuki Sonoko who was too frightened and had not yet woken up.

Conan immediately ran to the corner and called Mao Li Ran using Kudo Shinichi's phone.

"Xiao Ran, it's me."

Hearing Kudo Shinichi's voice, Mao Li Ran happily called out: "Shinichi!"

Mao Li Ran began to talk about the thrilling moments on the plane, and Conan listened quietly with a smile on his face.

At the end, Mao Lilan said seriously: "Shinichi, I think I can't let my father hit Conan on the head anymore."

Conan was surprised and asked: "Why?"

"Because I was hit on the head by Mr. Kamiya just now, it really hurts, and there is a bump on my head, but Mr. Kamiya is really handsome. He jumped off the plane and cooperated with Kaito Kid to light up the pier so that the plane could land."

Conan laughed awkwardly: "Really... Then Xiaolan, let your uncle hit Conan on the head less in the future."

"But I'm very curious. I heard from Conan that Mr. Kamiya and Kid went to light up the Zaimori Pier, but why did the end of the port explode? The police said that if it weren't for the shock wave of the explosion, maybe our plane would rush out of the port and fall into the sea."

Conan looked at Kamiya Minazuki, who was squatting with Mao Li Kogoro smoking, and smiled "Maybe it's because God is helping us."

Ran Maori smiled knowingly: "Maybe."


Kogoro Maori suggested: "Brother Kamiya, what do you think of me taking the pilot's license test now?"

Minetsu Kamiya was surprised: "Ah? So suddenly?"

Kogoro Maori said proudly: "Of course, I feel I have a talent for flying a plane, and I already know how to fly. In the future, I will have one more pilot in my resume, and maybe I can attract more commissions!"

Minetsu Kamiya encouraged: "In that case, Uncle Maori, give it a try. Maybe you can fly a fighter in the future!"

"Sure enough, only brother Kamiya will support me. I just told Eri about my idea, but she hit me hard!"

Kogoro Maori laughed a few times and patted Minetsu Kamiya's shoulder hard.

The place where Maori Kogoro took the photo was exactly where Kamiya Minetsuki's injured shoulder was, which made Kamiya Minetsuki gasp.

Maori Kogoro asked in confusion: "Brother Kamiya, what's wrong with you?"

Kamiya Minetsuki said casually: "Maybe the plane was bumpy just now and hurt my shoulder."

"Why didn't you say it earlier!"

Maori Kogoro threw the half-smoked cigarette on the ground and hurried to find a doctor for Kamiya Minetsuki.

After the doctor gave Kamiya Minetsuki a simple bandage, Officer Megure arranged two police cars to take them to the nearest hotel to rest.

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