The battle was over, and the battle was over.

Nogi Shrine in Akasaka District.

Now it is no longer a melee, but an attack and defense.

One side is the attacking side of the ‘Fate Masters’.

On the other side, the combat troops based in Nogi Shrine are the defending side.

The two sides started a fierce exchange of fire near the main gate of Nogi Shrine.

The sound of gunfire and rocket launches continued.

Under the effect of graphene bombs.

The power system in Akasaka District has been destroyed.

Now the source of the light is the flares continuously fired by the combat troops in Nogi Shrine.

Now, except for the weapons of both sides being thermal weapons, other high-tech products that use circuits to operate have been paralyzed.

Kamiya Minetsuki acted as the sixth man and had already sneaked into the Nogi Shrine.

Because the Nogi Shrine covers a very large area, it is not realistic to destroy the entire Nogi Shrine with a few rockets.

So in order to ensure that the entire Nogi Shrine is completely destroyed, Kamiya Minetsuki plans to place bombs of sufficient equivalent in various areas of the Nogi Shrine.

Now the combat troops' attention is all outside the main gate.

Kamiya Minetsuki sneaked in, and because of the low visibility, the nearest combat personnel could not find him even if they were only a dozen meters away.

Kamiya Minetsuki, holding a cigarette and with his hands in his pockets, wandered around the Nogi Shrine, and placed bombs of sufficient equivalent wherever he went.

"Hey! There is a battle going on at the main gate now, where are you going? Hurry up and go to support!"

Behind Kamiya Minetsuki, a combat personnel's scolding came.

Kamiya Minetsuki spit out the cigarette in his mouth, put on the mask, turned his head, looked at the combatant with a smile and said, "Okay~"

"The Master of Play!"

The combatant immediately picked up the gun and aimed at Kamiya Minetsuki, intending to shoot him.

The combatant's eyes suddenly became dazed, and Kamiya Minetsuki disappeared on the spot.

The combatant looked around, looking for Kamiya Minetsuki's figure.

Originally, the combatant should have notified his teammates at this time, but the radio failed and he could not contact his teammates.

After looking around, he did not find Kamiya Minetsuki, thinking that he had escaped, and the combatant planned to go and inform his teammates.

However, the combatant suddenly felt as if someone blew into his ear, and immediately turned around and saw a scene that frightened him.

The disappeared Kamiya Minetsuki was actually behind him.

"You looked up and down, left and right, why don't you want to look behind you? Your reaction speed is really too slow."

The gunshot sounded, and a blood hole appeared on the forehead of the combatant, and he fell straight to the ground.

The shrine, the Masamatsu Shrine, the treasure hall... the Nogi family ancestral shrine, the old Nogi residence, the Nogi Hall, etc.

Kamiya Minetsuki has walked through them all.

Now Kamiya Minetsuki has arrived at the main hall, the largest building of Nogi Shrine.

There are two tablets on the altar in the main hall.

Nogi Maresuke and Nogi Shizuko.

The deeds of the two are written on the monument next to them.

Kamiya Minetsuki curled his lips, took out a big treasure white phosphorus bomb and placed it on the altar, pressing the tablets of the two people on the bottom of the white phosphorus bomb.

Kamiya Minetsuki dipped his fingers in some of the blood splashed on his body and began to write on the body of the white phosphorus bomb.

"Kamiya Minetsuki, codenamed Golden Ale in the Black Organization, a famous detective, the number one dangerous person, the Napoleon of the criminal world, and a playwright.

So far, he has bombed the Sindor Manor, Tokyo Tower, Keihin Port, and London in the game.

Since February 28, he has destroyed Togo Shrine, Kodama Shrine, Tachibana Shrine, Giant Sugi Shrine, and Koa Kannon Temple. Today, he will destroy Nogi Shrine, and within the remaining eleven days, he will destroy Yasukuni Shrine."

After writing, Kamiya Minetsuki checked for typos, corrected a few typos, looked around, and nodded with satisfaction.

Kamiya Minetsuki left the main hall and walked towards the main entrance of Nogi Shrine, detonating bombs placed in several locations at the same time.

An explosion occurred inside Nogi Shrine, and the combat troops assembled at the main entrance suddenly panicked.

And this panic gave the "playwrights" outside the main gate an opportunity to immediately capture the main entrance.

The plaque of Nogi Shrine had fallen to the ground in the crossfire and was broken into pieces.

Many people grabbed the fragments of the plaque of Nogi Shrine from the ground.

The "Fate Masters" who grabbed the fragments laughed wildly.

The "Fate Masters" who didn't grab the fragments put their anger on the combat troops and wanted to rush into Nogi Shrine.

Because it is said

There may be plaques in Nogi Shrine.

Although the combat troops at this time had an explosion in Nogi Shrine, the main gate was captured, and they could only retreat to the inside of Nogi Shrine.

Suddenly, an explosion also occurred in the main gate.

The explosion separated the "playing masters" from the combat troops.

And Kamiya Minetsuki, wearing a mask, appeared from the firelight.

Kamiya Minetsuki said softly: "Let's go."

No one questioned Kamiya Minetsuki's identity, and they all looked at Kamiya Minetsuki with admiration.

Kamiya Minetsuki walked forward, and all the "playing masters" automatically made way and followed Kamiya Minetsuki closely.

After arriving at an absolutely safe area, Kamiya Minetsuki and all the "playing masters" stared at Nogi Shrine.

Kamiya Minetsuki opened his arms and shouted loudly: "Celebrate! Let's watch the end of Nogi Shrine together. This carnival tonight is destined to be our victory!"

The remaining bombs of Nogi Shrine exploded at the same time, and the detonated bombs also triggered the white phosphorus bombs in the main hall.

The yellow flames of the white phosphorus bombs splashed and scattered, and the whole Nogi Shrine was bathed in flames.

Even if the sound of the explosion was deafening, it could not cover the laughter of the "playing life masters".

After watching the Nogi Shrine bathed in flames for a while.

Kamiya Minetsuki turned around and looked at the people wearing the play-life master masks.

"I said before that whoever brings the plaque of Nogi Shrine to me, I will invite that person to attend the closing ceremony with me..."

Before Kamiya Minetsuki finished speaking, many people raised their hands, holding the fragments of the Nogi Shrine plaque tightly in their hands.

Kamiya Minetsuki smiled and praised: "So many people, they are really capable, but now everyone is gathered together as a fortune teller, the victory of this carnival belongs to everyone, so everyone present is actually eligible to participate in the final closing ceremony."

Hearing Kamiya Minetsuki say this, those who were disappointed because they did not snatch the fragments of the Nogi Shrine plaque became excited instantly.

Kamiya Minetsuki announced: "For the final Yasukuni Shrine, let us complete an unprecedented closing ceremony. Please look forward to it and wait for my invitation. Then, I will leave first."

"Fate teller! Fate teller! Fate teller!..."

Amid the cheers of the crowd, Kamiya Minetsuki officially left the scene.

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