Two days have passed.

The official has not made a decision yet.

Because it is divided into two factions at this time.

One faction intends to abandon the Yasukuni Shrine, compromise with the fortune teller, let the fortune teller win, and end this horror and thriller game.

The other faction intends to fight hard.

Because neutron bombs are highly lethal to humans, but they will not cause permanent radioactive contamination.

And they have rich experience in dealing with radioactive contamination.

However, because they don’t know where the fortune teller will put the neutron bombs and how many they will put, they will have to give up that part of the people.

And if they abandon the Yasukuni Shrine and let the fortune teller win, then the entire official will have a stain that can never be erased.

This may be the first time a country surrenders to a person.

And after it's over, they have to worry about the neutron bomb in the hands of the fortune teller all the time.

Moreover, although their country has the technology to produce nuclear weapons, it is not allowed to have nuclear weapons.

What if a terrorist has nuclear weapons that they don't have?

In the meeting room of the Metropolitan Police Department.

The two groups were arguing with each other, and they were about to fight.

The door of the meeting room suddenly opened, and everyone fell silent when they saw the person coming.

Because it was the Chief Cabinet Secretary of the Cabinet Office.

The Chief Cabinet Secretary is the second in command in the Cabinet Office, and his position can be said to be the leader among leaders.

The Chief Cabinet Secretary said solemnly: "After discussion in the Cabinet Office, a decision has been made. From now on! The combatants will withdraw from Chiyoda District!"

A person who supported the tough fight said in disbelief: "Why, do we really have to compromise with a terrorist?"

The Chief Cabinet Secretary explained: "In addition to the functions of the political center in Chiyoda District, the headquarters of many famous foreign companies are also located in the district. If there is a problem in Chiyoda District, those investors will lose confidence in us and will no longer invest.

Moreover, our official credibility has now dropped to an extreme. If we ignore the threat of neutron bombs and insist on going to war with the playwrights, and neutron bombs are detonated in other areas, causing a large number of casualties, we will be charged with the crime of ignoring the lives of the people, and our credibility will be completely destroyed.

We cannot bear such consequences, so giving up the Yasukuni Shrine is acceptable."

Another person in the meeting room said: "But if we give up the Yasukuni Shrine, If we destroy the Yasukuni Shrine, it means that we have compromised with a terrorist, and the people will still lose confidence in us. "

The Chief Cabinet Secretary said bluntly: "You are all being led by the fortune teller now. It is not likely to have any effect if you continue like this. Otherwise, you should have stopped him when he destroyed the first eight shrines.

Through the analysis during this period, the fortune teller's individual combat capability is extremely strong. It is easy for him to sneak into Chiyoda District and put a neutron bomb in the Yasukuni Shrine, so it is not certain that you can defend this last Yasukuni Shrine.

The most important thing now is not the fortune teller, but how to restore our credibility. As long as we guide public opinion and explain afterwards that we made this decision for the safety of the people, it will be fine.

Therefore, there must be no more major casualties now, otherwise it will increase the difficulty of guiding public opinion. "

The Chief Cabinet Secretary said this, which was equivalent to pointing at their noses and saying that they were useless.

All the people in the meeting room were well-known figures, and they all looked very ugly when they were said so.

But they couldn't refute it.

Eight of the nine shrines were destroyed, and the combat troops suffered heavy casualties. So far, they have only killed and captured some fanatics of the Ximingshi, and they don't know where the real Ximingshi is.

As the second-in-command of the Cabinet Office, the appearance of the Chief Cabinet Secretary here shows that the entire Cabinet Office is very dissatisfied with them.

It is very likely that after this incident, those who are demoted will be demoted, and those who are held accountable will be held accountable.


At this time, Kamiya Minetsuki was leaning against the wall of an empty alley and smoking silently.

From the cigarette butts under Kamiya Minetsuki's feet, it can be seen that he has been here for a while.

Kamiya Minetsuki just threw the cigarette butt on the ground and was about to renew it when a man with stockings on his head and a man carrying a sack ran over from a distance.

"Youxiang! You are finally here! Let me see your results."

Kamiya Minetsuki couldn't wait to come from

Yuto Ohara took the sack in his hand.

When he opened the sack, Kamiya Minatsuki's face fell.

The sack was filled with thousand-yuan bills, and the sack was very shallow, it looked like it might be less than 500,000 yen.

Yuto Ohara pulled off the stockings on his head and said helplessly: "There is no way. The staff of that bank said that this bank was robbed twice a day on average this month. Because it was robbed too many times, that bank now does not handle cash deposits and withdrawals, so there is only this much cash."

Yuto Ohara is also speechless now.

Kamiya Minatsuki thought robbing a bank was low, so he asked him to rob a bank.

At first, Yuto Ohara was very excited, thinking that he could help Kamiya Minatsuki more, and was ready to go to the bank to fill the sack.

But after he robbed, he found that the people in the bank were not afraid of him at all, and they took him to the vault to get money very enthusiastically.

Because these bank employees are used to being robbed.

After robbing for a long time, we only managed to get so little, which made us feel even lower.

No wonder none of the codename members in the organization wanted to rob a bank.

It was simply a downgrade.

Seeing Kamiya Minatsuki's disappointed expression, Ohara Yuto couldn't bear it and said, "How about... I try harder at other banks?"

Kamiya Minatsuki squatted down and took a depressed puff of cigarette: "Forget it, it seems that other banks are in a similar situation. It's just this little, not even enough to fill the gaps between teeth. It may be more than this if we find someone to make some money."

Ohara Yuto asked, "Then what should we do next?"

"What else can we do? Wait, wait until they evacuate Chiyoda District."

Ohara Yuto asked curiously, "Will they really evacuate? Of course, I don't doubt you, Golden Barley Wine. I doubt whether they will fight to the death with us."

Kamiya Minatsuki smiled and said, "To the death, it means They are already in a desperate situation, but they are far from being in a desperate situation now, so there is no need for them to fight to the death with us.

So far, I have only targeted those shrines and have not taken action outside the shrines. I have always abided by the rules of the game.

It was only when I arrived at the last Yasukuni Shrine that I threatened them with neutron bombs and asked them to evacuate all the combatants in Chiyoda District.

But I still only targeted the Yasukuni Shrine, which is still within the rules of the game.

So they will only find a way to make me continue to abide by the rules of the game, and the way to make me continue to abide by the rules of the game is to agree to my request. "

Kamiya Minazuki's eyes flashed with wisdom and confidence.

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