The two of them were in a state of panic, but the two sides were in a state of panic.

In Nagano Prefecture, in the rental house of Yuto Ohara.

Kamiya Minazuki started the live broadcast and invited all the viewers in the live broadcast room.

"I have hidden weapons in many places in Tokyo. As long as you see a red lotus mark, it means there are weapons in that place.

It may be a pistol, a rifle, a grenade, or even a rocket. In short, there are many types, and the quantity is sufficient.

And the destination of the carnival is Nogi Shrine!

Put on the mask, break through the defense of Akasaka District, enter Nogi Shrine, bring out the plaque of Nogi Shrine and give it to me.

Whoever brings out the plaque of Nogi Shrine and gives it to me first, then I will invite that person to attend the closing ceremony with me.

Under this curtain, everyone will be the protagonist, it will be the most important moment in your life, and your nature will be completely released! Create your own art!

The curtain is rising! Great beauty is coming! Our performance! It's started!"

Ohara Yuto was next to Kamiya Minazuki, looking at Kamiya Minazuki excitedly.

He had to participate in this grand carnival no matter what.

For nothing else!

Just thinking about being able to attend the closing ceremony with Kamiya Minetsuki made Yuto Ohara excited.

Kamiya Minetsuki ended the live broadcast, took off his mask, lit a cigarette, and smiled.

The other side has deployed a short-range air defense missile system and imposed martial law in the surrounding area, indicating that the other side is ready to use heavy firepower weapons.

Kamiya Minetsuki would not be stupid enough to rush in alone.

He is a madman, not a fool.

Kamiya Minetsuki laughed out loud and murmured, "Now, how should you deal with it?"

Kamiya Minetsuki stood up and said to Yuto Ohara, "Okay, I'm going to play, I'll drive your car away."

Yuto Ohara stood straight and wished, "Golden Barley Wine, no, Master of Destiny, I wish you all the best!"

Kamiya Minetsuki waved his hand, left Yuto Ohara's rental house, then took Yuto Ohara's car keys and drove his car away from Nagano Prefecture.


This live broadcast of Kamiya Minetsuki was not only seen by those users of the dark web, but also by the Japanese officials.

Everyone's face was pale.

They didn't expect that the Master of Life and Death would play such a trick to involve others in this battle.

In other words, now they will not only face the Master of Life and Death, but also a group of crazy 'Masters of Life and Death'.

The Japanese official leaders immediately ordered to search for the blood lotus sign in the whole Tokyo and find those weapons in advance.

And notify the combat troops in Akasaka District to be under martial law. As long as they find gun-wielding thugs wearing Master of Life and Death masks, they will be killed immediately.

The moment they picked up the weapons, they were already against the Japanese officials, and there was no need to hesitate.


After leaving Nagano Prefecture, Kamiya Minetsuki did not go to Tokyo's Akasaka District immediately.

Kamiya Minetsuki knew with his ass that the Japanese officials must have seen this live broadcast.

Those guys must have thought that his next goal was Nogi Shrine in Tokyo's Akasaka District, and they must have been struggling to make up for it.

Now Kamiya Minetsuki drove to Shizuoka Prefecture overnight.

Kamiya Minetsuki's next destination is the Koa Kannon Temple in Shizuoka Prefecture.

Yasukuni Shrine and Nogi Shrine are both in Tokyo.

Now outside the Tokyo area, only the Koa Kannon Temple is left.

Those spectators who want to participate in the carnival need time to get the weapons he placed. Kamiya Minetsuki decided to destroy the Koa Kannon Temple first, and then rush back to Tokyo to watch the big melee in Akasaka District.

"Tsk, I'm simply a master of time management!"

Kamiya Minetsuki drove the car and rushed towards Shizuoka Prefecture.


Amuro Toru, who was lying in the hospital, had a bandage wrapped around his right shoulder and a laptop on the bed.

The page on the laptop was a page on the dark web.

Amuro Toru also saw Kamiya Minetsuki's live broadcast just now.

Amuro Toru felt a little breathless, and the wound on his right shoulder was extremely painful.

Toru Amuro opened his phone, flipped through the address book, and stopped at a contact.

Shuichi Akai.

Before rescuing Akemi Miyano, Kamiya Minetsuki mistakenly thought that he wanted to attack Akemi Miyano, and attacked him like crazy, but it was Shuichi Akai who stopped him.

Maybe Shuichi Akai can stop Kamiya Minetsuki this time.


Toru Amuro was extremely reluctant to ask Shuichi Akai for help.

But he had no other

Any method can only be tried.

After preparing himself mentally, Toru Amuro called Shuichi Akai.

When the call was connected, Shuichi Akai's voice came: "What's the matter?"

Toru Amuro asked seriously: "What can you do to stop Golden Barley?"

"Stop Kamiya? What did he do?" Shuichi Akai didn't know that the fate master was Kamiya Minetsuki.

"Golden Barley is the fate master."

In a certain apartment, Shuichi Akai, who was leaning on a chair, heard the news and was so shocked that he almost fell off the chair.


Toru Amuro told Shuichi Akai the whole story.

Shuichi Akai was numb after hearing it.

The fate master who is now causing trouble in Japan is Kamiya Minetsuki.

Shuichi Akai was shocked, and there was a sense of inexplicable rationality.

Shuichi Akai asked with a complicated expression: "Why do you want to provoke Kamiya? You clearly know that his brain circuit is different from that of normal people."

Amuro Toru suppressed his anger and said: "Blowing up the Tokyo Tower and dropping depleted uranium bombs on Keihin Port, can I not look for him? He is too reckless. I just want to trade with him and want him to stop using heavy firepower weapons!"

After taking a deep breath, Toru Amuro said: "Do you have a way to stop Golden Barley?"

After a moment of silence, Shuichi Akai said: "It's impossible. He is completely in high spirits now. In this situation, no one can persuade Kamiya, and my face is not big enough to stop Kamiya.

The current battle is a battle between you Japanese officials and Kamiya. If I call to stop him, it is very likely that things will become more troublesome, and perhaps the FBI will be dragged into it by Kamiya."

After hearing Shuichi Akai say that it can't be done, Toru Amuro decisively hung up the phone.

Shuichi Akai leaned back in the chair and rubbed his swollen temples.

In the last battle at Keihin Port, Kamiya Minetsuki provided weapons to the FBI, not to help the FBI, but to get the FBI to join the melee.

If his face was useful, Kamiya Minetsuki would not have done this.

At that time, Akai Shuichi speculated whether the depleted uranium bomb was Kamiya Minetsuki's masterpiece.

Now that it has been confirmed by Amuro Toru, Akai Shuichi can no longer take risks.

Watching the report on TV, Akai Shuichi sighed.

Now whoever dares to provoke Kamiya Minetsuki will be in trouble.

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