The sky was dark and the weather was very hot.

It was a dark and windy night.

Kamiya Minazuki was walking towards the Togo Shrine.

At the gate of the Togo Shrine, some people wanted to enter the Togo Shrine, but were stopped outside by the combat troops.

There was a slight friction and conflict between the two sides.

Suddenly there was a "boom".

The small hill where Kamiya Minazuki was standing before exploded.

Everyone's eyes were attracted by the explosion.

The light of the searchlight completely lit up the hillside.

A team armed with live ammunition walked cautiously towards the hillside where the explosion occurred.

And the other members of the combat troops were all on guard around the Togo Shrine.

At this time, Kamiya Minetsuki had already mixed into the crowd when the explosion sounded, attracting everyone's attention.

Kamiya Minetsuki, wearing a mask, was too conspicuous in the crowd.

Several people saw Kamiya Minetsuki.

"The Master of Life and Death!"

Kamiya Minetsuki said with a smile: "My performance has begun!"

In the crowd, a large number of smoke bombs generated smoke, and the smoke spread to the crowd.

The combat troops aimed their weapons into the smoke, but no one dared to shoot.

Because the smoke was full of people, and there were journalists filming the whole process, they could not and dared not open fire.

But Kamiya Minetsuki had no such concerns.

A large number of fragmentation grenades and smoke bombs with bolts pulled out were thrown out from the smoke.

Seeing the appearance of the grenades, the combat troops shouted:

"Disperse! Lie down!"

The explosions continued one after another.

The large amount of smoke from the smoke bombs enveloped the Togo Shrine.

Now the combat troops can only passively defend because of the people. A combat commander contacted the upper level and asked what to do with the current situation.

The upper level issued the latest order.

Use tear gas to drive away the people gathered at Togo Shrine.

The combat troops of Togo Shrine immediately used tear gas to disperse the crowd.

Kamiya Minetsuki, who was in the smoke, had already touched the rear of the combat troops.

Now it is too easy for Kamiya Minetsuki to destroy Togo Shrine.

Just a few incendiary rockets can completely set Togo Shrine on fire.

But now, so many people are helping him create chaos. If he ends it directly with incendiary rockets, it would be too boring.

Moreover, Kamiya Minetsuki said that he would use their blood to dye his mask red.

Kamiya Minetsuki held a dagger in his left hand and a pistol in his right hand. In addition to wearing a mask, he also wore a thermal imaging night vision goggles and began to kill in the darkness shrouded by smoke.

The blades and bullets turned into the sickles of the god of death, harvesting lives.

Every time Kamiya Minetsuki took a step, a life was harvested.

The splattering blood made Kamiya Minetsuki feel like he was bathing in a blood bath, with blood dripping from his body.

The commotion in the rear alerted the combat troops.

As an elite special assault force, the SAT also began to counterattack Kamiya Minetsuki wearing thermal imaging night vision goggles.

Bullets poured in the direction of Kamiya Minetsuki.

Kamiya Minetsuki rolled to the back of a car, and several flash bombs appeared in his hand. After pulling the bolt, he threw them into the combat troops.

The strong and super-strong light made the combat troops' thermal imaging night vision goggles suddenly freeze and black screen like a computer screen, and lost their function.

Then Kamiya Minetsuki took out a 69-type jumping explosive steel ball rocket, loaded it in the rocket launcher, and fired it at the SAT combat troops.

The rocket exploded in the crowd.

Countless steel balls scattered, directly killing and injuring a large number of people.

After launching the rocket, Kamiya Minetsuki immediately changed his position.

In the smoke, Kamiya Minetsuki circled around the Togo Shrine, with explosions and gunshots coming one after another.

Kamiya Minetsuki, who had killed countless people, was covered in blood, sticky, and a little uncomfortable.

And Kamiya Minetsuki was not just circling around, he had placed a circle of bombs around the Togo Shrine that were enough to destroy the entire Togo Shrine.

"It's almost time to end, take a hot bath and have a comfortable sleep, but we have to randomly select lucky viewers to participate."

Kamiya Minetsuki looked around and selected a female reporter who was hiding behind a tree in the distance and quietly reporting live.

Kamiya Minetsuki fired two more missiles at the crowd of combat troops.

After throwing a few smoke bombs, the rocket quietly came to the side of the female reporter.

"Surprise! Are you surprised? Are you surprised?"

The female reporter and her colleague turned their heads stiffly and looked at Kamiya Minazuki, who was wearing a mask stained with blood. Their faces were immediately frightened and pale.

"Drama... fate master?!"

Kamiya Minazuki said with a smile: "Relax, you are the lucky audience selected by me today. You are filming me, right? Is it live broadcast?"

The female reporter nodded with a crying voice.

Kamiya Minazuki handed a button to the female reporter, then put his arm on the female reporter's shoulder, and appeared with her in front of her colleague's camera.

"Good evening, audience, we meet again. I am the dramatist. The scene must be very beautiful now!

The stage of Togo Shrine was trampled under my feet by my talent, but I also brought it to a new height!

The premiere is about to end. This female reporter is my lucky audience. I have handed her the button to destroy Togo Shrine, which will put a perfect end to this work.

Come on! Press it! Let Togo Shrine be completely annihilated in the flames!"

The female reporter was so scared that her nose and tears came out. If Kamiya Minetsuki hadn't grabbed her shoulders, she would have collapsed to the ground.

Kamiya Minetsuki put his ear to the female reporter and bewitched her: "There is no need to have any psychological pressure. When you press this button, your life will be sublimated. It is such an outstanding and wonderful art scene. You can participate in it. This is your honor in this life."

Kamiya Minetsuki gently lifted the female reporter's hand holding the button and kissed her gently with the mouth of the mask elegantly.

"My dear, art should shock people. Let's hold a curtain call for this play."

The female reporter stared at Kamiya Minatsuki's mask blankly, and a different kind of emotion emerged in her heart.

While the female reporter was in a daze, she had already pressed the button in her hand unconsciously.

With a 'boom' sound.

The bombs placed by Kamiya Minatsuki around the Togo Shrine exploded at the same time.

The deafening explosion sounded throughout the Shibuya district of Tokyo.

The Togo Shrine was instantly annihilated in the explosion.

Kamiya Minatsuki grabbed his blood-stained mask with force, and bloody finger marks appeared on the mask, laughing crazily.

"Hahahaha... Cheers! The carnival of the premiere night! It ended successfully!"

Kamiya Minatsuki looked at the tearful face of the female reporter, stretched out his hand and gently wiped the tears of the female reporter.

"You are really lovable. You are the focus of everyone now. Hold your head high. Your mediocrity will be completely sublimated by my unparalleled talent. My performance will make you remembered by everyone. I hope I can see you again next time."

Kamiya Minatsuki disappeared into the darkness.

The female reporter stared at Kamiya Minatsuki's back in a daze, holding the clothes on her chest tightly with both hands.

Her eyes were filled with an emotion called "madness".

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